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Neutered male sex information gathering

The prostate opens directly to urethra, same for bulbourethral gland.
But without the hormonal input from the missing balls, there's almost never any output from any of the remaining glands.

One of the goals of castration is to destroy not just fertility, but everything involved in sex - from the urge/interest, to any fluids produced during sexual activity. There are occasional individuals where the destruction of function isn't 100% successful, but those individuals are unusual to the point of not being significant.
I know there are a few threads like this, but specifically I wanna know how much the sex drive is decreased when a dog is neutered. I know it can vary depending on each dog, but if i were to get my dog neutered, how dramatically will that affect his sex life?
I know there are a few threads like this, but specifically I wanna know how much the sex drive is decreased when a dog is neutered. I know it can vary depending on each dog, but if i were to get my dog neutered, how dramatically will that affect his sex life?
Big fucking time sexual decrease!!
Why would you even consider it?!!
unfortunately I’d have to consider it because it’s so normalized and it’d be suspicious for me to have a dog with his balls hanging on his whole life, when everyone does the opposite


Sure, some residual behaviors remain, but drive is kaput. COMPLETELY.

Ever notice spayed or neutered dogs are a LOT of times overweight? That's what happens when food is your only reason to live. I don't think I've EVER seen an overweight, intact dog.
unfortunately I’d have to consider it because it’s so normalized and it’d be suspicious for me to have a dog with his balls hanging on his whole life, when everyone does the opposite
A dog is not a fashion accessory. It's none of anyone's business if your dog has balls or not.
If you are so concerned.....tell the snoopy folk that you are considering breeding him.
At the same time....you should find your balls and have more of a backbone!!
I don't think I've EVER seen an overweight, intact dog.
My Golden was overweight when he was younger and he's intact, though he didn't "look fat", he carried it in his chest. I fed him too much when he was growing and he topped out at 120lbs when he was 2 or 3. He's since slowly shed it, last time I had him at the vet he'd finally dropped below 90 which was my target. If you're not aware the ideal weight for Goldens is 70ish for females 75-85ish for males.
They cannot knot or cum if they are fixed. Period.

They can in fact knot, I've had experience with several fixed boys in my time and there were never problems getting the knot to grow. Unless trained to mount or fixed after learning that humping = fun though, they may not be very inclined to penetrate in the first place, so stimulation will have to be manually done.

I can attest to the lack of cum though, that is true. Their body do the movements but unless there's a bit of urine already in their system, the contractions will be running on dry plumbing.
When i hear neuter or spay i internally scream. Thats not what nature intended who cares what other people think. Neutering/spaying is still mutilation if theres nothing wrong with them.

I was really tempted not to answer this one since this subject makes me cringe.
I would advise trying it out on yourself first, before you do it to your furry friend. ;)

But on a more serious note, like the others have said, if there is no legitimate medical reason to do so, I would advise that you do not neuter your dog. Best case scenario by neutering your dog, you have a platonic furry pal. Worse case scenario, down the line he gets a bunch of medical problems costing $xxxx.xx in medical bills. Yes, people will look at you sideways because the ASPCA has everyone brainwashed into thinking "spay/neuter = good pet owner / unaltered = irresponsible pet owner" but screw what they have to say about it. The choice is ultimately up to you, in rare cases male dogs that have reached full sexual maturity before getting their balls lopped off can still have a tiny bit of a sex drive, but don't walk in expecting your dog to still have a sex drive, expect the opposite to be the case.
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Since when did anyone fallow a normally?
Who the fuck cares what the norm is?
This isn’t fast fashion. Tell everyone to fuck off and mind there own business.
unfortunately I’d have to consider it because it’s so normalized and it’d be suspicious for me to have a dog with his balls hanging on his whole life, when everyone does the opposite

Hark! I hear the call of the spineless sheep!

You don't have to consider shit!!!

In a nutshell: "Fuck everybody who does the opposite". If "everybody" starts leaping off high buildings without a parachute, are you gonna go ahead and jump, too?

