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Furries and zoo

EDIT: seems like I've reacted on an old thread, but my opinion still stands.

I’m personally both Zoo and Furry since a very young age on.
Funny enough I was one of the MANY 'zoo in denial' furries.

For years I hated zoos, I was even anti-yiff and anti-feral porn for quiet a while. But shame on me, as I was just surpressing my own fantasies and desires and reacting my selfhate out on other people. Or maybe I justfied my opinions as 'it's the best for the greater communtiy', as I didn't want everyone to see all furries as 'animal fuckers'

But now I've grown open to being a zoo, I not only noticed how much of a zoo I've been all these years, but also how .. 80? procent of my furry friends are to some level zoophillic.

I also personally believe that lots of furries who like animalistic yiff, and espially feral yiff, are actually zoophiles to some degree. Simular to those furries who like to murrsuit or who imagine themselves or their partner as an animal to any degree (which is actually known as 'autozoophillia' ! auto-erotic zoophillia is zoophillia that is less direct. it includes murrsuiting and petplay and any situation in which the person imagines themselves or their partner as an animal)

I mean come on, you cannot convince me that someone who is growling, clawing, biting, collared, playing with a knotted dildo and imaging their boyfriend as a big knotted werewolf while hiding some naughty feral art in their bottom drawer is NOT a bit 'zooey'.

A whole lot of my furry friends have turned out being zoophiles , big or even just slightly, by the time they got 30 years old. Some opened up to it faster than others for sure, but only very little are absolutely NOT zoophillic.

So I'd say the furry community has anywhere between 30 and 70% zoophiles on basis if you also count the less zooey cases and depending on the amount of minors on the platform or in the specific community.

Also funny enough, the european furry communities seem much more zoey, or more openly zoey, than the american. The european furry conventions are also MUCH more sexual tinted in my experience.. if you know where to find the roomparties or the naughty furs (I'm surounded by them lol)

For clarification, I'm overall not very open about being zoo myself. I know of more of my furry friends that THEY are zoo, than that THEY know that I am zoo. Haha. But a handfull of very close friends know, and that's enough for me. Non of them are active that I know of, and that's not really necessary as it's non of my bussiness what THEY do in their free time with their pets or others pets
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I'm actually going to draw a line here.

Furry art (and avatars) fall into three broad groups:

1. Basically humans with animal heads.
This goes back to the original furry erotic comics like Omaha the Cat Dancer. The anthro elements are basically a way to distract from the underlying commentary about people. A really good example of this is Blacksad, John Blacksad is a detective who's a black cat with a white chin. A LOT of the stories are about racisim and bigotry ("Arctic Nation" for example) and the writer and artist uses animals to show behaviour in a way that the normal stereotypes would get in the way.

I Don't think much of this is zoophilic.

2. Basically animals that can walk upright.
This is a wide range that overlaps a bit with (1), but can be separated by intent. It's more about the duality of humans being "human" and "animal" and often asks where's the line? or is there even a line at all. This is where most werewolf literature falls. And absolutely it has zoophilic elements because they're asking "how would our human side deal with animal sexuality (as in how animals relate to sex, as well as how they have it)?"


When a fur dressed up in an anatomically correct fursuit and has a dog penis hanging out of a sheath - I mean, come on. And if an artist goes to extra effort to draw a fur and get it all right... well, it has to be pleasing to someone or why put in that extra effort or risk alienating an audience?

3a. Ferals.- with other ferals
This one is kind of a dodge, in my opinion, because it can essentially be the inverse of (1) and the author is trying to make a statement about humanity by distancing the stereotypes even farther. Think Orwell's "Animal Farm." Just like (1), that wouldn't really be zoo.

But if the primary purpose of the work is erotic, then the audience is expected to either be aroused and stimulated by animals having sex while having human traits projected onto them. That has zooerotic elements and so the audience has to find zooeroticism either interesting or arousing. Ergo, at least partially zoophilic.

3b. Ferals - with anthros or humans.
See (1) and (2). Look, deny it all you want, but "anthro" means "human" (it actually does - it's a term that got slanged: anthro (human) morphic (shaped)) and if an anthro is having sex with a feral, it's basically zoophilia, especially when anatomically, the anthro is basically human. Human genitals. Human breasts. It's a human with an animal head (see 1).

But even (2) still counts because (2)s are people who want to be animals AND still be humans and as the Vatican decreed in 1500s - a werewolf in wolf form who has sex with a human is still committing an act of "bestiality" because his "soul" was human. (Seriously, apparently werewolves were a major problem in the 1500s :) )

Unfortunately, people who have feelings they don't like often resort to expressing the exact opposite stand in order to deny their feelings as loudly as they can. We see over and over politicians mainly on the right fight to oppress and destroy gays and other sexualities only to be outed AS gay. It gets truly bizarre when the person is an artist and draws tons of zoo art while denying their own sexuality and condemning others of that same group.


