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How to "train" your wife (to fuck dogs for you) (HTTYW)

Texting her a link and expecting a positive reaction was not smart. It was a total pussy move, IMO. By doing so, you pretty much guaranteed failure and closed the door entirely. She even let you know that she doesn't want "to watch it by herself". May be a do-over in a couple of months, when you are there with her, while watching porn, while having sex?
I'm surprised the 'watch porn' date idea isn't just guaranteed failure by default. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd prefer something slightly more interesting for any date, than to just watch some porn.
I'm surprised the 'watch porn' date idea isn't just guaranteed failure by default. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'd prefer something slightly more interesting for any date, than to just watch some porn.
He said she is his girlfriend, not a date. Not sure how to break this to you, but people watch porn, you know.
He said she is his girlfriend, not a date. Not sure how to break this to you, but people watch porn, you know.
Second last line. "BTW I have no interest to get her into actual sex with animal however I would like to watch videos together when I'm on date with her."
Second last line. "BTW I have no interest to get her into actual sex with animal however I would like to watch videos together when I'm on date with her."
Yeah, he means when he is with his girlfriend he wants to watch zoo porn with her.
Lets say that your GF was really into watching guys suck old man's dicks (or substitute that with something you do not like the idea of and do not want to watch.) but she would really like to share this interest with you.

She would be very disappointed and go to a forum and ask for advice:
"How to get my BF to watch this porn he does not like for me?",
"Is there a way to get him to come around to a similar way of thinking and making him interested in watching old guys drinking the cum of elderly men?"

How would you feel about that?
I'm not sure of my GF but you definitely have some interesting ideas. We should be friends 😂
  • Haha
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Texting her a link and expecting a positive reaction was not smart. It was a total pussy move, IMO. By doing so, you pretty much guaranteed failure and closed the door entirely. She even let you know that she doesn't want "to watch it by herself". May be a do-over in a couple of months, when you are there with her, while watching porn, while having sex?
She is a shy person and we talk openly in chat after having sex when I leave her place. So I thought it's better to text and let her think about it rather than telling her in person.

My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn. So I texted her one of the video link of knotty hoping she might show some interest, so that we can watch together on my next date. Unfortunately she doesn't like the idea and didn't even want to watch by herself.

I was very disappointed. Ladies out there any advice will be greatly appreciated. Male here from Vancouver, anyone from here?

BTW I have no interest to get her into actual sex with animal however I would like to watch videos together when I'm on date with her.

Mistake number one is in your first sentence: "My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn."
No! "Horny most of the time" does not indicate dog porn as a good idea! I know a few women who sleep, eat and breathe sex 24/7, but I still would not even suggest zoo to them.
If you have 10,000 wild and fuck-hungry friends, male and female, put them all in a room and start talking about zoo. All but ONE of them will walk out on you, and I'm not so sure about that last one.
Watch your zoo porn by yourself, and nowhere near your GF.
Good luck keeping her.

My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn. So I texted her one of the video link of knotty hoping she might show some interest, so that we can watch together on my next date. Unfortunately she doesn't like the idea and didn't even want to watch by herself.

I was very disappointed. Ladies out there any advice will be greatly appreciated. Male here from Vancouver, anyone from here?

BTW I have no interest to get her into actual sex with animal however I would like to watch videos together when I'm on date with her.

Tips for your girlfriend?

Yes I have. She should separate from you if you do not accept that this is not for her!
Mistake number one is in your first sentence: "My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn."
No! "Horny most of the time" does not indicate dog porn as a good idea! I know a few women who sleep, eat and breathe sex 24/7, but I still would not even suggest zoo to them.
If you have 10,000 wild and fuck-hungry friends, male and female, put them all in a room and start talking about zoo. All but ONE of them will walk out on you, and I'm not so sure about that last one.
Watch your zoo porn by yourself, and nowhere near your GF.
Good luck keeping he

Mistake number one is in your first sentence: "My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn."
No! "Horny most of the time" does not indicate dog porn as a good idea! I know a few women who sleep, eat and breathe sex 24/7, but I still would not even suggest zoo to them.
If you have 10,000 wild and fuck-hungry friends, male and female, put them all in a room and start talking about zoo. All but ONE of them will walk out on you, and I'm not so sure about that last one.
Watch your zoo porn by yourself, and nowhere near your GF.
Good luck keeping her.
If one door closes, other door opens.
To all haters, me and my GF watched 🐬 sex and she found it interesting.

