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Have you ever...

No, that's not even slightly a good idea

HYE seen a forest fire?
K: No, but I'd love that as a some occasional job
M: No
HYE cheated on test?
No, I found a loophole, totally different.

HYE started taking care of yourself then found that the extra energy you now have keeps you from getting a full 8 hours of sleep?
I never dispose of it, what's inside, stays inside.

HYE been staring in a movie?
K: Is being knotted an official reason? Lol. But no, never missed a whole day just because I didn't feel like it.
Z: Nope

HYE been a model?
Yes with the dog of my grand father, he jumped from the boat and I had to jump to to get him back on the boat XD

HYE take a piss with your dog outside?
On our long walks in forests, sure

HYE made your dog a propper birthday party?
Don't know if it's really proper but for his last birthday I made a big piece of beef for him

HYE been spotted doing it while outside or you think you have been spotted?
Don't know if it's really proper but for his last birthday I made a big piece of beef for him

HYE been spotted doing it while outside or you think you have been spotted?
Never been spotted. But always felt like I was being watched.

Did your parents ever see porn on your internet history(your computer, or family computer)?
If they did, they never mentioned it

HYE been asked whether your are into zoo?
Of course I would love to talk with someone directly and to experience with them

HYE organized a meeting with some other zoophile?
I never thought about it but it would be way less responsibility XD

HYE wanted to be able to stay all the time at home with your dog without being worried about money?
No to the first part of sentence, yes to the second. It sure would be nice not to have to care about income, but staying only at home would be boring, even with a dog.

HYE been inside your home for more than a week without a single walk outside?