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The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

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I am myself guilty of sometimes being pissed off by people posting fake cum and similar nonsense as good porn and maybe I have over reacted a few times. But usually the OP of that thread also does not respond in the most friendly way. And considering how readily available non-fake porn is and how known and discussed this is, I find it hard to believe that such people have never come into contact with it and never had a chance to realize that. Especially if those people are English speakers and a part of a large forum like this. So I usually think they are just deliberately ignorant.

I am much less tolerant of abuse though as it is easy to see whether a dog for example does not like something. It is trivially easy to see whether a dog is sexually excited and it is absolutely simple to tell whether a dog has an erection. It may be more tricky with horses for example but when it comes to dogs, the stuff that some people post here is disgusting and they deserve to be confronted harshly.
This, boys and girls, is what it looks like when a stallion orgasms. It's called a flare and I have captured several from mating vids just as the stallion is pulling out of the mare. Yes, I have done this and I promise you that you will feel the wind blow deep inside you afterwards.

Screenshot from 2021-03-13 17-03-22.pngScreenshot from 2021-03-13 17-04-41.pngScreenshot from 2021-03-13 17-15-19.pngScreenshot from 2021-03-13 17-16-30.pngScreenshot from 2021-03-13 17-18-24.png

The only way you don't see this is if he takes a nap on your back until it goes completely limp and falls out.
That is my preferred method but he seems to prefer me stretched so it's easier next time.
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This, boys and girls, is what it looks like when a stallion orgasms. It's called a flare and I have captured several from mating vids just as the stallion is pulling out of the mare. Yes, I have done this and I promise you that you will feel the wind blow deep inside you afterwards.
The only way you don't see this is if he takes a nap on your back until it goes completely limp and falls out. That is my preferred method but he seems to prefer me stretched so it's easier next time.
And, uh... Why did you post this here? To show what it looks like for people who don't know?
And, uh... Why did you post this here? To show what it looks like for people who don't know?
I'm making posts for general inspection that will eventually be assembled into a specific thread to inform newbies what real, normal horse sexuality looks like. Then they will have something to judge porn by. The eventual goal is to reduce faked, abusive porn.
i'd say it's more about the "if you don't agree with me you're being toxic" mentality of thin-skinned ppl rather than some rudeness or whatever...
Yes at times, but I have seen people ask dumb questions and it is obvious they don't know better, but the response of just calling them a FUCKING SHIT FOR BRAINS without explaining in any way why what they said was so stupid, surely does not do anything to help.

Meh... Maybe it's just me being naive, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt that they can learn when something is explained to them in a vaguely civil way.
I'm making posts for general inspection that will eventually be assembled into a specific thread to inform newbies what real, normal horse sexuality looks like. Then they will have something to judge porn by. The eventual goal is to reduce faked, abusive porn.
I understand. Sorry, I had a brainless moment there.
I understand. Sorry, I had a brainless moment there.
Nope, you don't get off that easy. I put them here so people that are actually concerned about abusive porn would see them. You were paying attention, a rare trait. Now I expect some criticism. Tell me how to improve them.
Sounds like somebody got flamed
i wouldn't really call it getting flamed when some probably clueless user has nothing for a response so they reach for the "you're fucking toxic yaddy yadda can't hear you!" card...
i mean, yeah i'm a rude piece of shit like 80% of the time, but 100% of the time not without a reason
it gets tiresome to read various variations of the same "what dog has the best cock?" "how do i fuck *insert wild animal*?" and "we should go public or wear something to stand out in public because "pride" or whatever" topics day after day
Nope, you don't get off that easy. I put them here so people that are actually concerned about abusive porn would see them. You were paying attention, a rare trait. Now I expect some criticism. Tell me how to improve them.
They're blurry and pixelated, try to get them in a better quality? I don't know. What do you want from mmeeeeee?
Also, thank you; I'll take that as a compliment, I try to pay attention as best I can.
Nope, you don't get off that easy. I put them here so people that are actually concerned about abusive porn would see them. You were paying attention, a rare trait. Now I expect some criticism. Tell me how to improve them.
A bit more resolution would be nice, they are a bit fuzzy. (probably because they are video stills, if I understand you correctly.) I think you also need at least one looking at the flare where you can see the urethral process a split second before or when he starts to ejaculate (either from belly slapping or in an AV without a collection sleeve on the end.) would possibly be useful too, as it would show the fully formed flare from a different angle.

