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Veterinarian here: ask me anything!

My dog (who I haven’t done sexual things with since im gay af) keeps running into doors,tables, and walls headfirst at full speed, along with when she sneezes hard enough she slams her face into the floor. Is there something wrong with her or is she just stupid?
My dog (who I haven’t done sexual things with since im gay af) keeps running into doors,tables, and walls headfirst at full speed, along with when she sneezes hard enough she slams her face into the floor. Is there something wrong with her or is she just stupid?

This intrigues me and makes me lol.
My dog (who I haven’t done sexual things with since im gay af) keeps running into doors,tables, and walls headfirst at full speed, along with when she sneezes hard enough she slams her face into the floor. Is there something wrong with her or is she just stupid?
Idiopatic diagnostic is not what It sounds like 😆

Have you proof that her sight is good?
Does she react to *pure* visual stimuli, like lights or gestiring from a distance? Looks straight in your eyes?

Visión is secondary for dogs and do quite well with poor to no visión, but It surely comes handy to detect a conspicuous wall when moving fast
Idiopatic diagnostic is not what It sounds like 😆

Have you proof that her sight is good?
Does she react to *pure* visual stimuli, like lights or gestiring from a distance? Looks straight in your eyes?

Visión is secondary for dogs and do quite well with poor to no visión, but It surely comes handy to detect a conspicuous wall when moving fast
She does look at me in the eyes, sometimes I’m not sure because her pupils are the same color of her fur, and I think her eyesight might be good. She also prances like a deer if that helps any.
She does look at me in the eyes, sometimes I’m not sure because her pupils are the same color of her fur, and I think her eyesight might be good. She also prances like a deer if that helps any.
Maybe It is worth a quick check Next programed vet visit.

Still, I'll stay tuned for Deagle answer. I am curious to learn posible explanations 🙂
She does look at me in the eyes, sometimes I’m not sure because her pupils are the same color of her fur, and I think her eyesight might be good. She also prances like a deer if that helps any.
Your dog just identifies as a deer, easy.

Deer aren't exactly intelligent, so

My dog (who I haven’t done sexual things with since im gay af) keeps running into doors,tables, and walls headfirst at full speed, along with when she sneezes hard enough she slams her face into the floor. Is there something wrong with her or is she just stupid?
Mine that did this just didn't care, she had nothing that would cause it other than she was a big puppy who seemed not to realise how big she was haha
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
How tempted are ya at work?
Hi, I was wondering once, because as we know a stallion cannot fertilize a woman, and a human male cannot fertilize a mare. They have different numbers of chromosomes, but is it possible, because you can implant a ready embryo, e.g. a human, into the uterus of a horse, such interspecies in vitro. And will this embryo take hold and if so, will such a mare be able to carry such a pregnancy to term. And if so, when will such a newborn be born, i.e. will it be the same size as a normal one, or will it grow even more due to the much larger uterus in a mare. As a result, it will reach a much larger size than a normal newborn and will look (in terms of body size) like, for example, a 5-year-old child? The question may be strange, but I was so curious at one time, whether such a thing is possible with today's medical knowledge and technology.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
Good work you're doing here, Deagle. A real service to the site. Thanks.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
what's the size of a bull mastiff dick? an what siz the Saint Bernard
get the fuck out with this pointless bullshit.
whole forum for that shit and you choose the one fucking health thread? are you that fucked up?
No I’m just tired and thought that was asked on a different thread. I have both threads followed lmao- (basically I didn’t read the thread name before replying to that)
May not be the right thread as it's regarding my health opposed to the animal, but... Would it be considered "safe" to kiss (swap spit, not just a peck) a dog that's on a raw food diet? I'm not worried about any of the normal germs that could be in its mouth blah blah blah, I would've died many times over already if it was a problem. I'm just interested on your thoughts for the raw diet. I wouldn't be doing it 5 minutes after they ate, but even hours later I don't know if there'd be any residual "danger" from the raw food.
May not be the right thread as it's regarding my health opposed to the animal, but... Would it be considered "safe" to kiss (swap spit, not just a peck) a dog that's on a raw food diet? I'm not worried about any of the normal germs that could be in its mouth blah blah blah, I would've died many times over already if it was a problem. I'm just interested on your thoughts for the raw diet. I wouldn't be doing it 5 minutes after they ate, but even hours later I don't know if there'd be any residual "danger" from the raw food.
Not a vet but did go to collage that included about raw diets, most raw diets are made with human grade food so the risk is probably not far off the same as preparing it in the first place
@Deagle113 i have a question.
my boy was recently diagnosed with atypically enlarged prostate. the vet called the growth "massive". his prostate is so large you can feel it easily through his underbelly. i thought it's a tumor or hernia at first.
That's gigantic! Did you ultrasound it? Might help figure out the make up of the mass and whether it's normal tissue.
he's on antibiotics (minor infection in bladder) and ypozane. the idea with the latter is to check in few weeks whatever it yields the result of his prostate shrinking. if it doesn't, the vet will consider the growth tumorous...
That's a fair assessment. Cancers can do what they want of course, but general enlarged organs typically have discrete size limit, while tumors just continue to grow as they ignore all the signals for the cells to stop dividing. Still, it could in fact be gigantic hyperplasia, and I wouldn't rule it out just yet.
now to my question. despite his condition, he's as horny as ever... so far i'm telling him no as i have no idea if sex is a good idea. what do you think? hurting him more is the last thing i want.
You're looking at four possible causes:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

