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How secretive are you? What does it take to open up?

And they were fine with it? I almost told a close friend, but I think that's TMI territory for me.
Everybody I've told has been positive about it but I've always felt things out with the person before. What they're into, jokes about porn, etc, y'know, the typical stuff. Also helps that my best friend and the other friend are furries so were already 'exposed' to that scene in a sense.

My best friend is also a (non active) zoo. The others say they can't understand the how or the why of why I would want to, but they realize that what we do to animals for work, food, etc is much worse than letting a dog mount me and don't think ill of it, just like how they might not be able to understand 'why' somebody is gay if they're not, I suppose.
I have literally only told one person about this, and it was a recent discovery. it all worked out tho and i don’t regret it
Well coming out with this isnt a good idea in most cases , how much do you know that person your coming out to? Because where i live your life is over if your outed as gay , lets not even talk about beast. I personally couldnt imagine any kind of relationship sexual or friendship where i cant be open so i rather have few friends who know about this . For me coming out as gay is a sort of test , if they cant handle that i wont even bother with the rest. Since i got introduced to dogs really early in life i consider it a part of my every day life, i am not zoo exclusive but my partner knows he is sharing the bedroom with a special 4 legged friend , i am lucky he accepts me/us as we are and ofc enjoys watching but sadly i heard horror stories of parents partners over reacting. Coming out to your parents here is almost always a nono most are so closed minded they wouldnt feel out of place in the middle ages. A good lady friend of mine was outed for being lesbian at 16 she got beaten up badly and thrown out so ye here its a great risk. I always say if you find a person who accepts this you can call yourself lucky and you should be extra carefull to keep that person because it is worth it.
I've told a total of 3 people, they're my closest friends. They've accepted me for who I am, but believe that I just need to find the right woman. We're still close friends, but I don't talk to them about my sexuality.
When it comes down to it, you need a strong level of trust, and a bit of faith in the person you're considering opening up to.
I've told a total of 3 people, they're my closest friends. They've accepted me for who I am, but believe that I just need to find the right woman. We're still close friends, but I don't talk to them about my sexuality.
When it comes down to it, you need a strong level of trust, and a bit of faith in the person you're considering opening up to.
And a lot of faith
It is my dream to talk about zoo with people in person. So far it’s only been online unfortunately. But I’m more than sure one day I’ll be able to do it with some people in person
I've only told one person about my sexuality. She was a LDR that openly talked about liking bestiality in public places. She said later that she was framing it as a joke, but I took it seriously and started talking to her about it. She later told me that she would let her dog go to town on her with its tongue. I didn't judge her and later confessed about my zoophilia with horses and dogs. It was weird because she found it strange that I would actually go the extra mile and have sex with the animals, but she accepted it. I later broke it off with her and she was very angry, but she didn't seem to want revenge on me in any way, luckily. All-in-all it was a pretty liberating experience to be accepted by someone in this intolerable world.

So my question is, what does it take for you to open up to someone? What are your experiences with that?
Usually a conversation with another human that a similar interest
Sorry I got so ot.
I enjoyed it with my ex wife wo prior discussion, started with an innocent lick.

Ive told 3 subs 2 of whom I introduced to it, an alluded to it with my family.
Back with I was ~15yo I was talking with a friend about the types of porn we liked. I said "I even like the ones where a dog fucks the girl". He said "Yea, I've seen those". That was the extent of me actually openly talking about my zoophilia.
I've only told one person about my sexuality. She was a LDR that openly talked about liking bestiality in public places. She said later that she was framing it as a joke, but I took it seriously and started talking to her about it. She later told me that she would let her dog go to town on her with its tongue. I didn't judge her and later confessed about my zoophilia with horses and dogs. It was weird because she found it strange that I would actually go the extra mile and have sex with the animals, but she accepted it. I later broke it off with her and she was very angry, but she didn't seem to want revenge on me in any way, luckily. All-in-all it was a pretty liberating experience to be accepted by someone in this intolerable world.

So my question is, what does it take for you to open up to someone? What are your experiences with that?

I've done it with an ex, she confessed she was into it since she was younger and have to get it off her chest. I thought she was cheating, but nope lol

But now it's a thing for me and theyll have to admit it 1st tbh.
I'm so secretive that I won't tell you how secretive I am..........cause it's a secret
"Ah, there we go," he says as he jumps through he the hoop he fabricated out of my vaguely triggering words.

