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The abusive porn cleanup project

I have found abusive content in the past:

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No actually, the majority of content I reported and that was removed was from the women with dogs and women with horses sections. It makes sense as those are the sections that get the most uploads.

In fact it does not matter which section you choose to review content from. All of them have the same potential to contain bad content.

That's kind of surprising to me actually. Dont know why.

As far as videos go I only visit the F/M dog section but I'll keep my eyes peeled if I see anything like what you're talking about.
Report it to the admins. I have found some artwork where the age of the girls was questionable. I reported it and they took it down. The admins do their job but everyone has to do their part and report questionable content as soon as they see it. The Admin team is small and they cannot catch every single post on here. We have to work together if we want a respectable zoo community.
Therefore I would like to ask the zoophiles of this forum who care about the lives of animals to help with cleaning the porn sections.
Please report abusive content. Use the rules https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/zooville-rules.20410/ your common sense, experience and knowledge of animal body language to identify bad content and report it.
It does not matter if you are wrong in some cases, all reports will be reviewed by moderators anyway and it is their job.
I believe that as zoophiles we should not allow animal abuse to thrive in zoophile communities.

If you are not sure, post a link to the thread in here so others can review it and support the reporting with comments describing what is wrong.

Thank you.
Consider it done this place is overdue for a Spring cleaning. I'm in.
I hate seeing any animals being forced. I hate dildogging or animals, especially dogs, who seem unhappy with what is happening and I have reported it on here. I don't really like much zoo porn because of it.
Yeah, I am very familiar with the body language of canines and I can always tell when they are forced. I have seen a lot of the porn videos involving horses and a lot of times they seem sedated. It is not just the animals who are abused and drugged; a lot of the women in these movies are obviously drug addicts. I have actually seen movies where the woman was getting fucked by a huge Great Dane and she looked stoned out of mind and was obviously on a shit ton of pain pills. The woman seemed like she had no idea where she was at and had no idea that she was even being fucked. Another video I once had involved a woman with heroin track marks on her arms and legs. All of it was porn from the 1990s that had poured in from the Netherlands, mostly old BFI stuff that you can't find anymore.
Abusive porn is disheartening for so many reasons. The first and number one reason being that the animal is being harmed and taken advantage of. I've seen videos that have made my blood boil in anger because I feel absolutely sorry for the animal being abused in said video. The worst part is that I myself am powerless to stop what's happening to the abused animals off camera. I can only remove the video from here and ban the user for posting them in the first place. My zoophilia comes from a place of love and respect towards the wants and desires of my animal partners. With this in mind, I really cannot see how anyone could force and or rape an animal and feel guiltless about it. Not only that, but recording this travesty and posting it online for the world to see. But some humans are plain evil with malicious intentions in mind.

The second unfortunate part is that for a lot of people that are interested in zoophilia as a lifestyle, they might equate abusive porn to all aspects of zoophilia. The Zoosexual lifestyle might be something one might be very interested in pursuing, but not have a lot of first hand experience with. Seeing these types of videos might turn those young and inexperienced people away from achieving happiness. There might be someone out there that absolutely loves animals, but is also sexually attracted to them as well. Then they get curious and find absolutely shitty sites like ZooX where abuse is rife. Said person might start to feel like they themselves are sick in the head, and start to believe that all animal sex is abusive. When there are many, many, MANY pornographic pictures and videos that prove otherwise.

Abusive videos and rape videos also gives more ammunition for anti-zoos and non-zoos to pass harsher and stricter laws against us, and against having unaltered pets. There are already places in the world where governments are pushing "No unaltered pets without a specially obtained breeding license" laws.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people that only see animals as a fetish, and a fetish alone. Their only goal is to reach an orgasm and not for the animal to do the same. There are people that only wish to see humans and animals degraded depending on your desired flavor of abuse. There are people that cheer on abusive videos because they either like the abuse, they like the fact that an animal is simply being fucked (animal welfare be damned), and there are also people ignorant to the complicated mechanics of zoo sex and all that's entailed to ensure that the sex is mutual pleasure for both parties and preformed safely. Not everyone has spent countless hours learning about animal psychology and animal body language like I have. But it's because I care about animals.


If you see questionable, abusive, and or rape pornographic content please report it to us. Even if you're not sure but your gut is telling you something is not right about said video, don't be afraid to report it to us. The worse that will happen is that we reject the reported content.
I have seen what I perceived as being abusive content around this site. Some of it had been around for so long that I ASSumed (with me being the ass here) it was being tolerated, despite the rules. I am glad to know that something is being done about it after all.

I will join in with the reporting, even if I feel like I might be "too picky" because I do care about the well being of animals. It greatly disturbs me when I see any animal being physically and even mentally abused. I can't even watch veterinarian and animal rescue shows that show abused or injured animals of any species because I find them to be highly disturbing. Even those ads for donations to the ASPCA are very hard to watch, so I try to tune them out.
That's a grey area for most mods, I've had some deleted myself more than once, but at the same time there are some exceptions to the rule of it being bad even for me , actually only one exception, Frisky and her dog, her dog loved being ridden, and she loved her dog and he loved her, not at all abusive or forced.

