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I am very scared of the vegan movement, they will try to take our right away to have companion animals.

That's definitely not the view that I personally hold. All I'm trying to do is have a civil discussion and point out potential inconsistencies in people's reasoning. I don't think stereotyping a group of people is very helpful.
Until I meet a vegetarian that isn't annoying and act superior over other people, I will still find them annoying. Also, all this talk of veganism made me remember this;
Wow the level of ignorance is strong here.
I agree but the way you think.

they waive that transmission costs to basically nothing when you use high kwh loads
Apparently you've never heard of a demand meter or KW multiplier. The higher the usage, the higher the cost and the higher the bill. The infrastructure to support, even at the personal level, increases dramatically. Consider the cost of a 300 amp service vs a 100 amp just so you can have a tankless water heater. Add two electric cars and you will need a 600 amp service. Three phase doubles your personal costs and triples the utility cost. And is currently available to less than 10% of residential users.

It's not the generation costs that get you, it's the 1500 mile long transmission in your car.
Haha. Food animals are bred by artificial insemination. Farmers have control over how many are bred. If there is fencing, like you state, that limits breeding. Keep the males separated from the females or sterilize them. But really, just not artifically inseminating as many into existence each year would decrease population as the demand decreases.
Apparently you missed the fact that I am a farmer with producer's number and livestock. AI is used to bring improved genetics into the herd but the bulk of breeding is done naturally. 100% AI would triple the cost of meat.
Right. I did not read that anywhere. Are you saying that cattle would reproduce at exactly the same rate without human assistance? We've already domesticated them, so they are our responsibility now. Therefore, it's not unreasonable to prevent breedings by separation or sterilization if we don't already have a hand in how many are bred each year.
Animals will breed at a higher rate if left to themselves. Farmers time the breeding to assure maximum survival of the offspring and efficient handling.
A common native american hunting tactic was driving entire HERDS of buffalos off of cliffs by setting the forest literally on fire and picking out the best scraps from the bottom.... The idea that the people here before us were somehow these hippy animal lovers that did nothing but smoke peace pipes and hold hands with everyone is just romanticized white washed bullshit

Zoos make love and not war...what? What does that even mean? Are you suggesting zoos are....pacifists because we enjoy fucking animals?

Okay a couple things, first I doubt they want to get rid of domestic pets, as I've heard it is a myth, second of all, please do message me as I'm interested in the whole female bunny thing, I've never heard of a zoo with a rabbit before. Also aw a flemish, I have a black male Flemish who isn't even a year old. His name is Pooka and holy hell as loving as he is sometimes other times he will try to eat me. So I'm just curious as to how you have oral sex with the female flemish, had she ever bitten you badly?
And to vegans/veggies reading I hold nothing against yall and personally I love meat. I dont agree with factory farms so I get my meat from a local farm, on occasion I'll get like fast food burgers or something but not very often. I think that hunting is a great means of getting meat as long as you use almost if not all of the animal.
Okay a couple things, first I doubt they want to get rid of domestic pets, as I've heard it is a myth, second of all, please do message me as I'm interested in the whole female bunny thing, I've never heard of a zoo with a rabbit before. Also aw a flemish, I have a black male Flemish who isn't even a year old. His name is Pooka and holy hell as loving as he is sometimes other times he will try to eat me. So I'm just curious as to how you have oral sex with the female flemish, had she ever bitten you badly?
And to vegans/veggies reading I hold nothing against yall and personally I love meat. I dont agree with factory farms so I get my meat from a local farm, on occasion I'll get like fast food burgers or something but not very often. I think that hunting is a great means of getting meat as long as you use almost if not all of the animal.
I agree - especially about using all of the animal if you kill it.
I agree but the way you think.

Apparently you've never heard of a demand meter or KW multiplier. The higher the usage, the higher the cost and the higher the bill. The infrastructure to support, even at the personal level, increases dramatically. Consider the cost of a 300 amp service vs a 100 amp just so you can have a tankless water heater. Add two electric cars and you will need a 600 amp service. Three phase doubles your personal costs and triples the utility cost. And is currently available to less than 10% of residential users.

It's not the generation costs that get you, it's the 1500 mile long transmission in your car.

Again you know nothing of what im talking about. Your not thinking at all of the big picture.

The physical wire on the pole operates at 18k volts and the transformer is what steps down the voltage to whatever you need it to be. You can get the same kva output depending on what you step the voltage down to, for example a 480v split phase system could be placed anywhere as its "single phase", the HV wire on the pole only would draw .5 amps at 18000 volts depending on useage. Its the pole voltage that determines infrastructure. Its this pole voltage that matters, not what its stepped down to.