If I have a bad relationship with one woman, she might be a problem. If I have a bad relationship with all women, so much so that I cease to believe a positive romantic relationship with one is attainable... I look in the mirror and say "Holy shit, where the fuck did I go wrong?"
Valid point there.
Once, ok. Twice, try again. Thrice, ok, something ain’t quite right here.
Journaling and self reflection to address those hard truths.
It can be a shit sandwich to chew on at first but eventually the bulbs do light up.

Then again, some folk just don’t dig chicks ??‍♂️
I've only told one person about my sexuality. She was a LDR that openly talked about liking bestiality in public places. She said later that she was framing it as a joke, but I took it seriously and started talking to her about it. She later told me that she would let her dog go to town on her with its tongue. I didn't judge her and later confessed about my zoophilia with horses and dogs. It was weird because she found it strange that I would actually go the extra mile and have sex with the animals, but she accepted it. I later broke it off with her and she was very angry, but she didn't seem to want revenge on me in any way, luckily. All-in-all it was a pretty liberating experience to be accepted by someone in this intolerable world.

So my question is, what does it take for you to open up to someone? What are your experiences with that?

I don't know, but sometimes it feels like I'll die if I don't.
I've only told one person about my sexuality. She was a LDR that openly talked about liking bestiality in public places. She said later that she was framing it as a joke, but I took it seriously and started talking to her about it. She later told me that she would let her dog go to town on her with its tongue. I didn't judge her and later confessed about my zoophilia with horses and dogs. It was weird because she found it strange that I would actually go the extra mile and have sex with the animals, but she accepted it. I later broke it off with her and she was very angry, but she didn't seem to want revenge on me in any way, luckily. All-in-all it was a pretty liberating experience to be accepted by someone in this intolerable world.

So my question is, what does it take for you to open up to someone? What are your experiences with that?

I don't put my private life out there for everyone to see, but when people close to me start to figure things out, whatever. On the rare occasions it's come up and I've been asked directly, I'm usually open about it, but I don't generally hang around with close-minded people. I try to be a a thoughtful person and I'm used to having frank and sometimes uncomfortable discussions with my friends and family about a variety of difficult subjects; noting is off the table for discussion. If rational and honest introspection is uncomfortable, they need to either get comfy with spelunking in their own heads or find someone less thoughtful to be around.

I've found that most of the people who've figured it out didn't have a problem with it, but my usual process of acquirung friends likely skews things. For "normal" friends and family, probably about ten people knew for sure because it had been discussed with me. For the rest, maybe another dozen or two who I think suspected and came at the discussion tangentically to let me know in a round-about way that they're OK with it, but weren't comfortable facing it head-on. There are of course zoo friends in the mix as well, but most (not all) are already comfortable with it.
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I have told my partner who I live with for obvious reasons, and they are not judgmental about it although they are somewhat anxious to talk about it due to outsiders overhearing or what not. I have also told my closest friend who similarly does not judge me for it, but won't even talk about it online with me for fear of 'people watching' on the internet so I can only talk in person with them. I would truly and honestly be open with other friends, partner's and family about it but it just feels scary that someone could overreact and make a big deal out of it and that might be too much to handle!!!
In general I don't talk about my sex life, just as I don't expect anybody to (randomly) tell me about theirs. So, apart from a handful of people, nobody knows about me being zoosexual. Most of them are fellow zoosexuals I met through previous forums over the year. And then there was this brony who found out, but without all the drama. He was more intrigued than anything else. Perhaps a closeted zoosexual, I don't know. But yeah, having to keep this side of my life secret does hamper my ability to go out there and socialise.
I have told my partner who I live with for obvious reasons, and they are not judgmental about it although they are somewhat anxious to talk about it due to outsiders overhearing or what not. I have also told my closest friend who similarly does not judge me for it, but won't even talk about it online with me for fear of 'people watching' on the internet so I can only talk in person with them. I would truly and honestly be open with other friends, partner's and family about it but it just feels scary that someone could overreact and make a big deal out of it and that might be too much to handle!!!
Yeah, I'm a little paranoid about talking about it online. Who knows where the chat/voice/text logs go. I think its not the worst thing you could do because people would rather hunt down child predators.
I'm not ashamed of it I just know others can get violent if they're that type of person so I'm careful for that reason mainly.
Generally, if they seem pretty chill I'd be down to talk but not before scoping their emotions on the subject. I quite like talking about curious and taboo topics anyways.
No one know, no one suspects.

It's one of two specific things where people I know have openly expressed disgust for and said they'd beat up people like that if they met them. So this one stays in the closet.