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I am very scared of the vegan movement, they will try to take our right away to have companion animals.

I'm scared of the Democrats because they sacrifice the traditions and values that made our country great just to gain votes and keep themselves in power. They only seem to serve themselves and are the most corrupt group I have ever seen.

Elaborate. What traditions and what values are being sacrificed?

Ask the Aussies how they feel about it.

Alive is my guess. Slightly less worried about being gunned down in the middle of a math test they didn't really study for.
Elaborate. What traditions and what values are being sacrificed?

Alive is my guess. Slightly less worried about being gunned down in the middle of a math test they didn't really study for.

You think gun buy backs work? cute :)
I mean make your argument for other forms of gun control, but gun buybacks are a fucking joke in every way

Oh man this thread is turning into dumpster fire worthy!
You think gun buy backs work? cute :)
I mean make your argument for other forms of gun control, but gun buybacks are a fucking joke in every way

Oh man this thread is turning into dumpster fire worthy!

Oh fuck no, They only got 1/5 of the total but still it's better than the post shooting ritual we get in America, "Now is not the time to talk about gun control."

SOMETHING, is better than nothing.
It's like when dealing with a sick person. Do you A. Give them food, water and medicine or B. Thoughts and prayers?

Something > Nothing

Also they tightened up the laws more on what people can purchase and own so while there's still a lot out there now, with effort and time, progress will be made. You only lose when you give up.
Oh fuck no, They only got 1/5 of the total but still it's better than the post shooting ritual we get in America, "Now is not the time to talk about gun control."

SOMETHING, is better than nothing.
It's like when dealing with a sick person. Do you A. Give them food, water and medicine or B. Thoughts and prayers?

Something > Nothing

Also they tightened up the laws more on what people can purchase and own so while there's still a lot out there now, with effort and time progress will be made. You only lose when you give up.

No it's not better than nothing lol. All you're doing is getting firearms from ultra goody goods who would never commit a crime, and then you're turning the other 80% into criminals....tell me how that makes sense
Oh fuck no, They only got 1/5 of the total but still it's better than the post shooting ritual we get in America, "Now is not the time to talk about gun control."

SOMETHING, is better than nothing.
It's like when dealing with a sick person. Do you A. Give them food, water and medicine or B. Thoughts and prayers?

Something > Nothing

Also they tightened up the laws more on what people can purchase and own so while there's still a lot out there now, with effort and time, progress will be made. You only lose when you give up.
Yea gun control or should I say they want to take our guns - Total BS
For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.

This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.

Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.

If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.

Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.

The general public will not be able to be convinced to take away all their dogs and cats.
The general public will not be able to be convinced to take away all their dogs and cats.
Well, not only that, but this is a bizarre and gross misrepresentation of both the animal rights movement -- in which many many zoos take part -- and veganism -- again, in which many many zoos take part.

Vegans aren't after your pets... and how this evolved into a half-baked gun control discussion is beyond me. What the hell is this thread, for real?
Allow illegals in without becoming citizens - and allowing them to vote
Giving them benefits instead of deporting them.
That's my primary complaint

We allowed "Illegals" in for DECADES to work then go home to their families, it was an open border. Once We started to close it up, That's when it became harder and many decided to simply stay in America and try to make it work. Of course, White people, so Rabble rabble, kick them out! Then war happens, No wait, we need you come back! Then the war ends, Get the fuck outta my country!

As for allowing them to vote I'm pretty sure you have to be a registered citizen and don't give me that shit about voter fraud. Ooooh a whopping 0.0000044%. Soooo much voting power.

As for the benefits thing, So long as they're here working towards citizenship, (It's earned, not bought) so what? Let's face it, the VAST majority of people on welfare were born here and too stupid to move away from their home which has no jobs around it. As far as deportation, again, if they're coming here because they want to become a citizen, let them try. If they fuck up, then deport them. Don't rip them from their children because they dared to touch American soil.

Really all I see in your primary complaint is that you're at least a closet racist.

I remember pledging LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL. Sadly it is something I've rarely seen in my life.
I see a whole lot of loudmouths who have made the word freedom a complete joke. How the fuck are you going to take away people's privacy with bill after bill and still have the audacity to talk about freedom?

Aaaand let's face it, There's justice for some, prison for most, paid vacations for killer cops and if you're rich you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want.

