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Have you ever...

A few times, but always left with more money in my pocket than I entered with :D

HYE been to another continent?
You mean the one I am in right now? Seriously, this room has some issues, sometimes I have one half of my body freezing cold and the other perfectly fine.

HYE been drawing a portrait?
Yes. The value of the paper I used went much lower than when it was clear.

HYE been rock-climbing?
I've climbed up hills and out of ditches but, no, not the same thing.

HYE changed your diet then found yourself with no appetite?
Huh, I can't recall such occurrence happening to me, not in this order, at least.

HYE spent a week drinking nothing but clear water?
Indoor Rock Climbing is awesome. I've boulder climbed, never climbed a cliff.
Yes wild game is yummy.

HYE you ever put your cum in food(like for yourself or partner to consume)?
I wouldn't bee here to answer if so XD

HYE flash your body to a stranger?
Nope, I’m not trying to blind anyone.

HYE ran into something while looking at something else (IE I ran into a glass door yesterday looking at a pretty girl that winked at me - we both about died laughing)
Yes, multiple times. I get easily distracted, That's why I try to stay laser focused when I have a task to do.

HYE felt completely apathetic towards plans you've made?
Yeah, sometimes it's better to have this kind of mindset. Interesting things can happent thanks to that. The unexpected is thrilling.

HYE been bitten by animal because it was too scared of a visit to vet?