I will take it easy with her and see how it goes.
I'm still working on how often she's horny (which likely the OP's failure) relates to what she's horny for. I mean, does being unsatisfied automatically translate to craving for dog? Maybe she prefers horse.
Mistake number one is in your first sentence: "My GF is horny most of the times, so I thought to introduce her to dog porn."
No! "Horny most of the time" does not indicate dog porn as a good idea! I know a few women who sleep, eat and breathe sex 24/7, but I still would not even suggest zoo to them.
If you have 10,000 wild and fuck-hungry friends, male and female, put them all in a room and start talking about zoo. All but ONE of them will walk out on you, and I'm not so sure about that last one.
Watch your zoo porn by yourself, and nowhere near your GF.
Good luck keeping her.
Full flex while reading this... Haha... You can put some nice ideas together 😄
I'm still working on how often she's horny (which likely the OP's failure) relates to what she's horny for. I mean, does being unsatisfied automatically translate to craving for dog? Maybe she prefers horse
I meant she has great sex drive but people blew it out of proportion. She doesn't need any animal, thanks for the recommendation though.

i don’t “make” anything happen that is not in favor of both. Nor do I hammer down and belly ache like you may think. It’s a fetish for me and I don’t really care to keep anything from my wife. It was a simple question and I hate to say; you got really sophisticated in your response.
Let me just say I have had 2 parteners that have gottin into sex with dogs and end up loving it. Both of them thought it was something they would never do. I showed them some videos and would say " damn he's fucking her good or damn I bet that feels good or look how she's cumming. Things like that. When thier own intrests kick in they started wanting to see more videos and it lead to them getting totally into it. Believe me having your partener in on it with you is the best thing I ever had. It is so hot when you see a girl anxius to get a knot pounded in her pussy, or spreading her pussy as wide as she can for him to stick his tunge in to her tonsiles and squirting in his mouth. It's diffinately worth trying. Just try and make it her idea. Good luck
So this is my first post, and as the title reads I am trying to introduce my wife(36) to the idea of a dog fucking her.

So I've(36M) been into beast for a long time. I have fooled around with a few different dogs mostly neighbors dog and family dogs. Ive given a bunch of handjobs and taken a couple anally which both were alot of fun. I loved how much the dogs came and feeling how hard they got etc.

Rewind to right around peak pandemic and I was home with her alot during the day so we were fucking like crazy as I've always had a really high sex drive and shes not too far off from mine. We'll during one of our sexy time sessions, I was able talk her into order a knot dildo. I was hinting at the idea of a knot and how full she would feel and how hard she wpuld cum. We looked at a bunch of different ones and ended up settling on a small rex from bad draggon.

So the first time we used the toy together was amazing. She loved having it in here and came so hard when she sat all the way down on the knot. She came instantly.

Now at this point I have no idea is shes ever seen anything beast related or has ever done anything with a dog. She's made a joke before about getting licked by a dog but i did'nt press it.

We both dirty talk alot during sex and shes really good at it. Lately she has been saying how much she wants a knot in her and how good it feels. I've never mentioned to her that rex is modeled off a dog cock but i have to think she knows already right?

Last night we had a bit of a breakthrough, we were really into a sexy time session and typical knot talk. I was watching her fuck her toy dog cock and rubbing my cock, I could tell she was getting close. My cock was so hard and dripping precum, I had also had a couple beers so i was loosened up. Well when she climbed up on my cock i took it a little further, saying i want her to have a real knotted cock in her and that i want to feel her pussy so full of knotted cock cum. I love how her pussy fwels on my cock after shes had a knot in here and that i bet its even better if its a real one. I tell her i want to feel all that cum pour out onto my dick while I slowly press it into her. She asks if i know anyone with a knotted cock and i say not someone, something. She leans down as I thrust into her asking me what thing and after some reluctance she gets me to outright say that i want her to take a dog cock in her pussy and how I want him to fill her with cum akd knot beep inside her. This seems to really turn her on and we borh cum quickly after.

