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Feedback from other sources

Although criticism hurts, sometimes critics have something valuable to say. I do realize that being a moderator can be difficult, and there need to be sensible limits to things. But beyond that, it's true that there's too much elitism and popularity games. Sometimes the "zooier than thou" stuff and "your kink is not OK" stuff gets to me. Much of society regards us all as perverts anyway, so why bring the same attitudes here?

I've observed that lots of long-term members got nuked from orbit, and in most cases, I can only guess why. Might it be better to deliver a warning instead, at least in some cases? I also see that a small number of popular members get away with being extraordinarily rude, and nobody tells them to cool off. I can imagine what kind of effect that must have on new members! As for me, I often fear that I'll say something wrong and get banned for offending the wrong person.
good to see that this is being worked on.
Not just that but I actually took some of that advice to heart and actively try to ignore all the crazy bullshit I would otherwise have something to say to and limit the strength of criticism when I do.
Rudeness? Sure. But check *where* it happens. If is insede the Dumster Fire section it is not nice, but is oart of the game. Out of it, no... So old members knowing where they can piss can get away with it within the rules.

OK, good to see that this is being worked on. It's not always clear what goes on behind the scenes.
I agree seeing things happen suddenly will look like random acts of abuse from staff... *but* I'd say thus site is doing a good job at being transparent about things.

Explanation about the warning system, staff will answer questions about "why banned" ( there is a dedicated thread), they added the banned tag, and many times the reason, and on occasions they transmitted there are actual discussions and internal votings on grey cases.

It is quite unusual to get that level of interals.
Rudeness? Sure. But check *where* it happens. If is insede the Dumster Fire section it is not nice, but is oart of the game. Out of it, no... So old members knowing where they can piss can get away with it within the rules.

I agree seeing things happen suddenly will look like random acts of abuse from staff... *but* I'd say thus site is doing a good job at being transparent about things.

Explanation about the warning system, staff will answer questions about "why banned" ( there is a dedicated thread), they added the banned tag, and many times the reason, and on occasions they transmitted there are actual discussions and internal votings on grey cases.

It is quite unusual to get that level of interals.
I've noticed that lots of places other than the Dumpster Fire. I can only imagine how many new members get scared off by that.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that there's been more transparency lately.
Maybe copy the content here for those without an account.
Won't open it? Okay.

Ya'll at Zooville are getting a new name. Poopville.

Reasons: several

1. Check your mod logs because you outperform beast forum for the amount of legitimate member bans for false positive actions taken against their behalf with no ability for appeal, recourse or cross talk.

2. Excessive amounts of trolling in forum threads by toxic members. Are you running 4chan?

3. Not screening members prior to joining. Actually that's not true, they screen some ips they just ban for spam randomly instead of taking member concerns to heart. At least this site isn't corporately advertised on by non disclosed companies. Suspicious as hell!

4. Not processing membership requests if they want to leave the forum. And then saying they'll keep their data hostage unless they pay a price to not log into the forum. Every single account that gets through is a lerker for a reason.

5. Post deletion if you have a different view point than the moderators on non rule compliant policies. You will get your posts deleted by a moderator if you have a different opinion to them, where they then justify it by saying the member did it, and 12 or so trolls will come into their Dumpster Fire to defend the moderator to keep their account.

6. Stalking of females. Members identifying as female or LGBTQIA+ are stalked continuously by males and nobody is willing to do anything about it when the females speak up about their being uncomfortable at being called rude names outside of safe context like Whore, used cunt, and other racial slurs in private message and in some private forums.

7. Zero tolerance for talk of members joining who have a legitimate disability. Blindness, deaf, autism and such to name a few. I'd even go as far as to say that those members who are legitimately scared for their life because the wrong person found out about their zoo life are not being taken in. Instead they're being trolled into silence.

8. An over excessive amount of stupid posts that literally spam 3 forum sections with low quality post content. Which are fun and games, polling and strangely enough, the announcements area. Nobody is reminded to stay on topic, like at Beast Forum. And every thread ends up the same, with people arguing about unrelated childish subject matter.

9. Duplicate posts. The same people in 5 threads saying the same thing and nobody acknowledges it or looks after it or even consolidates a real discussion area to address it. Example, one member makes a post about knotting. Another one makes a post about the same topic. And people just copy and paste the same information, when they clearly have the tools to merge threads. Which they do when they want to troll a newer member from getting any attention.

