Hello! Apologies if this has already been asked, but I have some questions around STIs, transmissibility, and proper courses of action post-exposure. For common STIs such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, are these transmissible to potential male/female dog partners?
@GAThrawn mentioned, to our current veterinary scientific knowledge, no common human venereally transmitted diseases can infect dogs. Score for Inter species intimacy!
Gonorrhea is not contagious from people to dogs or the other way around—evolutionarily, it actually crossed over to humans from cattle, and now the bacteria is firmly species specific to humans alone.
To my knowledge, there has been no reported evidence in literature, or anecdotally, of transmission or even sub clinical infection in canines—the bacteria can’t even find the correct receptors to begin infection, and grows on mucous membranes (inside the urethra, for example) rather than on the surface of the penis.
For Chlamydia, dogs can still get a disease caused by the intra-cellular bacteria (of which there are at least 14 species) but it is primarily respiratory, caught from birds, and caused by Chlamydia psittaci. The human etiology of venereally transmitted chlamydia is Chlamydia trachomatis—which again is firmly species specific.
The sharing situation bears mentioning—theoretically you could transmit something like Gonorrhea with multiple human partners in the same dog, but that’s basically human to human transition with an extra step.
Chlamydia is a fascinating bacteria that causes a whole range of sometimes nasty disease in many species of animals, but you don’t have to worry about sexual contact!
Edit: Also, if you have any recommendations for official resources to learn more about canine sexual health I'd be curious!
The AKC and their allied organizations put out some splendid resources on all sorts of aspects of canine reproduction.

I read mostly individual scientific papers on specific topics which won’t be the general information you’re looking for. (Unless it is, and I can send it along)
For veterinary specific stuff, add “theriogenology” to your search terms (the official science name for the study of animal reproduction)