If my horse could talk, I'm sure he would call me his personal slut. That would excite me to death.
NOTE: None of this has ANYTHING to do with being submissive! I've never been submissive and certainly NEVER will be. Not dom, either.
When a human sex partner (females only) calls me a slut, that also turns me on a LOT, because I have earned that title from them, I assure you. From them, it is often in the context of "hot slut," "slutty tease," "slut tease," "slutty pussy tease," etc. A partner pulling my hair and screaming, "Oh fuck! Suck my pussy and make me cum hard, you fucking slut!" will send me almost to orgasm without touching myself. "OMG! You're such a slut!" also works nicely, and is usually while I'm being a merciless tease.
A few other things about the slut word:
- I dislike being called a dirty slut, nasty slut or filthy slut during sex or in any situation. I don't regard myself as dirty, nasty or filthy, even though I often am, in the opinion of some.
- I don't respond well if addressed in a PM by someone saying, "Hi slut!" I don't have anyone in real life who would do that, either.
I was taught to be a slut by a mother who was a slut. I act like one, I talk like one and often conduct myself on here like one. I dress like a slut, and in my profile picture, I am UNdressed like a slut. For every woman with whom I have sex, it is always my intent to be an absolute slut for them, and to make them just as slutty as I.
I think that about sums it up. Thanks for listening.