By far the most common issue with the canine prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is when the cells of the prostate continue to grow out of control, and is a natural part of aging in around 80% of intact dogs. The prostate requires testosterone to function and uses an enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase, to transform this testosterone into a hormone that causes its growth. Each individual dog's prostate will grow to different sizes, and if it stays small enough, you may not see any clinical signs or effects. In cases where the prostate is large enough to be causing issues, the two ways of treating this condition are via drugs that inhibit that enzyme or removing the source of testosterone via neutering.

These last three are much less common than BPH:

Bacterial Prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by infection of the prostate by primarily E coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, all of which are found in normal amounts on and in a healthy dog. These bacteria can land there via the bloodstream in an acute case or by slowly climbing up the urethra in a chronic case. Acute infections can be life threatening – having bacteria in the bloodstream is the same emergency conditions as pyometra in female dogs, multiple organ infection and shock, and will require hospitalization and treatment. Chronic infection usually occurs secondary to BPH, and will have almost no signs except a recurrent urinary tract infection–and in order to find it you have to run microbial cultures on the prostatic ejaculation fraction. Most cases will resolve simply by treating the BPH, and antibiotics alone won’t do much without also addressing it.

Prostatic Cysts
Occasionally, we find large cysts on the prostate. These are pockets of cells that are abnormalities of the structure of the prostate, and can become filled with fluid as well as get pretty large. The only treatment for these is surgical removal.

Prostatic adenocarcinoma
Based on the current literature, the incidence of prostatic cancer in male dogs is 0.35%. The clinical signs are very similar to BPH and other prostatic diseases, and the most common sites that this cancer metastasizes to the regional lymph nodes, the lumbar (back) vertebrae, and the bones of the pelvis – all areas around the prostate. Sadly, we don’t have any way of curing or combating this cancer–radiation therapy destroys the bladder as well, and when trying to remove the cancerous prostate, you cause incurable urinary incontinence.

I'm just making a theoretical guess because I've got no data or research to back this up, but the thing I'd be concerned about regarding sex is prostatic contraction potentially damaging the structure of a cyst and causing it to burst or knocking off cells to metastasize a cancer faster. If it's BHP, there's not much to worry about other than getting the testosterone under control, since the production of it spikes during ejaculation. I'd recommend that it's better to figure out the cause and then go from there.
This might be a dumb question but my dog has ate chocolate before a few times ( I don’t give it to her she steals it ) and every time she does it she’s totally fine I was just wondering if it’s actually true that dogs get sick or die when they eat chocolate. Btw she’s a beagle
The exact issue is the concentration of theobromine and caffeine, and these two are going to act together to activate the central nervous system and heart to go into overdrive, and are poorly metabolized in canines, if at all. They are also diuretics, so they are super dehydrating (make sure to drink water regularly all you coffee drinkers!)

The reason that "dark" chocolate is more dangerous is the concentration of both these compounds, which are highest in the cocoa beans themselves, is higher. In general, the scale of danger goes from Cocoa powder, unsweetened bakers chocolate, semisweet, and milk chocolate at the bottom.