Showing a comparison between erect and hanging verses just being dropped might also be helpful to newbies who for some reason can't seem to see the difference.
This, boys and girls, is what it looks like when a stallion orgasms. It's called a flare and I have captured several from mating vids just as the stallion is pulling out of the mare. Yes, I have done this and I promise you that you will feel the wind blow deep inside you afterwards.

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The only way you don't see this is if he takes a nap on your back until it goes completely limp and falls out.
That is my preferred method but he seems to prefer me stretched so it's easier next time.
I think we can find much higher resolution examples in here in the porn section. I have seen a few horse pics threads. Maybe even some gifs that show the flare inflate. Or even a whole video for reference. I have one such bookmarked and use it as a reference when showing someone why their porn is fake:
Shows the excitement, the consistency and color of cum, the cumshot itself and what a properly erect horse penis looks like. https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/horse-gives-guy-facial.17843/#post-323968
It is low res, but short and quick. Plus it has the added benefit of being gay which pisses off some of the idiots. :D
This is all good for the site. Pedo or abuse will get quickly activist or authorities to investigate. Having as little bad stuff results in less leverage or reason to shut down.

Al Capone they did not get for racketeering, they got him for tax evasion.

Don't give authorities a reason.

This is an interesting video for review.
What do you guys think about stuffing a horse dildo into a lab sized dog?
I haven't watched the vid so probably shouldn't be commenting on it. I've never been a fan of using dildos on animals anyway, but a horse dildo into a dog of that size doesn't really sound like the best idea in the world. Pups really aren't that big to pop out and most dogs don't just shoot them out super easily, so I would think the dildo would really be stretching her quite a bit.
Yes, let's please get rid of any abusive videos on the site. I'd be happy to do my part and report anything I find. I can't stand seeing videos that show abuse and it's even more upsetting when those videos get positive comments.
I generally play devil's advocate to try to get some views that may be missed into the conversation. To be clear I'm really happy people are having this conversation and cleaning up the porn section.

Something to watch out for is that not every animal is the same and might be okay with sexual activities that others are not. Anal for example. Some animals are okay with being penetrated, I'm told, and even ask for it. I've never met one. One of my dogs is okay with me jacking him through the sheath and has zero shyness around his sheath area at any time. He generally he doesn't get a full boner from that. He's challenging. He'll only get a full boner when mounted. He still doesn't show any displeasure with limp jacking while I see if today he's horny enough for a hj to succeed. My other dogs only want to be touched in exactly the natural way when mounted and will move away if I try to jack them before they mount me themselves.

Point is that at least some of the videos that don't follow the mold of what users say dogs like will be 100% okay. There will probably be collateral damage. I can't think of a better way to moderate than to make some assumptions. I just caution that people should keep an open mind and put the most weight of their assessment on animal body language.
I have no way of knowing how many posts and which ones get reported by other people than me so I do not know how often any collateral damage happens.
But I noticed that a lot of people do not understand the reporting process correctly. Reporting a post does not mean that it will be removed. A moderator or even multiple moderators will review the reported content and the moderator will decide whether the content should or should not be removed. The reporter may provide explanation of what is wrong with the content but has no direct way of removing the content.

A second advice/observation I have is that even if you know something is ok to do with your animal because you know your animal well that does not mean it will look good in a video where the experience is limited and the viewer has no knowledge of or way of verifying the other circumstances. You should take this into consideration when producing content and decide whether it is a good idea or not.
When you fail to recognize that something may be perceived as forced you will unfortunately suffer the consequences. Or it may mean that you can not recognize such actions and therefore you did in fact abuse the animal.