And youve obvioisly dont know that if you go over a certain kwh usage, you can get discounted rates to as low as .03kwh. Which commercial charge stations like gas stations it is replacing would be like. Home charging would be obsolete with that new battery technology and charge hubs inplace of old stations.

Home charging would still be cheaper than gas stations as it is now. Internal combustion sucks and soon to be obsolete for road vehicles.
Again you know nothing of what im talking about. Your not thinking at all of the big picture.

The physical wire on the pole operates at 18k volts and the transformer is what steps down the voltage to whatever you need it to be. You can get the same kva output depending on what you step the voltage down to, for example a 480v split phase system could be placed anywhere as its "single phase", the HV wire on the pole only would draw .5 amps at 18000 volts depending on useage. Its the pole voltage that determines infrastructure. Its this pole voltage that matters, not what its stepped down to.

And youve obvioisly dont know that if you go over a certain kwh usage, you can get discounted rates to as low as .03kwh. Which commercial charge stations like gas stations it is replacing would be like. Home charging would be obsolete with that new battery technology and charge hubs inplace of old stations.

Home charging would still be cheaper than gas stations as it is now. Internal combustion sucks and soon to be obsolete for road vehicles.

First, I've never seen a 480 split phase (technically known as Scotch T). I've only seen 480 single phase in large lighting systems. Regardless, it takes at least 2 legs (phases) to make a split phase so you double the number of wires right there.

Demand is still demand and your per KVA rises as your demand does to pay for the additional infrastructure. That's what the demand multiplier does.

Now, I have an unintended consequences question for you. You've seen how spectacularly Teslas burn? Imagine an 18 wheeler size battery going off. There is an inherent safety factor in liquid fuels that stored energy lacks.

Want to know what happens to meat when its dropped off a cliff in the form of a 2000lb animal? its guts, stool, liver sauce and stomach acid are going to be intermixed throughout its entire chest cavity.
When you're gutting game, if you even nick the intestinal tract of an animal you can ruin a large amount of the meat.

No... they arent "using every single part of the buffalo" At most they are using the head, hide and quartering the hind.
There is no way of efficiently using a herd of buffalo that you pushed off a fucking cliff lol
I'd argue that if there is no necessity to kill animals, why do it? We have the power to do whatever we want with animals. Would killing an animal simply because we like the taste be considered a just reason? Wouldn't it make sense to have a moral system that was based upon well-being rather than might-makes-right? If a person has to kill an animal to survive, that would be a just reason--it wouldn't be of benefit to the animal, but at least there is more justification than if a person simply likes how they taste. It's easy for us to dictate what's moral when we have the upper hand.

If we don't like how animals are treated and that their lives are cut short, we can simply op out of it. We're not changing what our bodies are able to digest; just cutting out parts of our diet that has consequences we don't agree with. Also, considering that consuming animal products leads to diseases which shorten our lives and cutting them out can reverse those diseases, it would seem prudent to do so. If a lot of us opt out, the system will change. If a person thinks something is wrong, why not speak up? It doesn't mean they have to be disrespectful about it. But, they also don't have to water down their message.

Do you think that if humans weren't on the land, that there would be the same density of animals that are crowded into buildings and stalls on farm land? Sure, we cleared out the land of animals for our own use, but then continue to pack it full with domesticated animals. I'd say that killing an animal humanely would be preferable to starvation and disease. If the situation is that bad, then there is a justification for killing them. But breeding animals into existence and then killing them isn't what I'd consider humane--especially if they have a good life and don't want to die. So, I'd say killing an animal is fine when it's in their best interest. I also don't think that animals should be grateful to us when we've put them in situations that require culling them.

When I posted those links last night before I went to sleep, I was really tired and overwhelmed. So maybe they aren't very good. I'm not suggesting any animal is okay to kill. I'll try to post some better ones if I get the chance.

Thanks for the last paragraph. Like I've mentioned before, I'm not trying to attack anyone or make any enemies. I'm not even trying to judge anyone, just point out inconsistencies because I think that largely people's reasons for eating animals is based on tradition and misinformation.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean there isn't a necessity to kill animals.
Do you support hunting as a form of conservation?
Once again how would you deal with the feral hog issue down south without killing vast quantities of animals? You either get forced into to the role of a hypocrite, or you let disaster run amok and unchecked.

