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The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

  • Total voters
I would appreciate being educated instead of ridiculed.
You are being educated here. I explained to you what is wrong with the video.
For more education:
You are being educated here. I explained to you what is wrong with the video.
For more education:

That wasn't a reference to you (a mod) who has explained things to me when asked, thanks for that by the way.

I specifically quoted a random user to came along to stick the knife in and call me ignorant, blind, horny, etc, etc, etc... I'm pretty sure we had subject well in hand.

Regardless, it honestly seems like life will be easier just not uploading any videos.
I'm sorry I haven't been blessed with total enlightenment one week after openly discussing my interest in zoo publicly for the first time ever and my only exposure for years being mostly 'commercial crap'.

I would appreciate being educated instead of ridiculed.
I did not insult you at all. And I can't "judge" about you in any way - in regards of forum rules, as I'm just an user here.

I only stated that "the bad resolution" reads like a joke, if other people detected multiple signs of commercial crap by the first look unto the media, hm? Before even watching it fully.

Forgive me for being direct, but you wouldn't believe how FUCKING often and repeatedly one stumbles over such crap uploaded. In the .nets, fortunately less on ZooVille due to the quick and quality handling through reports.

As such a type of allergy begins to form and it's hard to "not tell you directly how your postings read", but instead be caring, loving and welcoming, washing all bad thoughts about your actions aside. ?‍♂️

If you want some sort of "how to identify commercial or abusive crap" tutorial, I believe to have read some quite informative list / "don't"s of media to check for written by @pes in the past, but don't know right now where to find it.
Ah, he already linked them, perfect.
I was about to post a similar response. What may come across as a snide or ridiculing remark is the result of seeing too many uploads of questionable media, be it because it's fake / commercial, or downright abusive. Ideally, people would only upload material when thinking with their upper brains rather than the trousers region. Ideally, people would also know they have the choice between reading up on the material the forum staff like @pes provided and then decide what (not) to post, or acknowledging that you cannot trust yourself to post what is within forum rules, and refrain from uploading. The choice is yours.
I am not falsifying an excuse when I say I did not notice the few moments of a 38 minute video I usually jump though to get to my favorite parts for a total of 5-10 minutes watching and yes, it would be hard to notice at that resolution/bit-rate when skipping by to the closest POV of the female with the cock.

One other thing I feel should be taken into consideration when dealing with newbies like me, believe it or not I don't actually want to see animal abuse, until now I've only considered it in much broader strokes involving gore, hitting/kicking, audible suffering, etc which I obviously never want to see and avoid like the plague.

Understanding the techniques used in commercial porn the past such as bounding the legs etc or one moment of the dog trying to leave and a woman holding it's leg do not register automatically on the same scale as much more obvious abuse when it's never been brought to your attention before and you most likely are thinking to yourself, if that dog or horse doesn't want to fuck that women she will know about it, possibly die.

Not everyone that joins this forum including me are every going to be amateur or professional veterinarians obsessing about the diameter of every flare and what it means, the one moment in a video when a dog may see something else interesting and try to leave for a moment and trying to understand the dogs psychological motivation at that precise moment in time, which type of the three types of cum (see I learned something) it's producing and therefore how much he is enjoying himself.

So yes, a little patience and a little less automatically implying someone is lying would be appreciated, I also don't like abuse but until now my standards have been much less rigorous and I haven't had cause to consider them, now I do.
One other thing I feel should be taken into consideration when dealing with newbies like me, believe it or not I don't actually want to see animal abuse, ..
One more reason to check in detail what you are going to upload, or?

Not everyone that joins this forum including me are every going to be amateur or professional veterinarians obsessing about the diameter of every flare and what it means, the one moment in a video when ..
Understandable. But you had (and have) all time in the world to check the video you think is worth uploading prior to this process for compatibility with the rules and the fairness, respect and love in regards to the animals shown.

You're a newbie here, absolutely OK. Welcome to ZooVille.

But after you've uploaded something made of commercial / abusive crap, it's a bit late to expect users to not include your prior actions into their thoughts about you. In a direct response to your action, tho.

