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i do not wish to offend anyone with this post. do any of you feel... ashamed of who you are?


I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
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Nope. I mean am I going to go out with a dog paw tat voicing my love of animals? No that's social suicide but I accepted this is a part of who I am no more than someone accepts they're lesbian or someone accepts they're asexual, etc. Don't get a pup just for scratching an itch sake cause they're all different, but do accept that part of you cause its okay. Then once you accept it, do your research, stick around for a little and become comfortable then look for a pup
I used to he ashamed but now not at all. Even if my friends or strangers would call me names doggy fucker or a zoophile I don't feel bad about myself. Kinda opposite, makes me cheekily smile thinking about it. I accepted that have bigger feelings and attraction to animals than humans and happy about it. Of course not parading publicly stating that fact, like JojoKingz said, would be a social suicide but i have a circle of friends who knows that and even supports in one way or another.
i'm kinda glad "shameful phase" missed me, i've never seen anything wrong with who i am and i don't really care for validation from ppl around me
don't be confused you find male dogs sexually attractive and male humans not. it just makes you not-homosexual. zoosexuality is it's own thing...

not really much can be said to help you out. in the end it's a "you" thing to deal with
I'm not ashamed of who I am but I'm a little confused at why I enjoy what I like, scared at times , excited and turned on by the sheer naughtyness, thrilled by the adrenaline rush I get by doing something so kinky then let down by the guilt I feel afterwards.
got a feeling the guilt stems from you probably being into "this" just because you perceive it as "naughty" (this perception kinda implies "zoo sex = bad" is embedded in your head). there's nothing "naughty" about sharing your body with someone you feel for, doesn't matter what species they happen to be.
Not ashamed but extremely guarded. I am a very open person when it comes to sex but, other than people I talk to on this forum, only one person in my real life is aware of my animal attraction in addition to my human attractions. I honestly don't know if I would ever "come out" as a zoo the way I came out as pansexual but for people who do and feel they can safely, that's great.
I won't lie, I'm ashamed of it. I'm planning to seek counseling for it (along with other psychological problems I have), but a good counselor is pretty much impossible to find in my area. I've looked into chemical castration a few times, even as a temporary thing, but I hear it's pretty much just used for prostate cancer and serial child molesters (neither of which apply to me, thank goodness). I've even considered surgical castration when I've been in a particularly bad place. I've even attempted suicide over it.

I do understand the OP's confusion about being attracted to male dogs but only to women as far as humans go. For me, what cleared it up was realizing that the idea of actually having sex with a human man doesn't appeal to me, while the idea of having sex with a woman does (as does the idea of having sex with a male OR female dinosaur, horse, etc)
I used to feel some shame before I found BeastForum and met people who had similar feelings towards animals as I had. It reasured me that I am not the only one who feels love and attraction to them. I do no harm to them, nothing to be ashamed of. But still not a thing that I would go on talk about with non-zoos.
I used to feel shame. Over time I've come to terms with my attraction. I understand it. I can't participate, due to an allergy, so I'm resigned to watching. Which is also a problem outside of the internet, because I won't talk to anyone in rl about this. Personally I think the social aspect of the taboo gets alot of insecurities into our heads. Makes us feel shame for something that feels natural to us. Sometimes I feel like human on human can be more problematic than zoophilia. Humans carry diseases that are more easily spread than most animals. Also there are no mind games an animal can play on you. I would say that if you have a negative feeling about your impulses, look into were it stems from, what causes them and if you can take steps to lessen your shame then do so. Just don't lie to yourself. I just wouldn't go around telling people that you are possibly a zoo. Most people are violently repelled by just the concept.
I’ve never felt shame, per say. Moreso disgust. I’d heard that zoophiles where selfish, sadistic psychopaths that only wanted to hurt animals through sex, and when I found out I was one of those psychos, I couldn’t bear the thought. I went into denial and tried to repress things myself, but eventually I fell down the internet rabbit hole and started doing more research on zoos.

Turns out, being attracted to animals doesn’t automatically make you a bad person like everyone says it does.

