Dumpster Diver
* SUSPECTEDI just went and looked up because I have a tree next to my apartment. But it appears the roots cause cancer so they no longer use it to make root beer
Safrole (as he explained in the vid) is the "cancer causing" agent in "true" sassafras.
And it's only suspected, according to what he had to say on the topic. Somebody or other claimed it causes cancer, and it got banned here in the US. I Wasn't interested enough to chase the concept down - Maybe there's been some actual research done, maybe not. Either way, one more brick in the "keep the stupid population growing" wall that our nanny-state so delights in...
(I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Remove every warning label and "safety" device, and let the idiots weed themselves out of the gene-pool!)