99.8% of riding is forced and the dog is not hard or is sedated, I agree it's as bad as dildogging if not worse because the dog is forcibly held down.

But just understand, some of it is going to stay because the dog is not struggling or being roughly treated and is erect, that's usually what the mods go by I think.

@FloofyNewfie can probably clarify the stance on it for us.

@Jewelry Fish Just to clarify, i have reported riding videos more than once, not posted them. And as for saying some riding content is going to stay, that's my observation after reporting some riding vids and having the ruling come back that they toed the line just enough to be within the rules, and would not be deleted.

Silly as it is, your sad emoji made me feel like you were disappointed in me, because of what my poor choice of wording made it seem like I was saying, that I was in support of it, when I'm most definitely not.
Not being zoo i do not frequent the porn sections unless i accidently click something in the "whats new" section, but if i see anything i will report it. Sadly animal abuse is all too common in this world. Just 3 days ago i had a young pony show up at my place. He is skinny, feet too long and his halter was so tighy that his skin was starting to grow around it.
I sent a facebook message and photo to the sheriff. Sheriff told me the pony looks happy at my place and he should just stay here.

I see things like this all too often in this world and it is disheartning to see abuse uploaded on a site advocating love of animals. My zoo friends that i know irl would not abuse animals as i suspect is true of all real zoos.

It is good to see the real zoos on this site helping to ride the abusers and their content.
I generally only visit the Horse porn section, and infrequently at that, but there is indeed a lot of content that is if not downright abusive, at least questionable in nature. Clips where they forcibly move the mare’s tail out of the way as she is obviously clamping it down, then without any foreplay jam long-nailed fingers inside her sensitive genitals make me cringe. It is good to know that action will be taken and I will be more active in reporting content like that in the future.

Like @goldstudservices said, there is a lot of abuse in the animal world, even outside of the zoo-sphere, and it makes me sad and resentful of humans. I watch a lot of horse training videos on YouTube, I am subscribed to a couple of channels that focus on the gentle, humane and respectful approach of the animal during training. But recently I came across a video that suddenly took a turn to showing how to “punish” a horse and they demonstrated it by having this perfectly well-behaved little mini mare standing next to a trainer while she was repeatedly jammed in the face with a metal clamp and punched on the nose. This went on for twenty minutes! It made me sick to my stomach. How can you do that to a living, breathing, feeling being?

Since YouTube is a shit platform obviously reporting it didn lead to anything.
So does this mean dog anal is out then? Literally all of it is forced. But everytime this comes up it's a controversial deal. (why not Just buy a masturbator lol
If you find something that is questionable, report it. Anal is very tricky because there is a hypothetical potential that it is enjoyable for the animal. I have finally seen very few videos that actually did look as if the dog liked it or at least did not show any signs of discomfort. But I general I believe the process of finding out is close to animal abuse and none of my animals ever even liked being touched under the tail even though sometimes you have to do it. Assessing something like this from porn may be hard because the animal might also be trained.
On top of that the anus is not primarily designed to have anything shoved into it and it usually almost never happens naturally to any animal. There are far better sexual things you can do with an animal that are actually perceived as sexual by the animal naturally. Because of that I believe anal is unnecessary and should not be practiced.

I will repeat this here though before this becomes dumpster fire:
This thread is not primarily aimed to make general statements and expect anything to happen. I would really not like to make this thread dumpster fire material. None of us here can directly delete content either. So please if you find content you consider abusive, report it to the moderators with an explanation.
If you are not sure post a link here so others can help with the review.
I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.
I did not see this video but your description is enough to get me really angry at the dogs treatment; and very disappointed that someone here would upload such a thing.
Its important to call out abusive content especially within the zoo community, and especially in the more niche sub sections, we need to set a president that zoo do not allow or condone abusive content or its sharing. I think i've seen the worst in men penetrating male dogs, as this is very subjective for whether dogs enjoy it or not. What's more disturbing is when mods block/remove clearly abusive videos and people complain, its disgusting how people are aroused by suffering.
Abusive porn is disheartening for so many reasons. The first and number one reason being that the animal is being harmed and taken advantage of. I've seen videos that have made my blood boil in anger because I feel absolutely sorry for the animal being abused in said video. The worst part is that I myself am powerless to stop what's happening to the abused animals off camera. I can only remove the video from here and ban the user for posting them in the first place. My zoophilia comes from a place of love and respect towards the wants and desires of my animal partners. With this in mind, I really cannot see how anyone could force and or rape an animal and feel guiltless about it. Not only that, but recording this travesty and posting it online for the world to see. But some humans are plain evil with malicious intentions in mind.

The second unfortunate part is that for a lot of people that are interested in zoophilia as a lifestyle, they might equate abusive porn to all aspects of zoophilia. The Zoosexual lifestyle might be something one might be very interested in pursuing, but not have a lot of first hand experience with. Seeing these types of videos might turn those young and inexperienced people away from achieving happiness. There might be someone out there that absolutely loves animals, but is also sexually attracted to them as well. Then they get curious and find absolutely shitty sites like ZooX where abuse is rife. Said person might start to feel like they themselves are sick in the head, and start to believe that all animal sex is abusive. When there are many, many, MANY pornographic pictures and videos that prove otherwise.