No it's not better than nothing lol. All you're doing is getting firearms from ultra goody goods who would never commit a crime, and then you're turning the other 80% into criminals....tell me how that makes sense

That is the most dead horse argument ever. "If you make guns illegal only criminals will have guns!"
For fucks sake they're not even taking away all the guns. Just the ones most often used in, oh what's the word I'm looking for? MASS SHOOTINGS.
We allowed "Illegals" in for DECADES to work then go home to their families, it was an open border. Once We started to close it up, That's when it became harder and many decided to simply stay in America and try to make it work. Of course, White people, so Rabble rabble, kick them out! Then war happens, No wait, we need you come back! Then the war ends, Get the fuck outta my country!

As for allowing them to vote I'm pretty sure you have to be a registered citizen and don't give me that shit about voter fraud. Ooooh a whopping 0.0000044%. Soooo much voting power.

As for the benefits thing, So long as they're here working towards citizenship, (It's earned, not bought) so what? Let's face it, the VAST majority of people on welfare were born here and too stupid to move away from their home which has no jobs around it. As far as deportation, again, if they're coming here because they want to become a citizen, let them try. If they fuck up, then deport them. Don't rip them from their children because they dared to touch American soil.

Really all I see in your primary complaint is that you're at least a closet racist.

I remember pledging LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL. Sadly it is something I've rarely seen in my life.
I see a whole lot of loudmouths who have made the word freedom a complete joke. How the fuck are you going to take away people's privacy with bill after bill and still have the audacity to talk about freedom?

Aaaand let's face it, There's justice for some, prison for most, paid vacations for killer cops and if you're rich you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want.


Oh man it's an NPC in it's natural habitat. You've hit almost all the typical NPC points in one single post. Congrats
That is the most dead horse argument ever. "If you make guns illegal only criminals will have guns!"
For fucks sake they're not even taking away all the guns. Just the ones most often used in, oh what's the word I'm looking for? MASS SHOOTINGS.

So you really think the people who willingly give their guns up are the type who could commit a mass shooting? x3
Oh man it's an NPC in it's natural habitat. You've hit almost all the typical NPC points in one single post. Congrats

My fault, I really should know better by now. There is no point in trying to use things like fact, evidence or logic on the internet. I'll leave this thread now. You can go back to blowing highly unlikely shit completely out of proportion and casually dismissing reality.
My fault, I really should know better by now. There is no point in trying to use things like fact, evidence or logic on the internet. I'll leave this thread now. You can go back to blowing highly unlikely shit completely out of proportion and casually dismissing reality.

Facts? You're using typical lefty coward tactics of labeling people as bigots of some form or another simply for not agreeing with your narrow overton window. Does that make the mexican legal immigrants (vast majority heavy against illegal immigration) racists against their fellow mexicans? Weird how that racist descriptor gets thrown out the window when convenient.
And no it was never an "open border" lmao
We allowed "Illegals" in for DECADES to work then go home to their families, it was an open border. Once We started to close it up, That's when it became harder and many decided to simply stay in America and try to make it work. Of course, White people, so Rabble rabble, kick them out! Then war happens, No wait, we need you come back! Then the war ends, Get the fuck outta my country!

As for allowing them to vote I'm pretty sure you have to be a registered citizen and don't give me that shit about voter fraud. Ooooh a whopping 0.0000044%. Soooo much voting power.

As for the benefits thing, So long as they're here working towards citizenship, (It's earned, not bought) so what? Let's face it, the VAST majority of people on welfare were born here and too stupid to move away from their home which has no jobs around it. As far as deportation, again, if they're coming here because they want to become a citizen, let them try. If they fuck up, then deport them. Don't rip them from their children because they dared to touch American soil.

Really all I see in your primary complaint is that you're at least a closet racist.

I remember pledging LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL. Sadly it is something I've rarely seen in my life.
I see a whole lot of loudmouths who have made the word freedom a complete joke. How the fuck are you going to take away people's privacy with bill after bill and still have the audacity to talk about freedom?

Aaaand let's face it, There's justice for some, prison for most, paid vacations for killer cops and if you're rich you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want.

If you call me a Racist because I want to see the traditions and values of my country remain intact then you obviously can't see the problems happening in our country clearly. Problems that are perpetuated by the Democratic Party.
I have no problem with people of any race so long as they follow the same rules that I have to follow.
As far as benefits why should they get it for free when I have to pay for it and they are getting it for free because they are not a citizen. Am I racist because I want it to be fair for everyone?
I,m not against anyone working toward their citizenship - that is what they are suppose to do but when they aren't trying to become a citizen and they are riding the system creating a burden on the rest of us then yes that is wrong and there is no defense of it being wrong and you know that.
AND you should know that I try to be fair with everyone - and I'm not racist in the least.

Oh and LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL means LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL AMERICANS - It's The American Pledge not the world pledge
For those who don't know, there is something called the animal rights movement. Their goal is to abolish all meat, pets and bring domestic animals to extinction. They are a cult group and use fear and manipulation to get people to join them.