One such example may the two threads removed today with a video of a puppy being made to lick someone using yogurt. The poster could not recognize that such behavior is considered animal abuse.
Why is baiting an animal into licking wrong? Assuming the animal is making his choice...
Because the animal is not making the choice.
In case of licking it may be viewed as less problematic since I guess animals do not perceive oral sex as much of a sex but this type of training animals to perform sexual behaviors is wrong in all other cases as described in the link above.
The case of licking is just incredibly dishonest and insincere. Plus the animal is not making the correct choice. The choice made is 'I am going to lick this yogurt.' not 'I am going to lick this vagina.' which is dishonest coercion.
That said the video might not have been removed because of the yogurt but probably because the dog was underage.

An animal is a living, thinking being, not a sex toy. You should acknowledge that when having sex and adapt your expectations to what your animal partner is comfortable with doing. The same applies to your binding of a dog and to breeding hobbles used on mares that were in one video removed earlier. To prevent injury the mare was bound in a way that prevents movement.

When something is not possible to do, you should just not do it and find some other sexual activity that can be done.
After all it is just sex for fun and not a life or death situation that requires obedience. No animal would ever prefer to be bound by their neck and unable to move freely this concept is completely unknown to animals and basically never occurs naturally and has to be taught by people. There are mechanisms that animals do use when mating to prevent injuries. This is what should be used to do the same if needed. For dogs this means holding the knot like a female dog would.
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Dogs generally don't care if it's the floor or your vagina. It holds no consequence to them. Keep a dog's perspective in mind. It's only dishonest and insincere to a human's ideals for a relationship (which are not the same as a dog's).
That's a projection and assumption and very toxic.
As an ostracized group, we have to be as inclusive as we can
last guy who wanted to be inclusive turned out to be zoosadist apologist.. because "we need all the allies we can get".
in my opinion, "we" should be non-inclusive and rules for posting stuff should be as harsh as possible. maybe when a "normal" person joins out of curiosity they'll get to find more of "honest and consenting" than of "i stuck my dick in pb and let the dog lick it" or "which dog has the bestest dick?"

Back to the topic of abuse, in my opinion it's not abusive if done right. No more than any other thing in your life that you do for a reward that you are otherwise indifferent about, like going to the fridge to get something to snack on. I have plenty of thoughts on what people should do to have healthy relationships with animals but that's another conversation. From a dogs perspective it's hardly different than licking the floor after you drop some crumbs by accident. The dog is unlikely to mind anymore than the floor. Actually he'd enjoy noticing that his partner is happy when he does this. Just because something is significant to the person doesn't mean that it is to your partner; I caution against anthropomorphizing them. Dogs are special because they're different and not human in a good way.
noone ever claimed it's abusive, "we" claimed it's a wrong thing to do to the animal. it takes away their choice... what's the point of any relationship if honesty goes out the window?
That's ironic, an ostracized person not concerned with potentially doing that to others.
no really ironic, there are some folk who need "ostracizing". like the kind who only do this because it's "degrading" or whatever. or the kind that think "we" need a champion for our rights.

I'm happy to be an example of someone who isn't a zoosadist wanting inclusiveness with all non abusers. I follow Pez's ideals in my own house because that's what I want for myself and my dogs, but I can tolerate people who do things differently as long as they are still being respectful to animals.
there's no way for me to know that is there... the last guy also seemed okay for a while

I believe a dog is intelligent enough to not get "tricked" by yogurt and to make an informed choice of what to do for himself. He can consider the location before deciding what to do, and abstain if he wants to. I've seen dogs not eat out of their food bowl because they didn't get enough attention recently or I was traveling or because they were a new rescue getting used to the place. One of my dogs won't drink enough water out of his water bowl just because he doesn't like that one. I don't know why but I guess it has to do with the sounds it makes. To me that supports that dogs have control over their appetite and will assess a situation before making their choice. It can't be a trick or dishonest if the dog is informed and making his own decision.
and i believe their instincts take over, especially so if you use something they really like. how else would you explain how easy it is to trick one into entering the bath/shower by smearing peanut butter on a tile? my girl hates getting bath and this is the only way and if i have a handful of treats at visible spot for her, she'll just stay still and hypnotize them and let's me clean her thoroughly. main reason i don't bathe her that often, i hate doing this tricking thing to her.