Abusive videos and rape videos also gives more ammunition for anti-zoos and non-zoos to pass harsher and stricter laws against us, and against having unaltered pets. There are already places in the world where governments are pushing "No unaltered pets without a specially obtained breeding license" laws.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people that only see animals as a fetish, and a fetish alone. Their only goal is to reach an orgasm and not for the animal to do the same. There are people that only wish to see humans and animals degraded depending on your desired flavor of abuse. There are people that cheer on abusive videos because they either like the abuse, they like the fact that an animal is simply being fucked (animal welfare be damned), and there are also people ignorant to the complicated mechanics of zoo sex and all that's entailed to ensure that the sex is mutual pleasure for both parties and preformed safely. Not everyone has spent countless hours learning about animal psychology and animal body language like I have. But it's because I care about animals.


If you see questionable, abusive, and or rape pornographic content please report it to us. Even if you're not sure but your gut is telling you something is not right about said video, don't be afraid to report it to us. The worse that will happen is that we reject the reported content.
This is precisely what drove me to furry porn when I was younger since they were just imaginary animals and no 4 leggers were getting harmed. At the time all the supposed "zoo" stuff I could find online left me feeling guilty if I was getting off to it. Since I knew dog body language very well and what I was seeing screamed the dog was not enjoying it. Some stuff is blatant like some guy trying to shove his dick in a dogs ear hole while other stuff might seem ok to someone who does not know dogs might think it was fine, but to a more experience eye things were not right.

It's pretty unlikely that this will ever happen, but it would be great if some sort of material could be developed for authorities to teach them what to look for. Rather than just the blanket approach all animal interactions are bad. That way the bad porn could be reported to authorities and those people could then be charged by authorities and get arrested. while those that are treating their animals respectfully, wouldn't have to fear bringing the law down on their own head if they report abuse to law enforcement people.

The conversation would go something like:
Zoo: Officer I found this animal being raped on the internet.
Officer: Oh yes and why were you looking at such thing in the first place.

So I'm all for getting rid of the crap stuff here, but as a community we need to somehow also do more to stop people in wider community and commercial porn industry getting away with the abuse as well.
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@Jewelry Fish Just to clarify, i have reported riding videos more than once, not posted them. And as for saying some riding content is going to stay, that's my observation after reporting some riding vids and having the ruling come back that they toed the line just enough to be within the rules, and would not be deleted.

Silly as it is, your sad emoji made me feel like you were disappointed in me, because of what my poor choice of wording made it seem like I was saying, that I was in support of it, when I'm most definitely not.
No no, lol. Sorry for the lack of communication on my part, lol. I put the sad emoji because I was sad that there are so many dogs out there that have to go through that...It’s all so screwed up. It’s why I tend to stick to the “Writing” section of the porn. I can’t stand to imagine what goes on behind the scenes of all these videos.
I generally only visit the Horse porn section, and infrequently at that, but there is indeed a lot of content that is if not downright abusive, at least questionable in nature. Clips where they forcibly move the mare’s tail out of the way as she is obviously clamping it down, then without any foreplay jam long-nailed fingers inside her sensitive genitals make me cringe. It is good to know that action will be taken and I will be more active in reporting content like that in the future.

Like @goldstudservices said, there is a lot of abuse in the animal world, even outside of the zoo-sphere, and it makes me sad and resentful of humans. I watch a lot of horse training videos on YouTube, I am subscribed to a couple of channels that focus on the gentle, humane and respectful approach of the animal during training. But recently I came across a video that suddenly took a turn to showing how to “punish” a horse and they demonstrated it by having this perfectly well-behaved little mini mare standing next to a trainer while she was repeatedly jammed in the face with a metal clamp and punched on the nose. This went on for twenty minutes! It made me sick to my stomach. How can you do that to a living, breathing, feeling being?

Since YouTube is a shit platform obviously reporting it didn lead to anything.
You send me the link and I’ll pull a Karen on those mfs. I’ll file a report everyday till that crap gets taken down. Who the Hell thinks hitting an animal is a good way to train them?! I hate when people do that shit.
You send me the link and I’ll pull a Karen on those mfs. I’ll file a report everyday till that crap gets taken down. Who the Hell thinks hitting an animal is a good way to train them?! I hate when people do that shit.
I happened across it and I hope you understand I don’t feel like going looking for it...
I do not know how much of it you saw but they repeatedly forced him to lay on his back while the woman attempted to suck his dick by even laying on top of him. At one point he got away so they threw him back there like a piece of shit and in the end they held him by both his legs and tail while he was trying to escape. This was not "a little rapey" it was rape.
Omg...that is awful....
This thread definitely should be pinned. Bless you for creating it.
I don't make it into the porn section very often, but you can bet I will watch for this stuff, and I will post here with any questions.
Thank-you for opening the eyes of many.