This makes me extremely anxious. I have never been good with people due to mental illness, I cannot hold a job at all, but am given disability money. My pet girl rabbit is the only way I'm motivated to live.

Ive been a zoo my whole life since 13 and I'm 20 years old now, but am only interested in female bunnies and recently performed oral sex on my Flemish giant rabbit. She has shown no displeasure and is snuggling right beside me right now and giving kisses and waiting to be pet. This feeling is far better than anything Ive ever felt my whole life.

If vegans managed to take my right to own pets, then I will have no motivation to live. I need the companionship of a female rabbit to survive.

Is anyone else afraid of these people? I needed to ask this because I am dead scared of this movement gaining power and momentum. It would be great to hear your feelings on this issue.
I think you’re trolling.
I’m a vegetarian, but I don’t dictate what people can or cannot eat. I think eating meat is immoral because we are killing the animals we proclaim to love and as we all know animals are sentient beings who feel physically, mentally, and emotionally with complex thought processes. I’ll never understand someone who wants to argue the right the fuck a cow who will then turn around and eat a cheeseburger.
As far as animal ownership goes I don’t like to say that I own my dog. He’s more like a child to me that I care for and who is a companion. I don’t think people should buy exotic pets because we literally take them from their natural habitats and we should be trying to protect them, not domesticate them for our pleasure. I’m vehemently opposed to breeding as hundreds of thousands of shelter animals die every year waiting for someone to love them. I don’t think an animal should be forced into any situation that may be harmful. For instance, where I work there is a blind man with a dog that he treats as a tool rather than a companion. That poor dog never looks happy and the man clearly mistreats it but because he’s blind everyone turns a blind eye (no pun intended.)

I think it’s incredibly hypocritical of many zoos to fight for the right to have sex with animals (whom they argue are their romantic partners) who then turn around and treat them as food or tools. As far as some animal rights groups (such as the Humane Society) go, I don’t blame them for their fight to end sexual relationships between animals and humans. Much of what I’ve seen in the public eye hasn’t been a great representation and I can’t fault them for thinking that such things may be harmful. The Humane Society has done far more good for animals all around the world for me to say, “well fuck them for trying to take away my right to sex with animals,” because first and foremost I care about the well-being of animals. I hope one day we can have a more accurate and positive image of human and animal sexual interactions, but until then I’m not going to condemn organizations who are doing more good for animals than any zoophile I’ve ever known.
If we want people to believe that we honestly love animals and that sex is just a part of that then we need to start acting like it.
That would be a true concern if that happened. Once they have no value as a source of food they will shorty die out. The open plains no longer exist and I doubt they could survive
So because they’ll die out we should keep them alive so that we can kill them? I don’t follow that logic. We purposefully keep their populations up to produce meat (which is also harmful to the environment) but if we shut these things down or reduced them greatly many of them could easily be taken care of until their populations dwindle back down to normal and healthy sizes. This argument is similar to hunters who proclaim that if they don’t kill deer they will starve due to overpopulation, but if we stopped keeping the populations up (so that we can hunt them) then nature would correct that itself.
So because they’ll die out we should keep them alive so that we can kill them? I don’t follow that logic. We purposefully keep their populations up to produce meat (which is also harmful to the environment) but if we shut these things down or reduced them greatly many of them could easily be taken care of until their populations dwindle back down to normal and healthy sizes. This argument is similar to hunters who proclaim that if they don’t kill deer they will starve due to overpopulation, but if we stopped keeping the populations up (so that we can hunt them) then nature would correct that itself.
Now I never said that - Did I?
Now I never said that - Did I?
Not in so many words. But the point is that if we don’t keep them alive for food (which would involve killing them) that they’ll die out. Not trying to misconstrue your words, but what else could you be trying to say?
I was just pointing out that if they no longer were food then as a matter of fact that they would probably die out. Sure some people might try to take care of them but not that many have the resources to actually take care of an animal that is that big.
I was just pointing out that if they no longer were food then as a matter of fact that they would probably die out. Sure some people might try to take care of them but not that many have the resources to actually take care of an animal that is that big.
Which is more ethical? Keeping an animal alive for the purpose of food or letting them die out? But in all honesty I don’t see that actually happening. I’ve known many people who have farm animals as simple pets rather than food. Also, a lot of people raise cows for milk alone.
Which is more ethical? Keeping an animal alive for the purpose of food or letting them die out? But in all honesty I don’t see that actually happening. I’ve known many people who have farm animals as simple pets rather than food. Also, a lot of people raise cows for milk alone.

They're against ALL animal factories. Milk industry would be out too.