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Have you ever...

Nope, my boy know whan the timing was good :)

HYE eaten raw meat?
Can't say I haven't been thinking about that, but no, I have not

HYE had more than one mating partners at once?
Sure thing, most canned meat for them is even better than what we are served in markets..

HYE been walked on leash?
Yes, as a puppy he was served lots of chicken

HYE shared a bowl of food with animal?
i was going to ask this one XD
and yeah my dog love taking some of my food when i dont look

so HYE shared a bowl of food with your dog ?
my a dog is a bit coward but he saty in front of me all the time there is something scary

HYE slept with your dog in his bed ?
His bed was my bed, so yes.

HYE been embarased by your dog in public for some reason?
Does being his bitch count as behaving like a dog? If you mean running on four or peeing with leg up, then no :D

HYE seen a shark?
Yes. I didn't say I am one, but I gave some defending points in argument. But.. I don't think I can change their mind on the subject.

HYE confessed to someone about being into animals?
my closest freinds yes but they don't really care

HYE spend a lot of money on some useless object for your dog or yourself ?
Sort of. A flat I live in. I'd be alright with something more minimalistic.

HYE had to fight some angry wild animal?
No, but I'd love him to do so, neckbiting is one of the sexiest things for me about mating woth canines

HYE baked a bread?
I want one, but haven't got one yet

HYE been bitten by snake?
Not sure if it was giant anong it's species, but seen one

HYE seen a wild sow with a piglets?
yes a lot of time my cousins have a big private forest where they put some boars and deers

HYE passed a night in a forest?