I made a post the other day talking about when i got fucked by a stray dog and it made my vagina have intense pain for days after. Long story short what happened was i was craving doggy dick as my dog passed awaty 2 months ago. Im 21 and was sexually active with him for over a year. i also have not had a human sexual partner for close to a year. Recently i spotted an unneutered stray dog and for a few days when my parsnts were not home i fed him and tried to get him to mount me. We tried a few times but failed until eventually we did fuck and then i accidentally let him knot me which I didn't mean for to happen but it did and then he went on his way.So the morning after i made the original post i got pretty violently sick and started to throw up and had a fever with other bad stomach isues and cramps and my pussy got even worse and of course i went to the doctors. They gave me had an examination and had me take a stool sample plus some othet tests which we recieved the results back of last night. So i have vaginitis (yeast infection) which i figured already. But the most surprising thing to find out is i have something called Campylobacter. I did tell my doctor about feeding and petting the stray dog (obviously not about the sex) and he said that Campylobacter is common in food poisoning but can also be carried from dog to human just by me petting him, (which i did alot more than that). Thankfully im recovering pretty quicly so i'm not having to take much medicine other than some antibiotics. Lthe doctors are mainly just telling me to drink water and hydrate. I have a gyno appointment for my yeast infection on friday. Funny enough I actually saw that dog last night as well but of course i obviously cant do anything with him because he is sick and also my parents are home now anyways. I thought i would share whats going on with other as a warning to be careful with sexual activity with animals you do not know. It has not be a fun week. I can answer any questions id anyone is interested