Once I realized that, I took a step back and saw that I was nothing like the caricature of a zoophile that had been created in my mind. I knew I was an empathetic, mentally sound individual who’d shown nothing but love and affection towards animals. I wasn’t doing anything to hurt them. So there was really no reason to feel bad about myself.

After that, those negative emotions just dissipated little by little.

Just take a look at yourself, man. If there’s nothing for you to be ashamed of and you know deep down that you’re not an evil person, then why let it get to you?

We’re made the way we are for a reason. Nobody really knows why, but there is a reason for it. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, just go with the flow and see where the river of the universe takes you. That’s my take on it.
I was a bit confused when I started with my mare mate, I didn't know if I was right or wrong, clean or unclean, but then I found ZV. This place and these amazing folks helped me to understand that it wasn't wrong, and now my girl and I are happier than ever. After I accepted it I had no regrets, glances back, or 2nd thoughts. To quote a piece of my favorite cartoon characters catch phrase: "I am what I am, and that's all that I am" there's nothing to be ashamed about, buddy. If zoo is what you really want for your life, them stick it out, you'll get past this. it may take longer than for others, but that's just one of the many hurdles we encounter as zoos.
I feel defferent then normal People.
All my life i was around horse so i think that made me like them in a defferent way.
That take me 2 years to feel good about and the hardest part is not telling anyone.
But now i am who i am and if People around dont like it they are not real friend.
Ich denke, jeder identifiziert sich mit seinen sexuellen Neigungen. Leider diktiert die Gesellschaft Moralkodizes, nach denen Sie sich schuldig und beschämt fühlen, wenn Sie über dieses Thema sprechen. Jeder versucht, seine sexuellen Vorlieben so gut er kann vor der Öffentlichkeit zu verbergen.
Yes and no. On one hand I do believe the Bible to be from God which would make it easier to be straight, even it be that I am saved eternally by grace alone and can't change that. I do feel that it is more healthy for the mind to not have to put up with this stuff if given the option not to. On another hand, I'm gay and more zoo if I didn't think to worry about the fact if I go down that road jail might be where it ends.
I won't lie, I'm ashamed of it. I'm planning to seek counseling for it (along with other psychological problems I have), but a good counselor is pretty much impossible to find in my area. I've looked into chemical castration a few times, even as a temporary thing, but I hear it's pretty much just used for prostate cancer and serial child molesters (neither of which apply to me, thank goodness). I've even considered surgical castration when I've been in a particularly bad place. I've even attempted suicide over it.

I do understand the OP's confusion about being attracted to male dogs but only to women as far as humans go. For me, what cleared it up was realizing that the idea of actually having sex with a human man doesn't appeal to me, while the idea of having sex with a woman does (as does the idea of having sex with a male OR female dinosaur, horse, etc)
I also have seeked castration, and I have also attempted suicide yet not for that reason alone but I am sure I hasn't helped me. It likely created someone who hides from society and hides from everything because the child (myself) didn't know why this was happening to me.
To shed the shame that is heaped upon you by a sick, dying, outdated cutural system is a step-by-step process that doesn't happen overnight.
It does all begin with accepting ONE tiny, yet important fact: There is NOTHING wrong with you.
You are very much entitled to feel what you feel.
Second step is to accept this is YOUR life and YOUR journey. No one, absolutely NO ONE has the right to tell you how to walk your journey.
Third is the largest step, but the most productive one: unlearning all the garbage that society has told you is true.
Another trans guy here. Yeah, I'm fairly ashamed of it. I mean, I accept that I have this attraction, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel shame because of it. My long-term partner knows, my additional partner does not and has voiced their disapproval of such things so it's unlikely I will ever open up on the topic with them.