Nobody put animals in a position to be culled, that's a natural cycle if we as humans were here or not. There is no magical "perfect balance" of nature as is commonly portrayed. There have been constant mass die outs of animals for as long as time can tell, before humans ever existed.

Even if we could somehow exist alongside enough predators to keep local prey game at healthy levels, what would the difference be in a bear or wolf killing a deer and a human killing a deer? The deer dies to a predator regardless, so wherein lies the issue? I've never understood that train of thought
Humans are at least intelligent enough to be able to ration out what a healthy level is.

And its nonsense that vegan diets are healthier than a balanced omnivore diet. If that was the case these athletes who are willing to do anything for an edge, would he switching diet to a vegan one.
People who are willing to eat a vegan diet are typically healthy people already (people who eat unhealthy arent going to switch to vegan lifestyle, whether they believe in it or not)

If you compare a health concious omnivore to a vegan, an omnivore is going to be better off everytime.
Never happen..

Just like they will never take our guns away.

For this simple reason: it will most likely cause civil war.

I know I won't give up my animals or my guns with out you getting a lead payment.

There isn't much that is scarier than a pissed off redneck family standing up for their rights.

Just think about what it would take to get just Texas to give up guns.. Lol. Basicaly an act of God.

That's just Texas.
Just think about what it would take to get just Texas to give up guns..
And if you want to know why just look for mass shootings in Texas. The only ones that have succeeded were on government "gun free zones". All of the attempts on private property have ended like the latest, with the attacker shot dead in 6 seconds. He got off about half of the rounds in his gun.
First, I've never seen a 480 split phase (technically known as Scotch T). I've only seen 480 single phase in large lighting systems. Regardless, it takes at least 2 legs (phases) to make a split phase so you double the number of wires right there.

Demand is still demand and your per KVA rises as your demand does to pay for the additional infrastructure. That's what the demand multiplier does.

Now, I have an unintended consequences question for you. You've seen how spectacularly Teslas burn? Imagine an 18 wheeler size battery going off. There is an inherent safety factor in liquid fuels that stored energy lacks.

Charging hubs would be paying sub .08c rates at their useage levels. You get a different tier of useage when you get to a certain kwh consumption rate. You ignore that battery technologies would allow rapid sub 5 minute charging at this point and cheap production. This is when internal combustion dies for the better in cars anyway.

Its not like every car is going to electric overnight. Its done over time and as it is now, a 240v connection can charge a tesla overnight for 15$ @ .13c per kwh, with all its given current battery tech inefficiencys.

Ive seen plenty of 18 wheelers go up in blazes too with diesel. So? That doesnt mean we stick with outdated tech.
And if you want to know why just look for mass shootings in Texas. The only ones that have succeeded were on government "gun free zones". All of the attempts on private property have ended like the latest, with the attacker shot dead in 6 seconds. He got off about half of the rounds in his gun.
Dam straight!
Charging hubs would be paying sub .08c rates at their useage levels. You get a different tier of useage when you get to a certain kwh consumption rate. You ignore that battery technologies would allow rapid sub 5 minute charging at this point and cheap production. This is when internal combustion dies for the better in cars anyway.

Its not like every car is going to electric overnight. Its done over time and as it is now, a 240v connection can charge a tesla overnight for 15$ @ .13c per kwh, with all its given current battery tech inefficiencys.

Ive seen plenty of 18 wheelers go up in blazes too with diesel. So? That doesnt mean we stick with outdated tech.

There is a very basic difference in the way diesel burns from batteries. The energy in liquid fuels is chemical and needs very specific conditions of temperature, pressure, and oxygen mix to fully release their energy. In a pool, liquid fuels will not burn, they need to mix with air at a rate between LEL and UEL. The process of evaporation removes heat from the reaction and limits the rate of combustion. Those giant fire balls you see in the movies are special effects and are created by using an explosive to throw the gasoline into the air before igniting it.

Electric energy doesn't have those limitations. It can flow out of the battery at the speed of light. That's why you weld with electricity and braze with gas. The question isn't do we need better tech, the question is what is better and what is just different.
Once again how would you deal with the feral hog issue down south without killing vast quantities of animals? You either get forced into to the role of a hypocrite, or you let disaster run amok and unchecked.
If there is no other way, there is no other way. But if there is, it should be explored. And the issue I think most vegans have is when it is NOT necessary to kill, but it's done anyway.
The feral hogs are an invasive species brought over by our ancestors. A big mistake on their part. The hogs have no natural predator and they eat and destroy everything in their path. Plant or animal. If everyone went to veganism, these pigs would destroy every crop field they came across, taking away a helluva lot of food from everyone and destroying every natural ecosystem they spread to. Killing them is the only real method. If vegans want their vegetables, they're going to have to let the people that actually want to restore nature, kill animals that are invasive or have no predators to keep their numbers down naturally. Hunting is necessary to help keep things balanced and why they sell tags for animals to hunters.