Is it possible shes done stuff with a dog before and was just trying to beat around the bush? Should I lean into the next time we are in bed? We don't have a male intact dog in the house yet, we have a 3 year old female wheimreyner mix. We also have an older male weiner dog but he was fixed as a puppy so hes not interested. When he passes I have my heart set on a lab variety, partly for waterfoul hunting but also so we can have a big cock to share.

How should I continue to persue this idea with her and ensure she is comfortable with the idea. I really want her to be into this but don't want to gross her out or make her nervous. Does anyone have any advice for her and I?
Is it possible shes done stuff with a dog before and was just trying to beat around the bush? Should I lean into the next time we are in bed? We don't have a male intact dog in the house yet, we have a 3 year old female wheimreyner mix. We also have an older male weiner dog but he was fixed as a puppy so hes not interested. When he passes I have my heart set on a lab variety, partly for waterfoul hunting but also so we can have a big cock to share.

How should I continue to persue this idea with her and ensure she is comfortable with the idea. I really want her to be into this but don't want to gross her out or make her nervous. Does anyone have any advice for her and I?
I read the whole thing, I only quoted the part I SPECIFICALLY want to comment on in this post.

I've been doing this stuff for a LONG time, Pre-Internet, so ALL my early experience and in fact the bulk of my time period has been FACE TO FACE, live and in person. I highlight that because on the internet, it's WAY easy to back-track when you fuck up and you KNOW you fucked up.....it's NOT that easy to do face to face and sometimes, it's outright impossible, so you have to be very VERY careful what you say and how you say it.

I say all that, so I can say this next part and you might actually take me seriously......DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make ANY assumptions about what she actually knows concerning knots and whether or not she has any prior experience with dogs of any kind at all (any kind of experience, not any kind of dog, lol). When I was a lot younger and a whole lot dumber I made a LOT of really stupid mistakes in approach and in sealing the deal (mostly in the approach) and almost all of those mistakes stem from me making assumptions. Over time, I stopped making any assumptions at all and just approached everything as if the target had never even seen a dog and went from there. It's painful when you get shot in the dick, it's more painful when YOU shoot yourself in the dick.

One thing I learned through bitter and embarrassing experience is that people will say shit because they *think* you want to hear it or they think this is the path you want to travel in conversation, and I'm talking about just general talk, not meaningful conversation mind you, but just chitchat......it's your WIFE, presumably, she loves you and wants you to be happy and wants to travel with you along the happiness path as you go. She may be following your cues, whether you intend to be dropping cues or not, that happens.

Everyone who has even seen a dog knows dogs lick, do NOT assume she knows about dog knots, BEYOND the exact time and information YOU gave her in person. There is NO WAY, from the information you shared, that you can possibly know that she even processed THAT into dogs have knotted cocks. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't.

I agree with you that it's a reasonable assumption that she does, but that doesn't mean that she really does, it just feels that way.

IF I gave you any advice at all other than to tread very very carefully here, it would be that you focus your immediate effort on finding a way to solidify HER idea of knots and be 100% positive she knows what that toy actually IS. HOW you do that, I don't know, you know her, I don't.

Outside of a possibly VERY uncomfortable conversation, I know of no other way for you to confirm that she knows about dog knots 100% before you proceed.

I suppose you could "get caught" watching dog porn and if you need to retreat, you can always say you just got curious, blah, blah, blah......but, I don't really know if that flys in your world or not, so how you go about it is something you need to figure out.
I read the whole thing, I only quoted the part I SPECIFICALLY want to comment on in this post.

I've been doing this stuff for a LONG time, Pre-Internet, so ALL my early experience and in fact the bulk of my time period has been FACE TO FACE, live and in person. I highlight that because on the internet, it's WAY easy to back-track when you fuck up and you KNOW you fucked up.....it's NOT that easy to do face to face and sometimes, it's outright impossible, so you have to be very VERY careful what you say and how you say it.

I say all that, so I can say this next part and you might actually take me seriously......DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT make ANY assumptions about what she actually knows concerning knots and whether or not she has any prior experience with dogs of any kind at all (any kind of experience, not any kind of dog, lol). When I was a lot younger and a whole lot dumber I made a LOT of really stupid mistakes in approach and in sealing the deal (mostly in the approach) and almost all of those mistakes stem from me making assumptions. Over time, I stopped making any assumptions at all and just approached everything as if the target had never even seen a dog and went from there. It's painful when you get shot in the dick, it's more painful when YOU shoot yourself in the dick.

