Citizen of Zooville
You are a lost cause my friend, and I fear for a future where people like you outweigh the smart people. Thank god that will never happen. You’ve been brainwashed buddy. You sound no different than all the other boomers who Bob Barker tainted. Yes, bad and irresponsible people are going to continue to get dogs. Some may breed them and sell them. But hey, welcome to fucking America buddy. There’s always a percentage of bad people on any group. On that same token, responsible people are also going to continue to get dogs, including breeders, trainers, and those into dog sports. And they do amazing things. You’re free to support what you like, but please don’t evangelize to them that they must spay and neuter their dogs because of some skewed belief that it will have any tangible positive effect on the stray population. Assuming you’re even talking about the stray population...you just said positive impact on dogs which is extremely vague and frankly untrue. You promote it so vehemently and people get their dogs neutered at 4 months old, and can’t figure out why their 3 year old dog had bone, muscle and joint issues.responsiblity isnt a boolean value, and literally every pet owner says that. if you want this threads topic to be whether you and only you are equipped to own an intact dog, fine. in the meantime though, youre missing the point that generally promoting the concept of spaying and neutering yields a net positive impact on dogs. irresponsible people are gunna get pets whether you like it or not. maybe dont evangelize to them to not fix their pets so that theres not yet another borderline backyard breeder selling """akc certified""" puppies on facebook and craigslisy. sorry, its not selling, its a "rehoming" fee.
You care about animals, just as we all do here. But you’re going about it all wrong. I think I speak for most when I say that the problem we have with strays is awful and I wish dogs didn’t have to suffer because if humans’ hands. No one here is “pro-stray.” But this approach of blanket spay and neuter is akin to Thanos killing off half of the universe. Sorry to use another Marvel reference but it just fits. His intentions were good, and fairly logical. But you can’t make the majority suffer and pay for the mistakes and faults of a small percentage of people. It’s not unlike gun control. If the US enacted stricter gun laws, well not much would change. Because the majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens. Would an extremely, almost negligible percentage of people be affected, sure, absolutely. Would it make any measurable difference? Certainly not.
I’m gonna to reiterate and end this back and forth with this, so please read it very carefully as you must have missed it last time: Spaying and neutering RESPONSIBLE owners pets has 0 effect on the stray population. Generally promoting spaying and neutering has at best a neutral effect on dogs as a whole. I think you forget that these are surgical procedures and come with just as many cons and risks as they do pros.