Also, I told my dad, "when I get rich, we are so doing this."
The feral hogs are an invasive species brought over by our ancestors. A big mistake on their part. The hogs have no natural predator and they eat and destroy everything in their path. Plant or animal. If everyone went to veganism, these pigs would destroy every crop field they came across, taking away a helluva lot of food from everyone and destroying every natural ecosystem they spread to. Killing them is the only real method. If vegans want their vegetables, they're going to have to let the people that actually want to restore nature, kill animals that are invasive or have no predators to keep their numbers down naturally. Hunting is necessary to help keep things balanced and why they sell tags for animals to hunters.

Also, I told my dad, "when I get rich, we are so doing this."

Yeah they can call me a sadist all they want. If I went to texas i'd have a blast doing that
Yeah they can call me a sadist all they want. If I went to texas i'd have a blast doing that
Would you believe that I'm in Texas and Federal Regulation requires me to hunt hogs. I don't even need a license.

BTW, for you grabists, the preferred gun by far is the AR15. You can shoot more them that way.
So @caikgoch, would you be fine with factory farming forbidden? Only meat from free-ranging, naturally reproducing animals hunted for population control would be allowed—and your concern would be solved.

Vegans may still not be perfectly happy then—but making vegans happy isn't the point anyway. It would reduce a lot of suffering in animals and it would reduce stress on our planet. Can we agree that a reduction of suffering would be good?

The problem with simply banning factory farms and using solely free-ranging is that it would take more resources like land, which is detrimental to the planet. We're in a tough spot there: We want to reduce suffering as much as possible, but we also don't want to deforest more than we already have.

Also, considering that consuming animal products leads to diseases which shorten our lives and cutting them out can reverse those diseases, it would seem prudent to do so.

That point is controversial in the scientific community. Some studies conclude that eating meat causes those diseases, others say it doesn't. There are flawed studies on both sides. For example, some studies link saturated fats to disease, some say there's no connection. One study linked an increased risk of diabetes, stroke, and colorectal cancer to eating red meat, but this study was criticized for being flawed. It could be unhealthy to eat meat, but right now it's inconclusive.

I'd say that killing an animal humanely would be preferable to starvation and disease. If the situation is that bad, then there is a justification for killing them. But breeding animals into existence and then killing them isn't what I'd consider humane--especially if they have a good life and don't want to die. So, I'd say killing an animal is fine when it's in their best interest. I also don't think that animals should be grateful to us when we've put them in situations that require culling them.

I agree. When a chicken has been stuck in a cage, crammed with many other chickens that are fighting with it because they can't form their usual social structures, they aren't having a very good life. If they're egg laying hens, some may be lucky enough to adopted after their egg-laying has ceased, but they don't know how to survive as a backyard chicken. We shouldn't have put them in that situation to begin with, but we did.

But at least you're not consuming high levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and insulin-blocking chemicals.

Citation needed. Never heard this claim made before.
Fun fact: The meat consumption in the US is exceptionally high, the highest of all nations compared by the OECD in 2018. It's really excessive: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_meat_consumption_per_capita

These discussion are often about not eating meat at all vs. eating meat. That's philosophically interesting, but the question how much meat we eat and where it comes from could be much more powerful in practice in the short term than the question whether to eat meat. If US citizens would reduce their meat consumption to the level of their Canadian neighbors for example, that is by around 30 %, that would have a huge impact for many animals already without anyone having to become vegetarian or vegan.

People are discussing here whether a vegan diet is more healthy or whether the addition of some meat is more healthy. Again, an interesting discussion. But more relevant in practice is that the meat consumption on the exceptionally high level to be found in the US is not healthy. A reduction of meat consumption would definetely be beneficial for many people.

The problem with simply banning factory farms and using solely free-ranging is that it would take more resources like land, which is detrimental to the planet. We're in a tough spot there: We want to reduce suffering as much as possible, but we also don't want to deforest more than we already have.