The more I meet of them, the more I love my dog.
Being in the fandom since 1968 our experience is yes most furries are zoophiles and zoosexual although some anthropomorphize animals and other species, they still are zetas.
There are definitely furries into zoo who keep it a secret due to the furry public opinion being anti-zoo especially on twitter. I'm a furry myself into animals and always love meeting and hanging out with furries regularly.
I find that it's a pretty case by case basis. Even within the furry community, there are plenty of niches within it. I don't have hard numbers, just observations from my point of view. Are a lot of furries zoo? Hard to say. Most aren't opposed to the idea but they don't support it either and just land somewhere in the middle. I've found the most polarizing opinions around people who are much more social typically. You know, the kinda people who glue groups together. But that's just my thoughts on it.
As both myself in my time in the fandom I found it surprising just how many people I got to know over the year's who are into zoo or interested in it. Was sorta shocking to see just how many of the "popular furs" who I knew wanted to try it or just enjoyed viewing it. If I was still active in the fandom now I would be scared to even bring up the topic. I have scrapped also social media after seeing what people do when you don't agree with their views.
EDIT: seems like I've reacted on an old thread, but my opinion still stands.

I’m personally both Zoo and Furry since a very young age on.
Funny enough I was one of the MANY 'zoo in denial' furries.

For years I hated zoos, I was even anti-yiff and anti-feral porn for quiet a while. But shame on me, as I was just surpressing my own fantasies and desires and reacting my selfhate out on other people. Or maybe I justfied my opinions as 'it's the best for the greater communtiy', as I didn't want everyone to see all furries as 'animal fuckers'

But now I've grown open to being a zoo, I not only noticed how much of a zoo I've been all these years, but also how .. 80? procent of my furry friends are to some level zoophillic.

I also personally believe that lots of furries who like animalistic yiff, and espially feral yiff, are actually zoophiles to some degree. Simular to those furries who like to murrsuit or who imagine themselves or their partner as an animal to any degree (which is actually known as 'autozoophillia' ! auto-erotic zoophillia is zoophillia that is less direct. it includes murrsuiting and petplay and any situation in which the person imagines themselves or their partner as an animal)

I mean come on, you cannot convince me that someone who is growling, clawing, biting, collared, playing with a knotted dildo and imaging their boyfriend as a big knotted werewolf while hiding some naughty feral art in their bottom drawer is NOT a bit 'zooey'.

A whole lot of my furry friends have turned out being zoophiles , big or even just slightly, by the time they got 30 years old. Some opened up to it faster than others for sure, but only very little are absolutely NOT zoophillic.

So I'd say the furry community has anywhere between 30 and 70% zoophiles on basis if you also count the less zooey cases and depending on the amount of minors on the platform or in the specific community.

Also funny enough, the european furry communities seem much more zoey, or more openly zoey, than the american. The european furry conventions are also MUCH more sexual tinted in my experience.. if you know where to find the roomparties or the naughty furs (I'm surounded by them lol)

For clarification, I'm overall not very open about being zoo myself. I know of more of my furry friends that THEY are zoo, than that THEY know that I am zoo. Haha. But a handfull of very close friends know, and that's enough for me. Non of them are active that I know of, and that's not really necessary as it's non of my bussiness what THEY do in their free time with their pets or others pets
I stayed hidden for at good 20-25 years hidden because if people others not accepting of this., Then did the same where I just hated on what I love about it all and repress it down to the dark black hole abyss. To later on burn all it down and just accept that it is what I Love, and it was silly of me suppressing all my fantasies and desires to finally end it all let it all out.
I stayed hidden for at good 20-25 years hidden because if people others not accepting of this., Then did the same where I just hated on what I love about it all and repress it down to the dark black hole abyss. To later on burn all it down and just accept that it is what I Love, and it was silly of me suppressing all my fantasies and desires to finally end it all let it all out.
Im super tired of hiding it i wanna talk about it more openly like me and my friends do with other intrests. I have gradually been reaching out and meeting and making more zoo friends but id love for it to be less stressful. Its who i am im still a kind respectful person i just wanna get in petsuit or murrsuit and feel a throbbing knot on occasion. XD
Also the Kero situation dug a deeper hatred for zoo's within the fandom.

It was already getting bad but that really pushed people over the edge. He had some really scary interests involving animals so I agree with his banishment. Its just a shame that a situation like that happened at all and its dragging down more people then just those involved.
Who and what happend with Kero?
Me, I'm a xenophile. In my case, it goes from "women who look different from me", through gals with animal traits, to animals. That middle part there is fantasy. I just enjoy fantasy ?
So I got to thinking to myself, what percentage of furs in the Fandom identify as zoos or at the very least enjoy zoo porn? I don't really know any furs irl but the ones I do know online are also more or less in the zoo community as well, especially the ones who are into ferals. Thoughts?