As for acting on it, I only tested out the waters years and years ago as a minor. While I enjoyed it, I also experienced a LOT of fear and shame associated with it. What if I got caught? God must be so disappointed [this was back when I still believed in the Christian god]. I'm not sure if I would act on it as an adult now, maybe, but I doubt it. I don't like the fact that I'm a zoophile. But I can't change that fact, and have accepted it unwillingly as a part of me.
Nor should you over-dramatize or overestimate the matter. Why do I never have to go with the flow in society? You are not a bad person because of your addictions.
When I was in Highschool, I came to the realization that worrying what others thought of me never did, and likely never would give me the confidence I was hoping it would. There was no reason to try and appease everyone around me. That realization got me looking inward, to what I wanted from life, who I ultimately wanted to be, and who I was at that moment.

I thought that IF I just followed my desires and tried being as honest with myself, there would be others that shared my love of life, and maybe even my outlooks. thankfully there have been several places like this, where people DO share our desires for animal companionship, and perhaps even dominance.

I think everyone should sit down every once in a while, and take stock of who they are at that moment. Just assess what you have, what you want, and how to get there eventually.

By doing that, I've almost entirely eliminated anxiety and shame from within. Of course I'll feel dumb when someone calls me on being too tunnelvisioned or reckless... that's healthy.

If you're having anxiety and shame about what you want physically, or emotionally, there may be other parts of your life that may not be aligning with what you really want.
Nah, I'm human and humans and animals are alike. If the animal is having fun, and is participating; all fun as if it was a game of tug o war! Share it openly? Hell nah, but I'll never feel ashamed lol
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When I was in Highschool, I came to the realization that worrying what others thought of me never did, and likely never would give me the confidence I was hoping it would. There was no reason to try and appease everyone around me. That realization got me looking inward, to what I wanted from life, who I ultimately wanted to be, and who I was at that moment.

I thought that IF I just followed my desires and tried being as honest with myself, there would be others that shared my love of life, and maybe even my outlooks. thankfully there have been several places like this, where people DO share our desires for animal companionship, and perhaps even dominance.

I think everyone should sit down every once in a while, and take stock of who they are at that moment. Just assess what you have, what you want, and how to get there eventually.

By doing that, I've almost entirely eliminated anxiety and shame from within. Of course I'll feel dumb when someone calls me on being too tunnelvisioned or reckless... that's healthy.

If you're having anxiety and shame about what you want physically, or emotionally, there may be other parts of your life that may not be aligning with what you really want.
Love the enlightened self-realization in here 🙏
life has different phases. when i was young, i had my 1st experience with a dog. i was kinda at that shy awkward stage, not really popular at school and all that. of course i had a very close relationship with our family dog, nothing out of the ordinary of course, but he was a 'girls best friend'. When we became active, i was so nervous about being caught, about someone knowing, it was a super secret. i was super ashamed, but i still carried on because although i did not understand the emotional and physical connection, i still felt it.

fast forward and i eventually got married and all that. after my divorce, being a mature 41 year old woman, i got a german shepard not with any intention of a sexual relationship but more just for a companion. he was a little pup when i got him and to be honest, things developed. I certainly dont advertise my relationship with him, but i am not ashamed either. it is a part of me and i cherish the connection and the bond we have
I am a 23 y/o transguy who have always been into girls.
I also happen to have a rather low sex drive, and I am very content with being single and I do not crave for any sort of intimacy. Especially not emotionally.
But at the same time, I have also always been into male dogs. Which is weird because I'm not into human males at all really. At least I don't think so. I consider myself straight. Seriously. I am so confused by this.

I do not live by myself at the moment, and I have only been with a dog yeaaaars ago, but ever since then I have had, uh, a craving. But I hate it. It makes me feel ashamed. I don't understand why. Is it the taboo of it all? What else could it be? I want to keep it behind closed doors, but internally acting out on it would make me feel so ashamed, even though I really want to act on it someday.

Does anyone else feel the same?
Don’t feel ashamed I don’t I crave being with a dog more than a human. It’s been at least five years that I haven’t been with a male or female. Being married is hard my wife wouldn’t understand or except my dark secret. She has no idea that I’ve dated men which I’ll admit I love cock but the only desire is wanting dock cock I want to suck and swallow a nice load and get knotted as well. I am now 73 and still hope my dream comes true. Keep me pisted