That's not because they hate you as a newbie or wouldn't welcome you. It's a reaction following something you decided to do. The patience is infinite beforehand of uploading something that breaks rules - or if it doesn't break rules, but after doing this.. you should except at least some sarcasm or plain disliking of the action you did. I didn't call you a liar, by the way - just stated the impression your "resolution" response left in me.

Thank you for mentioning what's happening in the thread, it's a shame to see how people even praise them.

I couldn't check and report it in the thread itself due to "not playing" - just audio. But in regards of..
I'm hoping someone will give that one a review soon. Due to work, right now, I'm not in any position to watch the videos.
.. I'll download it to check it locally and report it if verified. Angers me.

@FloofyNewfie : Do you need another mod / admin to check it cross-wise? Or would it be enough to have 2-3 screenshots showing that she's actually held down here to take action?
I'm hoping someone will give that one a review soon. Due to work, right now, I'm not in any position to watch the videos.
Unapproved to download it all.
Thank you for mentioning what's happening in the thread, it's a shame to see how people even praise them.

I couldn't check and report it in the thread itself due to "not playing" - just audio. But in regards of..

.. I'll download it to check it locally and report it if verified. Angers me.

@FloofyNewfie : Do you need another mod / admin to check it cross-wise? Or would it be enough to have 2-3 screenshots showing that she's actually held down here to take action?
Many others are welcome to check it out as well... Although if you haven't gotten to it yet, its now in approval status.. Though I could send you some links to it directly
Takes a while, but proceeds actually. Seems the D/L was started right before unapproval.

I'll report in short after they're completed.

DL takes a while.png
First one shows quite rough handling of that dog girl, but no holding down, as the actual handling starts only after the end of it. It seems to resemble one video cut in five parts.

Second one at 0:25 seconds shows her getting up and he tries to keep her down, but the video is cut shortly afterwards.
I've uploaded a screenshot which is somewhat safe for work and shows the type of handling:

Second half and third to fifth follow..
They hold her on the hind legs almost the whole time.

On pt. 3 there's a 2 frame timeframe in which it's visible that she's held down on the belly as well, while most focused on the legs / hind area, as such harder to see. At 1:10 minutes she's trying to get up, but held down again until she can get free. Then it's cut to the other recording device again.

2 frames where it is visible that she's not even only held on the hind legs obviously:


With the other recording device it's ways clearer that she's held down by both most of the time, see this at 1:16 of pt.3:


He (the other guy) then sits over her.. She can't actually move with two people holding her down.

By the way: sorry for not-SFW pictures, I might hide them in a spoiler. It's just not possible to upload those somewhat SFW. ?‍♂️
There is way to much abuse out here.
Even among people who call themselves Zoo.
I had a friend once that had horses. He could not sense when a mare was saying NO!
And Yes animals can Consent in there own way.
He had this Mare and he wanted to get with her, But she kept moving away from him.
Im watching the whole thing go down. And even Young naive little me could feel the horse was in distress.
It was just a feeling, I was up front petting her head and consoling her and I just got the feeling that she was uncomfortable.
So I told my buddy, She's Not interested. He say's "How would you know" I Said "I can just feel it"
He kept trying to push himself on her and eventually she had enough and she kicked him off what he was standing on. almost kicked him into the wall. But he was lucky he didn't break anything or get seriously hurt, just bruised up.
So Yes there are even Zoo's out here, Who Don't understand when NO Means NO!
I alway's say, Let the animal make the move. If they want it, they will let you know.
On another note, Once I was helping my buddy fix a fence and one of his horses came up behind me. and started nipping on the back of my neck. Just the way it felt was so Sexual. I got really aroused by it, My buddy said "Dude you better go in the house, Your Tenting" :)
On pt. 4 she's locked in position by both guys sitting on her and kneeing behind / holding her.

She looks around but can't get up or move. She's clearly not handled acceptable in respect of her freedom and choice. ?‍♂️

That's gruesome. She's looking around but can't do anything. Multiple times licking her snout which indicates stress.. Trying to get free on 1:07 minutes on pt. 4 again, where they can't hold her down anymore for a few seconds, but quickly they keep her down again and the other guy penetrates her on pt.5 0:34 minutes.

Seriously, what the fuck? How can anyone praise this? Every clip starting from the second one shows clear abuse and very clearly rape without consent but with enforced holding in position.

