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Veterinarian here: ask me anything!

Hello, I saw this red bump on my dogs shaft and was wondering what it might be or if it's anything to worry about
It’s hard to make out, but looks like it may be a bruise or small hematoma of some kind, from bumping it the wrong way—keep an eye on it and you should be ok, nothing I’m thinking is serious.
Out of curiosity, what made you want to be a veterinarian? And a zoo supporter at that? Were you a zoo before you became a vet, or did your journey as a veterinarian influence your opinions on zoos?
Great question!

I’m a veterinarian because I think animals and humans are both incredible—and those relationships and bonds are, to me, some of the most valuable things in life. I get to maintain that by taking care of companions and helping people understand and help them, and that means the world to me. I also love science, and figuring things out, both of which I do a lot of in my job.

I think folks are probably born zoo, though we may never get research to clarify this. Zoo wise, I was in that initial weird guilty stage before vet school where I denied who I was and tried to change it. Once I was in vet school, learning about animal behavior and spending a lot of time thinking about the ethics of medicine and caring for animals, it made absolutely no sense for sexual stuff to somehow be off the table. Though as humans we attach a lot of meaning to it, sometimes to our detriment, animals absolutely don’t see it this way—it’s a really fun activity that deepens our relationship together.

Done well, with respect, autonomy and consent, zoo is a fabulous way of deepening the human animal bond far beyond what it was before, and it’s a natural continuation of my passion for the species we are put on this earth with. ❤️
What do you think about this @Deagle113 ?

Often about 30 minutes after a hand job, my dog starts whining to poop. Seems urgent and uncomfortable. He has an enlarged prostate and has cummed blood a while ago, if that's related. Why does the bowel movement get triggered? Anything I can do to help?
Have you gotten that checked out? I would ultrasound that prostate to make sure everything’s okay in there. There are several other causes of an enlarged prostate that aren’t as benign.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
What is the earliest we can play with our puppy to get him used to our mouths and touching him. He’s 11 weeks
It doesn't stop but competes for the metabolic path way, same way that Alcohol stops the body from metabolizing Ethylene Glycol (antifreeze) as it is a competitive binder that the enzyme is better tuned to act upon, so it leave the glycol to be removed by the kidneys.

Funnily enough antifreeze is totally harmless inside the body until the liver gets a hold of it, back in the logging camp we had a couple bottles of 195 proof vodka, it was labeled "Emergency use only" a lot of guys would laugh at that and ask what emergency could there be that alcohol would help. Well, one guy found out, some idiot filled a pop bottle with antifreeze and never labeled it and he drank it thinking it was juice of some sort.

Not precise but ensuring they're drunk till they hit the hospital ensured 100% recovery, other then the head ache from the alcohol, luckily it was discovered fast, thus the very good out come. Luckily this works for dogs too, if you know they drank any amount a dosage of alcohol sufficient to see an observable affect will ensure the glycol is out competed by the ethanol.
That is wildly useful information. Lost a cat years back when a Radiator had cracked and leaked a puddle of the stuff onto the garage floor. Lil sterling thought the stuff tasted great apparently and was found very dead the next day after he found one of his hidy holes to try and sleep off his forbidden kool-aid. Not sure how I'd have gotten him to injest enough alcohol if I had found out about his escapade sooner but now I know it's an option if my dogs find their way into it. Maybe a syringe with a flexible tube?
That is wildly useful information. Lost a cat years back when a Radiator had cracked and leaked a puddle of the stuff onto the garage floor. Lil sterling thought the stuff tasted great apparently and was found very dead the next day after he found one of his hidy holes to try and sleep off his forbidden kool-aid. Not sure how I'd have gotten him to injest enough alcohol if I had found out about his escapade sooner but now I know it's an option if my dogs find their way into it. Maybe a syringe with a flexible tube?
As far I know humans are strange / special in the respect, that they are quit tolerant to alcohoi, while most animals aren’t. That is why alcohol can be used to slow down the metabolism of ‘woodalcohol’=methanol and ethylenglycole too.
But I fear that a load of alcohol would be very dangerous to a dog.
Let’s hear an opinion from the vet, please.
As far I know humans are strange / special in the respect, that they are quit tolerant to alcohoi, while most animals aren’t. That is why alcohol can be used to slow down the metabolism of ‘woodalcohol’=methanol and ethylenglycole too.
But I fear that a load of alcohol would be very dangerous to a dog.
Let’s hear an opinion from the vet, please.
Oh no of course definitely a last resort when way out in the boonies to maybe buy time if their condition has deteriorated to the point that it might slow down that metabolic processing of the glycol. But even by then I guess it might be too late regardless really.
I know a guy who woke up to find his penis involuntarily moving so he went to the doctor and the finding was a parasite and the doctor said it is because either he had sex with animal or he had sex with someone that had sex with animal.