One thing I learned through bitter and embarrassing experience is that people will say shit because they *think* you want to hear it or they think this is the path you want to travel in conversation, and I'm talking about just general talk, not meaningful conversation mind you, but just chitchat......it's your WIFE, presumably, she loves you and wants you to be happy and wants to travel with you along the happiness path as you go. She may be following your cues, whether you intend to be dropping cues or not, that happens.

Everyone who has even seen a dog knows dogs lick, do NOT assume she knows about dog knots, BEYOND the exact time and information YOU gave her in person. There is NO WAY, from the information you shared, that you can possibly know that she even processed THAT into dogs have knotted cocks. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't.

I agree with you that it's a reasonable assumption that she does, but that doesn't mean that she really does, it just feels that way.

IF I gave you any advice at all other than to tread very very carefully here, it would be that you focus your immediate effort on finding a way to solidify HER idea of knots and be 100% positive she knows what that toy actually IS. HOW you do that, I don't know, you know her, I don't.

Outside of a possibly VERY uncomfortable conversation, I know of no other way for you to confirm that she knows about dog knots 100% before you proceed.

I suppose you could "get caught" watching dog porn and if you need to retreat, you can always say you just got curious, blah, blah, blah......but, I don't really know if that flys in your world or not, so how you go about it is something you need to figure out.
That seems like sound advice. It is possible i was sending cues and she was building off of that. I think continuing to persue the world of toys will be best until we have an oppirtunity for the real thing, which may be a few years unfortunetly.
So brief update; we were just hanging out, playful chatting kissing yada yada. She asks me if i want to see her get fucked by a dog? It was kinda hard for me to answer because of course I do but I just plead ignorance and said i don't really know but it may be interesting and exciting.

She asked if I was into that sorta thing and again I tried to play it off as if it was totally new to me. But I tried to comfort her and let her know its very common and its just understood to be taboo where we live. She semed very receptive of the idea.

She ultimetly said she wasnt interested and that she was completely satisfied with me, which is fine. But the fact it didnt upset her or that she didnt imediately dismiss it spells hope. If it was something more accesable I think we would have already tried. But we will see how things progress.
Her response could be related to your non committal response about not really being in to it and such. You might need to admit more for her to admit it as well. Just tell her that yes it would excite you to see her play with a dog. Ask if she is receptive to exploring through porn the idea of K9 it can always remain role play with the toys.
So brief update; we were just hanging out, playful chatting kissing yada yada. She asks me if i want to see her get fucked by a dog? It was kinda hard for me to answer because of course I do but I just plead ignorance and said i don't really know but it may be interesting and exciting.

She asked if I was into that sorta thing and again I tried to play it off as if it was totally new to me. But I tried to comfort her and let her know its very common and its just understood to be taboo where we live. She semed very receptive of the idea.

She ultimetly said she wasnt interested and that she was completely satisfied with me, which is fine. But the fact it didnt upset her or that she didnt imediately dismiss it spells hope. If it was something more accesable I think we would have already tried. But we will see how things progress.
Well I’d say give it a few days for her to process it, maybe show her a video so she can see how it actually looks
I can't give advice, but I'm on the same path as you. I ordered a Bitch collar for her. And soon a Knot Dildo. I think the key is patience and mutual respect and attention. :)
I am a Longtime lurker and finally have the courage to create my first post.

I introduced my girlfriend to the zoo world by showing her videos of dogs fucking girls and pictures of their sizes. I secretly recorded her reactions and even though she said "ewww" or "no way" in the video her eyebrows shot up with curiosity when she was watching the videos or looking at the how big they get. She also watched every second of each video I showed her. The other day she joked about it during a card game.

I need some tips on what to do next, she is curious but not hooked.
Do y'all watch porn together? Have you watched some zoo together? If not, try to find some SHE might enjoy, like lots of pussy licking. I think it starts that way for lots of females. It's non invasive and we love to be eaten. Don't try for gold right out of the gate. Watch some hot licking for sure. Then progress to thorough fucking/ pounding with loud moaning. Ya know! I could suggest some videos if you need help.