On pt. 5 at around 40 seconds she didn't resist anymore as it seemed useless and licked her snout at 1:03 minutes indicating clear distress.

On pt. 4 she's locked in position by both guys sitting on her and kneeing behind / holding her.

She looks around but can't get up or move. She's clearly not handled acceptable in respect of her freedom and choice. ?‍♂️

That's gruesome. She's looking around but can't do anything. Multiple times licking her snout which indicates stress.. Trying to get free on 1:07 minutes on pt. 4 again, where they can't hold her down anymore for a few seconds, but quickly they keep her down again and the other guy penetrates her on pt.5 0:34 minutes.

Seriously, what the fuck? How can anyone praise this? Every clip starting from the second one shows clear abuse and very clearly rape without consent but with enforced holding in position.

On pt. 5 at around 40 seconds she didn't resist anymore as it seemed useless and licked her snout at 1:03 minutes indicating clear distress.

I was going to say, I wouldn't even want to see photos like that. Im not going to look at those, it disgusts me.
On pt. 4 she's locked in position by both guys sitting on her and kneeing behind / holding her.

She looks around but can't get up or move. She's clearly not handled acceptable in respect of her freedom and choice. ?‍♂️

That's gruesome. She's looking around but can't do anything. Multiple times licking her snout which indicates stress.. Trying to get free on 1:07 minutes on pt. 4 again, where they can't hold her down anymore for a few seconds, but quickly they keep her down again and the other guy penetrates her on pt.5 0:34 minutes.

Seriously, what the fuck? How can anyone praise this? Every clip starting from the second one shows clear abuse and very clearly rape without consent but with enforced holding in position.

On pt. 5 at around 40 seconds she didn't resist anymore as it seemed useless and licked her snout at 1:03 minutes indicating clear distress.

Video has been removed.
Yeah I had to stop watching these guys before I lose my shit and ban the hell out of the OP and everyone who left a like or praised the videos.

Understandably. That's absolutely clear abuse. If even just the second one would've played at the website (but only the audio track played unfortunately) a report would've been imminent. And it gets worse.

At pt. 5 1:24 - 1:26 minutes she even tries to bite or snap after the one raping her. And gets hold on the neck. Edit: Correction, I saw that too late due to initial 2x play speed and don't want to leave a false report standing here: she's trying to lick his genitals clean. At the end it doesn't change anything in regards of how she was unfortunately handled and held in position, but I hate to give a false detail.

Excuse me, I need something to drink, my stomach cramps on this shit.
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I don't want to break any rules by linking the actual posts, but it appears that @loonywolf is underage and is posting pornographic videos. It appears this user has already deleted a post or had a post deleted about her being a teen.
I don't want to break any rules by linking the actual posts, but it appears that @loonywolf is underage and is posting pornographic videos. It appears this user has already deleted a post or had a post deleted about her being a teen.
She did. Banned. Based on a few additional reports as well.
I guess it is important to read the rules.
I don't want to break any rules by linking the actual posts, but it appears that @loonywolf is underage and is posting pornographic videos.

Saw her postings in the F/F thread which rarely gets new threads and wondered, but in an 8 second video of licking around with lots of pixels and even more fur it's hard to analyze age related information.

If she stated beforehand that she's underage, a mod can check the deleted postings without any problem. Users can't, as such there wasn't much information around.

Edit: Ah, @pes was fast - good thing you got it sorted out that quick. (y)
I'm right now somewhat irritated about this:

Could.. be harmless, could. But I don't exactly feel like it would be harmless. More the opposite.
Always a problem with not enough visible information.

Anyway, I can't report something which could be fully legit and "just" show multiple questionable poses without any bad intent or enforced handling.

But I would prefer it if someone else checks it.
(The video just shows uhm.. quite careful "dick-slapping" a laying down dog and stroking her with some more or less careful handling / stroking per hand.. as such still questionable.)
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I don't want to break any rules by linking the actual posts, but it appears that @loonywolf is underage and is posting pornographic videos. It appears this user has already deleted a post or had a post deleted about her being a teen.
I was trying to check one suspect thread (word teen + session ID) but it kept crashing my browser every single time.
So I ceased cause I relied someone else here would jump on it if there was something off :)