How do we avoid parasites, and such things, when intimate with our companions?
Dogs can handle it fine, just takes a lot less, why I say, apply enough to see an affect, so long as there is enough to see altered behavior you got enough to protect the body from bad shit (Calcium Oxalate crystals is the main damage done in case of glycol)
I've definitely seen other folks pour into a bowl a bit of beer for their dogs while eatin on the porch after a long day and they were never worse for wear. Next day that dog would be runnin alongside the tractor after having ate and slept better than I usually did lol. Not sure how it affects cats but dogs definitely handle alcohol pretty well all things considered. Wish I had half the energy of that old mutt, not a clue what she had mixed together.
I've definitely seen other folks pour into a bowl a bit of beer for their dogs while eatin on the porch after a long day and they were never worse for wear. Next day that dog would be runnin alongside the tractor after having ate and slept better than I usually did lol. Not sure how it affects cats but dogs definitely handle alcohol pretty well all things considered. Wish I had half the energy of that old mutt, not a clue what she had mixed together.
Can you tell how much ‘a bit of bear’ is ? So we can figure out how much the dog drank.
Can you tell how much ‘a bit of bear’ is ? So we can figure out how much the dog drank.
Oh less than a quarter can from what I remember. 1 or 2 fluid ounce probably.

EDIT: she was a big ol girl so that 1 or 2 ounces went into a 70-80 pound dog. She didn't show signs of altered behavior after a while either she just liked budweiser as a treat which she got after her dinner bowl was empty instead of a milk bone or other such treats.
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As far I know humans are strange / special in the respect, that they are quit tolerant to alcohoi, while most animals aren’t. That is why alcohol can be used to slow down the metabolism of ‘woodalcohol’=methanol and ethylenglycole too.
But I fear that a load of alcohol would be very dangerous to a dog.
Let’s hear an opinion from the vet, please.
Best option is IV administration of alcohols—and we use sterile stuff. That has the most rapid bioavailability and also let’s us monitor kidney function and a whole lot of other useful things during treatment.
Doctor, help!
By accident, I swallowed a mouse. And now, when it moves in my stomach, it tickles me a lot inside. If I swallow a cat, will it solve the problem?
Simply place something strongly smelling under your tongue. Mice are neophilic, meaning they actively explore new objects and situations. she will investigate the new object that has appeared in her new home and climb her way back out!
Dogs can handle it fine, just takes a lot less, why I say, apply enough to see an affect, so long as there is enough to see altered behavior you got enough to protect the body from bad shit (Calcium Oxalate crystals is the main damage done in case of glycol)
Yup! And those crystals do havoc to any organ they form in, like tiny razor blades.
Best option is IV administration of alcohols—and we use sterile stuff. That has the most rapid bioavailability and also let’s us monitor kidney function and a whole lot of other useful things during treatment.
IV huh? That's wild, must be a very low concentration. Could only imagine how that feels goin through ones veins. Had an antibiotic drip pumped through me once and even that didn't feel great in my arm lol. How is the kidney function tracked though? Do you have to sample the urine produced via a catheter, or are there other markers to look for in the blood?
ähm u knew he is just a baby let him mature and wait till 1-1.5 years at least or for u in weeks: 52-78weeks
I would say that touching alone, as in non-sexual should start as early as possible. The dog should be comfortable being touched all over the body. Touch all feet, tug on legs, tail, etc. Grab nose gently, open mouth, etc. This includes genital areas, just touching as you would in any desensitization routine as I've described. Sexual stuff (stimulating, penetration, rubbing,etc) wait till the dog matures which will vary by breed but generally as you state 1-1.5 years is typical I agree.
I would say that touching alone, as in non-sexual should start as early as possible. The dog should be comfortable being touched all over the body. Touch all feet, tug on legs, tail, etc. Grab nose gently, open mouth, etc. This includes genital areas, just touching as you would in any desensitization routine as I've described. Sexual stuff (stimulating, penetration, rubbing,etc) wait till the dog matures which will vary by breed but generally as you state 1-1.5 years is typical I agree.
And shameless vet plug here—same general concept goes for desensitizing your pup to getting nails done (so important!), held for blood draws, teeth examined, you name it. If you get them comfortable with all these things, clinic visits will go smoothly and be even better.
Howdy zooville!

