I think the reason more scientific studies haven't been made about zoos is because zoos aren't on the "radar" of most people (not purely due to hostility).
Getting back to the main subject of this thread: any thoughts about how to make a zoo "legal defense fund" for fighting anti-zoo laws in court?
We would have to get small groups of zoophiles meeting together regularly.
Here is how it works.
Let's say I somehow succeeded at getting five local kids here to meet on the first Tuesday night of every month.
Then let's say that you managed to get seven people, in your neck of the woods, to meet on the first Sunday of every month for a brunch.
And then let's say that both of those groups thereby inspired three others, each, to start doing the same thing, mostly motivated by the idea that it might be a fun idea, and each of them had an average of 6 members.
At that point, 5 + 7 + 2 * 3 * 6 = 48
Now, let's say that we all were to focus mainly NOT on our common sexuality, but let's say the main things we were interested in was keeping ourselves established in good jobs, finding good veterinary care, and practical things in life. This kind of talking and thinking works. People that are really determined to have successful and comfortable lives can always have them if they want to. It is getting them to want it that is hard.
Well, over a course of a couple of decades, us 48 people would slowly develop a sort of a reputation for being fashionable and elegant and cool. Coming across as cool takes money. This is a truism. Before long, you would have other bandwagon individuals saying, "These guys obviously have their shit together," so within a generation, we had little organizations, loosely interconnected but autonomous, with similar beliefs and goals but ultimately capable of acting independently without central direction, all over the world.
And then let's imagine, maybe 45-55 years from now, that someone named Nancy Smith that had gotten into trouble when she was younger had gone to law school, turned her life around, and was starting to improve her outlook, but then she realized that you can't easily get admitted to the bar if you have a felony conviction on your record.
Well, she could tap me on the shoulder, and she could say, "You don't know anyone that has enough money to weather an appeal, do you?" and I would say, "Well, we couldn't come up with that much by ourselves, but my friend
@Zoo50 knows a few more people."
And then let's say that there was a lot of cross-talk between about 8 different groups that, by then, had about 12 regularly attending, relatively affluent members. That comes to 96, so let's round it out to 100. With 100 people that have above-average incomes pulling out a little bit of money each, over a course of several months to a year, enough money for financing a successful appeal could be brought together.
Well, let's say that all of us decided that we would all get together and have a series of fundraiser parties, all in the name of helping this one woman get admitted to the bar, and we managed to pull together enough money, just enough, to get her case into the court of appeals so that she could get a lawyer to go before a panel of judges to talk about the conflicts between the current anti-zoophile laws and the country's constitution.
That panel of judges might not like a bunch of dog-fuckers even a little bit, but on the other hand, they would understand, because they are judges, that Nancy Smith's attorney has a pretty valid point, that punishing the things that dog-fuckers do in their private homes was never really intended to be within the scope of what the law of the land was really intended to do. They might not like us, and they might not sympathize with us. However, they would be forced to realize, since we had a very good lawyer making the case, that we were indeed correct.
And then, once we had proved that we could win, imagine, every time someone got arrested on discriminatory charges, all of the other small organizations we had inspired started pooling their resources together to counter-attack, WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! one after the other because we had demonstrated to the world that they could indeed win. The anti-zoophile crusaders would have so many court cases on their hands, they could never keep up. They could never manage to be everywhere at one time. They would break down. We would win.
However, that entire chain of events has to start with you and me organizing those people together, not to raise money but just to meet together, once in a while, and if we start now, we will both be lucky to get it moving in about five years. This is the hardest shit in the world to ever do, getting people to meet together as equals to talk about something serious.
If you don't believe me that it's hard
@Zoo50, then just try it. If you get it done in five years, after the kinds of setbacks and desertions and frustrations that are involved, then by the time you managed to organize it, I can guarantee you that you will look back and say, "I cannot believe that I only took five years." That's assuming you started on it in earnest now. As modest as that sounds, we can't do jack shit without it.
And our message has to be, "If you want to fuck a dog, you should fuck your own dog. If you want a dog, you should be steadily employed." This has to be our core belief and value, as a community. Fighting in court takes money, and for us to have money, we have to mentor young people on just the basics of life. Over the next 50 years, we are going to have to try to produce a generation of "stereotypical rich zoos," and we are going to have to press the message, to the people, that being a zoophile and not having a steady income is the most unrealistic thing that you can possibly imagine. We have to press the message, to all young zoophiles, if you want to fuck a dog, if you don't have a job, you shouldn't be thinking about fucking a dog: you should focus on getting a job. Stop shamefully masturbating to cheap and tawdry edgelording schlock porn, which is really the antithesis of genuine creativity, that is drawn by "artists" that really have contempt for your existence and who would take smug satisfaction in seeing you dead, and establish yourself in some steady regular employment. Live with your head held high.