Do you really believe that people who are not zoos would find someone using peanut butter to get licked by an animal as "more abusive" than penetrative sex with an animal (both giving and receiving)? You need to get a bit more real. Also who cares about memes? For all you know, the memes may be bringing humor, some degree of relatability or even inspiration to non zoos. What is really plaguing zoosexuality is the fake image that ALL zoo sex involve people forcefully having sex with animals that are struggling to break free, not peanut butter.
Just for the record, I am not defending the use of peanut butter or food for oral. I, for one, prefer the act when it is completely natural, initiated by pheromones, sweat etc... with tongue directly on skin, but I just don't see the use of food as worthy of being attacked either.
Also we have very different definitions for the word 'abuse'. It might just be because I do not live in the western first world though...