I work as a mixed animal veterinarian, and am willing to answer any and all animal health questions you may have to the best of my ability. Keep in mind that I’m only one person, and my medical opinion is just that—an opinion, however well informed it may be.

Anything you’re curious about?

Edit: feel free to Dm me if needed!
It's been a curious question of mine for a while: Why do many people get their pets neutered?
It's been a curious question of mine for a while: Why do many people get their pets neutered?
So there’s strong feelings on this from both pro and anti sides of the camp. The data is especially hard to gather here in the US, where so many of our animals are neutered as a matter of course.

I think it’s primarily a deep seated cultural narrative, and it comes down to being informed that neutering will be the decision equated with “doing what’s best for your pet.” In the US, there’s kind of a single minded fixation on sterilization as solving way more problems than it actually can.

For example, capturing large quantities of cats and sterilizing them all is lauded as the single best thing we can do to control overpopulation of them—in reality, though those cats are no longer part of the breeding pool, additional intact colonies simply move into the now empty niche, and the problem continues.

As another example, many folks in the US see an intact male dog as aggressive, unpredictable, and completely untrainable and the owner of said dog as irresponsible. Cultural peer pressure like this is very difficult to change or resist.
So there’s strong feelings on this from both pro and anti sides of the camp. The data is especially hard to gather here in the US, where so many of our animals are neutered as a matter of course.

I think it’s primarily a deep seated cultural narrative, and it comes down to being informed that neutering will be the decision equated with “doing what’s best for your pet.” In the US, there’s kind of a single minded fixation on sterilization as solving way more problems than it actually can.

For example, capturing large quantities of cats and sterilizing them all is lauded as the single best thing we can do to control overpopulation of them—in reality, though those cats are no longer part of the breeding pool, additional intact colonies simply move into the now empty niche, and the problem continues.

As another example, many folks in the US see an intact male dog as aggressive, unpredictable, and completely untrainable and the owner of said dog as irresponsible. Cultural peer pressure like this is very difficult to change or resist.
That's very interesting though sad to hear. Thanks ?
So there’s strong feelings on this from both pro and anti sides of the camp. The data is especially hard to gather here in the US, where so many of our animals are neutered as a matter of course.

I think it’s primarily a deep seated cultural narrative, and it comes down to being informed that neutering will be the decision equated with “doing what’s best for your pet.” In the US, there’s kind of a single minded fixation on sterilization as solving way more problems than it actually can.

For example, capturing large quantities of cats and sterilizing them all is lauded as the single best thing we can do to control overpopulation of them—in reality, though those cats are no longer part of the breeding pool, additional intact colonies simply move into the now empty niche, and the problem continues.

As another example, many folks in the US see an intact male dog as aggressive, unpredictable, and completely untrainable and the owner of said dog as irresponsible. Cultural peer pressure like this is very difficult to change or resist.
Not that is really connected, but looking here from Europe the practice of neutering dogs somehow has become a cultural tradition in the same way that small boys are circumcised. As with the animal it is done on speculative reasons and the offended cannot escape.
Hello! Apologies if this has already been asked, but I have some questions around STIs, transmissibility, and proper courses of action post-exposure. For common STIs such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, are these transmissible to potential male/female dog partners? I'd expect that they might be, but I'm not certain. If they are, I'd love to hear what your would recommend in a situation where I'm informed I've been exposed to an STI, and resultantly may have exposed a canine partner to one as well, and I worry about what that direct conversation with the vet might be like. I understand that part of keeping canine partners safe is to take precautions to make sure this doesn't happen, but I'd feel better knowing a safe plan of action for if it were to happen.

Edit: Also, if you have any recommendations for official resources to learn more about canine sexual health I'd be curious!