Well then way to go so simply tell someone they are dumb for asking a question that might be very clear to you.
And IF this particular question has already been asked and answered, instead of calling it out, and potentially the person asking the question, out for being dumb and hence they might take it very harsch.
Since you never know how that person might react and it also makes you look rude and like an total a-hole as well.
Instead, why not just answer ”No and this question has been both asked and answered before: *Thread examples*”
Much easier response, straight to the point, no hard feelings and no one makes the other, nor themselves, look bad in the end.
Just my 2 cents, seeing as how some users on here reply to different threads and users in general.
At the end of the day, we’re all humans and no one knows everything. But calling someone out publicly for being dumb, might make them fee like nothing.
And meanwhile you might never know that they might actually be having quite an awful day etc and you just make it a lot worse.
It’s not hard to be kind and polite, plus it’s free. So let’s spread that instead of negativity - zoo is already ”unusual” as it is, why make it look even worse by going at each other?
Let’s make zoo and our world a better place instead.