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Have you ever...

Ahh, slow again..
NTT: I actually don't use vacuum, I use broom insted. That doesn't scare the animals. But yeah, did it naked as well.
Lama: Nope
HYE been growing sunflowers?
I've only ever been growing one thing... (*badum tssss*)

HYE cursed out loud when someone responded to a chronological tread before you could finish your reply?
yes, but just a minor one,, we had to take a free bus instead after an hour of waiting

have you ever caught someone from your family masturbating:)?

HYE wanted to just leave and never be associated with mankind again?
No. I could theoretically be at home, but I am warmth-loving type, so I always have something on me. And publically? Hella no

HYE been butted by angry goat?
No, just a small carp. Which I let free, I don't eat fish anyway :D

HYE built a snow-dog (snowman)?
Yes, but I don't particulary enjoy that due to all the insects

HYE been been on jet ski?