Case in point, based on dose, one ounce of milk chocolate per pound of canine body weight can be deadly, while merely 0.1 ounces of baking chocolate is all it takes. The smaller the dog, the less body weight, and the less chocolate required to be lethal.

Side note: in humans, theobromine has a much slower slope over time of activating your nervous system and making you feel alert, while caffeine has a massive initial spike and then is metabolized to zero (thus the crash of energy you have after a few cups of coffee). When you combine them both together in things like a caffeinated chocolate bar you have both the initial energy increase as well as the slow over time one working together to give you all the benefits for a much longer time without the drop in energy.
My dog (who I haven’t done sexual things with since im gay af) keeps running into doors,tables, and walls headfirst at full speed, along with when she sneezes hard enough she slams her face into the floor. Is there something wrong with her or is she just stupid?
Do you have slick floors? Is she a puppy (and therefore not fully spatially aware)? Some dogs are just clumsy, much like people! Just make sure to crash proof your house if that's the case. Not much medical I can connect it to, and sometimes the explanation is just that simple.

Vision was discussed, but in many cases, dogs that are blind do an excellent job creating a full 3D model of their homes and surroundings that they can navigate with ease, even at full speed. You just can't move a chair or anything, and have to learn to interact with them fully based on sound cues.
How tempted are ya at work?
I don't think it's any more ethically appropriate to objectify my patients at work sexually any more than a human physician would. I see being zoo as a sexual orientation, and not coming with free license to behave any differently than if you were, say, gay and the question became "how hard is it to not dress down all the guys at work." (I'm both, and nobody gets dressed down :)

Now my patients don't wear clothes of course (except my last canine one who was dressed as a pumpkin in celebration of fall, but dog's aren't really a fan of clothes, we just put them on them) so everything is there to be appreciated. I try and approach it the same way you would any biological work of art -- I can appreciate a magnificent stallion or heck, even a fully erect and ejaculating dog that I am collecting for semen freezing and acknowledge the beauty without straight up lusting or objectifying them. After all, each are individuals with autonomy worth of our respect.

Do I mess up sometimes in my head and go to far? Sure. But the key is that I don't accept that as an okay sentiment to have at work and always try to do better.
No I’m just tired and thought that was asked on a different thread. I have both threads followed lmao- (basically I didn’t read the thread name before replying to that)
It's all good! I did say "ask me anything" in the intro xD. I can add that the biology of canine penis size is multi-factorial and has all sorts of causes, including embryologic development, and there isn't any guarantee or rule of thumb for what to expect in any given breed other than general ranges, which are discussed quite a bit on here. If you've got additional questions feel free to send me a DM I don't bite.
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May not be the right thread as it's regarding my health opposed to the animal, but... Would it be considered "safe" to kiss (swap spit, not just a peck) a dog that's on a raw food diet? I'm not worried about any of the normal germs that could be in its mouth blah blah blah, I would've died many times over already if it was a problem. I'm just interested on your thoughts for the raw diet. I wouldn't be doing it 5 minutes after they ate, but even hours later I don't know if there'd be any residual "danger" from the raw food.
As long as your raw diet is made with suitable quality ingredients (as @kinkysub05 mentioned), the risk is the same as preparing any raw meat for human consumption. Depends on the type of meat, but most of the time you will be dealing with bouts of diarrhea that vary in intensity depending on what you have. Aaaaaand that's as far as my expertise extends to humans!
Hi, I was wondering once, because as we know a stallion cannot fertilize a woman, and a human male cannot fertilize a mare. They have different numbers of chromosomes, but is it possible, because you can implant a ready embryo, e.g. a human, into the uterus of a horse, such interspecies in vitro. And will this embryo take hold and if so, will such a mare be able to carry such a pregnancy to term. And if so, when will such a newborn be born, i.e. will it be the same size as a normal one, or will it grow even more due to the much larger uterus in a mare. As a result, it will reach a much larger size than a normal newborn and will look (in terms of body size) like, for example, a 5-year-old child? The question may be strange, but I was so curious at one time, whether such a thing is possible with today's medical knowledge and technology.
Oh I love these kinds of conceptual biological question! But it's going to take me a couple days of research and pulling some data together to write you a decent paragraph. Stay tuned!