To hell with what "the herd" is doing - Think for yourself, and if "they" don't like it, tell 'em to go pound sand. Simple as that. Any "pressure" you feel to "do it because everybody else is" comes purely from yourself. Either shut up, put your head down and graze with the rest of the sheep by getting his balls cut off, or grow a spine and tell the herd to shove their idiocy so far up their ass they can taste it from behind. It's truly as simple as that.

As for how much effect it has on sex drive, the answer is "HUGE". As in, near-total, if not ACTUALLY total, destruction. When it comes to sex drive, you might just as well pull out your rifle and empty it into his head - Quite bluntly, that's the only more effective way to destroy his sex drive than cutting off his balls. The overwhelming majority of critters (regardless of species) will cease to have any interest in sex within a few weeks to months, occasionally as long as a year, after they've had their balls cut off. That's one of the main reasons it gets done! Sort of a "design goal", you might say. There will always be outliers that continue to display sexual behavior, but they are far and away the almost invisible minority. You'll hear claims from this person or that that *THEIR* critter didn't lose his sex drive after his balls were lopped off, but I'm strongly inclined to think that's self-delusion in the vast majority of cases. If even one out of a thousand of those "My nutless dog still fucks like a porn star" claims is actually true, I'd call it a minor miracle.
I would advise trying it out on yourself first, before you do it to your furry friend. ;)

But on a more serious note, like the others have said, if there is no legitimate medical reason to do so, I would advise that you do not neuter your dog. Best case scenario by neutering your dog, you have a platonic furry pal. Worse case scenario, down the line he gets a bunch of medical problems costing $xxxx.xx in medical bills. Yes, people will look at you sideways because the ASPCA has everyone brainwashed into thinking "spay/neuter = good pet owner / unaltered = irresponsible pet owner" but screw what they have to say about it. The choice is ultimately up to you, in rare cases male dogs that have reached full sexual maturity before getting their balls lopped off can still have a tiny bit of a sex drive, but don't walk in expecting your dog to still have a sex drive, expect the opposite to be the case.
What about those weird states that require spaying/neuter how do you avoid those circumstances? Do you have to avoid vets and pray for perfect health?
What about those weird states that require spaying/neuter how do you avoid those circumstances? Do you have to avoid vets and pray for perfect health?
While a number of states have proposed a mandatory spaying and neutering law, there are currently no state laws requiring all pet owners to sexually alter their animals. There are however a few cities that have mandatory spaying and neutering laws in place.

If OP lives in one of those cities he needs to move ASAP!
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i don't get the "it'd be suspicious" part... suspicious how?! do you think everyone would automatically assume your dog fucks you? did anyone here ever had that happen? someone coming to them going "i see your dog is intact, do you two fuck a lot?"? it hurts my head just thinking about this "logic"

i literally never had anyone (besides vet ofc) question the ball situation of any of my boys...
i don't get the "it'd be suspicious" part... suspicious how?! do you think everyone would automatically assume your dog fucks you? did anyone here ever had that happen? someone coming to them going "i see your dog is intact, do you two fuck a lot?"? it hurts my head just thinking about this "logic"

i literally never had anyone (besides vet ofc) question the ball situation of any of my boys...
Oh you didn't know? Clearly everyone with an intact animal is zoosexual :gsd_laughing::gsd_wink:
I'll die or kill for my wife Raven before any state step on my love..... Unless Aberdeen unfair or cruel or a medical emergency rendered it likely
Aberdeen whats that? You 100% sure you can back that up about killing before the state does anything to mandate it? I mean you could out of the city instead to a non forced area.

A 100-ft MP glass above a city or devastating and more cruel than a nuke just think about all the things that rely on ships each year it gets worse
If you wanna pm me about your backstory about raven ill be happy to hear it. I wonder why shes your wife instead of a mate
While a number of states have proposed a mandatory spaying and neutering law, there are currently no state laws requiring all pet owners to sexually alter their animals. There are however a few cities that have mandatory spaying and neutering laws in place.

If OP lives in one of those cities he needs to move ASAP!
In parts of Europe it's actually illegal TO spay and neuter without a valid medical reason. It's all fucking US culture, was actually just arguing about this on a furry forum 2 days ago.