Any way you look at it, this puts the "Mess" in Messianic.
There's always been a better solution to the problem than this self-aggrandizing little attempt at saving us from the mundanes. The problem with any other solution is that our fearless leader didnt come up with it. Failure of Imagination, and an unwillingness to use the tools we have with the patience a ten-thousand year problem is going to require. Its possible this approach won't do much damage, but it isn't going to accomplish much either. The market that might bother to read such material isnt the people that would have to be swayed. The hip crowd and the comic fanciers of the world aren't activistas. They are the four-eyed geeks who got shoved in lockers at school( if they fit) and had their lunch money taken three days a week...only three so as not to discourage them into brown bagging. They won't spring into action over Spiderman, let alone over a furry comic with a vague moral.
The people who need to be brought into the fold are John and Mary Normal, God-fearing, Church-going, 2.3 kid, 2 car garage, Salt of the Earth citizens. Taxpaying Voters who want responsive Representatives from County to Senate....THOSE....the ones who have the most to lose by liberalizing their politics enough to accept us. Those....who worry about whats in the Milk, and what that chicken ate before THEY ate that chicken. Who might worry about whether someone added vitamin "cum" to that Burger, before it WAS a burger. Think theyre gonna read this thing? Think they wont beat the living PEE out of Johnny and Mary junior if they bring this crap home ( and John and Mary Sr actually read it?)....Think they'd risk the censure of their Church by letting the kids talk about it?
A second State, Idaho, passed a Texas-style anti- abortion bill monday. That has a lot to do with Politics, but also with a willingness to deny people the pursuit of happiness. The fine art of the pecksniff is alive and flourishing in the current Atmosphere, and it will be awhile before it gets better. Minding other people's business is an International Sport....and "Different" = Bad. There's a War going on that may well get bigger, and people are not immune to fear. Fear is contagious, and debilitating. But its also Mother Nature's way of saying "Don't Do That".