Yes, and I do not suggest simply banning factory farms.
In response to this quote (and others), I want to correct what I said earlier:

If you eat animals, you only love some animals, and you can't claim to love all animals.

Wrong -- killing and murdering a living being (such as a dog or a pig) is more unethical than having sex with a being. The "humans are omnivores" argument is nonsense because humans don't have to be "omnivores".

Also, @SkawdtDawg -- that was an excellent post. I agree with everything you said -- it's true that (in your hypothetical scenario), would a person kill a middle-aged dog and eat the dog just to satisfy their temporary desire for something that "tastes good"? That's why the pro-meat-eating arguments are nonsense -- meat-eating treats animals as mere objects (when they should be treated the same way humans treat one another -- with moral respect).

A human would never kill another human or a dog, and in that same way of thinking, other animals (such as pigs) should also not be killed.
My people in the old country had to eat dogs during times of war and according to some of them it tastes good (though it is heavily frowned upon today).. again veganism is a western ideal and an option only for wealthy first world types.

“A human would never kill another human” uh. In times of self-defense we will definitely kill other humans or seriously injure other humans. It can be as small as theft or assault.. If another human broke into my house to steal or harm my family/me, I’m breaking his/her kneecaps. Or as big as another country/territory attacking one another. My people had to eat dogs cause of a certain east asian country that thought it was OK to invade, rape, and slaughter neighboring countries.
I just want to add that this is not going to be easy for me; as an autistic lad, my food tastes are pretty rigid, and processed foods -- particularly meats -- are a substantial part of my diet. Cutting back on them means cutting back on almost everything I'm willing to eat. But I feel compelled to try, and I hope that other people might feel compelled to at least consider trying.

It is good that you are trying to stop eating meat. I grew up eating meat, and then I realized it was wrong (and then I completely stopped eating meat). So I know it's possible to transition from meat-eating to non-meat-eating.

Plus, there's all kinds of food items which resemble animal-based meat, but are made from plant sources (such as Boca Burgers).
It is good that you are trying to stop eating meat. I grew up eating meat, and then I realized it was wrong (and then I completely stopped eating meat). So I know it's possible to transition from meat-eating to non-meat-eating.

Plus, there's all kinds of food items which resemble animal-based meat, but are made from plant sources (such as Boca Burgers).
I've seen shit on the ground before that resembled meat but I sure wasn't going to eat it.

I have tried all kinds of vegetarian meat look alike foods and not one of them tasted like meat and some of them tasted like burnt cardboard.

I really want to know - In some countries they cook and eat insects so is this morally wrong also?
Another thing to think about is: if we love some animals and kill others, what is the reason for how we group them? What is it about some animals that gives them less of a right to live than others? Do we think that some just don't suffer as much, or do we just pick and choose our favorites and disregard the rest?

This is why people should be vegan or vegetarian -- it makes one morally consistent, in that they treat all animals as beings worthy of moral consideration (whereas meat-eaters only treat some, such as pets, as having moral value).

to add on to this, if the world were to become vegan, there would be even more health issues than there were before, less space for the already overpopulated planet due to more space being needed to plant and grow the crops for the human population and the overpopulated animals.

This is nonsense -- farm animals (for slaughter and dairy) require far more land than plants alone. Also, much of plants grown are fed to animals that are then slaughtered -- it makes more sense to only grow plants, rather than feeding plants to animals and then killing those animals.

And I'm doing my part by eating those gassy animals and saving the planet one mouthful at a time. Not all heroes wear capes. I wear a napkin in the collar of my shirt.

This is an idiotic argument -- the best thing to do is to not eat meat, because it means slaughter operations are not being supported financially, which means people stop breeding cows/pigs to be slaughtered. In other words, not eating meat is more ethical (environmentally) than eating meat.

I don't think the vegan argument will every end. Nor do I think that the consumption of meat is going to end. And I'll add that I don't think the production of meat for market is going to ever end.
The one thing I have noticed throughout this thread is that the vegans are not able to respect those of us that eat meat. While we on the other hand have tried to say that it is fine for you to do what you want but we're not wrong for what we do. Then we are attacked, told we don't love animals, called hypocrites, and tried to be made ashamed. This is the way vegans treat others? I wouldn't want any part of being vegan just because of that! I wouldn't want to be associated with that type of behavior. So go ahead and criticize me.
The way the vegans - not all but too many treat others has made me even more determined to remain a meat eater for the rest of my life.

You ought to think about why vegans are criticizing you, and then make decisions (such as not eating meat) based on that criticism. Stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with meat-eating is itself wrong. There's a reason vegans are criticizing meat-eaters -- it's because it is bad for animals, bad for the environment, and bad for one's health. It's not like people are criticizing you for playing the guitar -- vegans are criticizing meat-eaters for their immoral actions (including the often-used phrase, "meat is murder"). As @SkawdtDawg said, "It's hard to respect a choice that directly harms others when it's not necessary."

ZTHorse said it best. When and if there is a viable option to eating meat then the argument has merit. Right now I enjoy the taste of meat and when they produce aomething that is in the same price range and has all the same rich delicious flavor then I will make my choice. Until then I will continue to enjoy eating the things I love.

As I've said before, one's pleasure (in this case, "taste") does not justify killing (murdering) an animal, because an animal's life is more important than how something tastes. The fact that you enjoy eating animals at their expense is callous and idiotic.

Okay a couple things, first I doubt they want to get rid of domestic pets, as I've heard it is a myth, second of all, please do message me as I'm interested in the whole female bunny thing, I've never heard of a zoo with a rabbit before. Also aw a flemish, I have a black male Flemish who isn't even a year old. His name is Pooka and holy hell as loving as he is sometimes other times he will try to eat me. So I'm just curious as to how you have oral sex with the female flemish, had she ever bitten you badly?
And to vegans/veggies reading I hold nothing against yall and personally I love meat. I dont agree with factory farms so I get my meat from a local farm, on occasion I'll get like fast food burgers or something but not very often. I think that hunting is a great means of getting meat as long as you use almost if not all of the animal.

Eating any meat (whether it is obtained "locally" is or from a factory farm) is morally wrong, because in both cases, the animal is still murdered (which is an inherently immoral act, because it unjustly deprives of a being of his/her life).

I agree - especially about using all of the animal if you kill it.

Bullshit. If a human or a dog were killed, would it be ethical to "use their body parts" for your own needs? No, it wouldn't. Killing an animal is itself wrong, even if the animal is "used" (which, by the way, is just exploitation).

And its nonsense that vegan diets are healthier than a balanced omnivore diet. If that was the case these athletes who are willing to do anything for an edge, would he switching diet to a vegan one.
People who are willing to eat a vegan diet are typically healthy people already (people who eat unhealthy arent going to switch to vegan lifestyle, whether they believe in it or not)

If you compare a health concious omnivore to a vegan, an omnivore is going to be better off everytime.

This is bullshit. A vegan diet is far healthier than a meat-based diet. Also, as @SkawdtDawg said, humans have a choice to not eat meat, whereas wolves do not have a choice.

The feral hogs are an invasive species brought over by our ancestors. A big mistake on their part. The hogs have no natural predator and they eat and destroy everything in their path. Plant or animal. If everyone went to veganism, these pigs would destroy every crop field they came across, taking away a helluva lot of food from everyone and destroying every natural ecosystem they spread to. Killing them is the only real method. If vegans want their vegetables, they're going to have to let the people that actually want to restore nature, kill animals that are invasive or have no predators to keep their numbers down naturally. Hunting is necessary to help keep things balanced and why they sell tags for animals to hunters.

This is nonsense. Hunting should be banned because the act of murdering an animal is itself an unethical act. Nature can take care of its own, and doesn't need humans "balancing" it. Also, what you said about feral hogs isn't true.

I really want to know - In some countries they cook and eat insects so is this morally wrong also?

I would say that deliberately killing insects is wrong.

Vegans try to do the least harm possible, meaning avoiding killing animals (including insects), though sometimes killing insects may be unavoidable (such as stepping on them accidentally). In the case of meat-eating, one can avoid eating meat.
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This is why people should be vegan or vegetarian -- it makes one morally consistent, in that they treat all animals as beings worthy of moral consideration (whereas meat-eaters only treat some, such as pets, as having moral value).

Dude you were the one saying that small animals don't matter much because they don't have much cellular mass LOL

"First of all, i believe that life is at the cellular level not at the "individual" level..
Based on my understanding of life, 500 mice isnt as much life as 1 cow because there is more life into 1 cow than into 500 mice." -Zoo50 The grand philosopher
Dude you were the one saying that small animals don't matter much because they don't have much cellular mass LOL

"First of all, i believe that life is at the cellular level not at the "individual" level..
Based on my understanding of life, 500 mice isnt as much life as 1 cow because there is more life into 1 cow than into 500 mice." -Zoo50 The grand philosopher

I never said any of that. You must be thinking of a different person.