10. Anyone who creates a group there is automatically banned. I've seen a disturbing trend where any member who creates a group about a specific subject, is banned right afterwards but the group stays up and has no moderation. Luckily they have very little interest or member count, but it is something to note.

11. All of their founding members and member content are pushed down. New member bans have their profile and posts completely removed. While older bans they want to make an example of likely founding members, have their banned status in specifically kept hand picked posts shown of low quality content.

12. Forcing people to use insecure email to have an account. Proton Mail and similar services is not secure. I have had proton mail support inform me that some of the links I have received in my anonymous email were flagged as suspicious and so they withhold mail for the entire account and monitor its usage. And they are still pushing and enforcing people use this service.

13. Using as many domains as possible with as many service providers as possible with very low support standards to host their site. Three of their domains, zooville.is, zooville.ws and zooville.org are using a third party reseller service from a random domain company using the One API service. One is a founding member of the European Union as its actual company is German. While its main domain, zoovilleforum.net is hosted by Tucows. Tucows is Canadian...I wonder what DNS issues they had with their German company to where they won't use zooville.org. I believe what happened is that they got locked out of their DNS because One refused to service traffic going to a porn site due to EU regulations. So why then are they still linking every single domain they own at the bottom of their site? Is this a data mining operation? Even though it's protected with Cloud Flare, it makes me wonder. Because Cloud Flare is just serving DNS, as a relay, not a protected secure relay. And this is not mentioning their other non zooville related domains and sites like beast.chat, also very insecure, and their wiki project which is disgustingly bare and inaccurate. I didn't even bother to trace the Whois records for those places.

14. They have a legitimate paid license with XenForo. Beast Forum never used one...they were with PHPBB before they switched to a nulled and heavily modified version of IPBoard when it was still free to do so likely back in 2004. Zooville pays to use their license, but in the license terms, XenForo does not allow their software to be used on adult boards or they pull funding for it. Again, I wonder if they're running a data mining operation.

15. They have very close ties with another shady community of sadists and pedophiles. Yep, I had 3 pedos and two sadists try to send me their content with media in pm to me while I was there. And then they banned me, for saying that I was hosting this content and running a group for it when I reported it. Absolutely disgusting behaviour! And you know what, they do not represent zoo exclusive interests let alone animal owners in the least. They're all about selling commercial porn to the highest bidders who are those in the sadist and pedo ring community. Likely because they're all connected through undisclosed advertising revenue. I know of other members who were banned for supposedly spamming, when what really happened, is that they had above a certain follow count on their profile because they tried to protect zoo exclusive animal owner rights. Yeah I guess that'd hurt their shady advertiser revenue behind the scenes.

16. The admins of that site have accounts here. And the admins of the other site ZooCommunity.org which runs a very similar service targeting young impressionable furries on Twitter also does this through connecting with people on this site. It's how I found out it existed. And they talk to each other in private so that when one member is banned for something on Zooville, it carries over to the other site like a false reputation system based on a 0 appeal, and 0 accountability service. This is 10 times worse than Beast Forum, who not only had ethical advertisements, but also had ethical bans and you could trust that you would do the right thing and pretty much be okay. However lately, things have gotten so bad on Poopville that this is a very nice way of saying it, their relevance is zilch now to genuine zoo exclusives like myself. Because they're open to other philias shadowing and dominating the spotlight.

I'm sick and disgusted...also angry with the way their operations are run. They are raping members for their usefulness and if you don't post content which makes their advertisers money on their services, and you get talkative...you're ousted and given a very terrible reputation. I have had an account here at the zoo writers guild for years with no complaints, and I have always spoken nice things about those who I feel have not only earned their place, but earned their position because they still have a place of respect in the lives of those they communicate with. And if we are to preach to the quire about unconditional love, it starts with human to human communication. IT is NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE A MARKETING CAMPAIGN TO SELL TO ADVERTISERS TO BRAND US AS SOMETHING WE ARE NOT!

So please, stop sending these guys advertising revenue by visiting their network if you even do. I have 0 tolerance or patience to put up with it personally speaking and I refuse to be expendable to anyone, or talked down to by a talking head who believes I shouldn't matter, even when doing everything right. Perhaps it's just the general way of internet forums or chat rooms these days. Maybe it's just the uncaring attitude of society as a hole. Perhaps its the unwillingness to recognize or register that acknowledging people for what they bring to the table beyond a monetary value, is a great way to start communicating rather than an excuse to tolerate it. No matter what it is, I'm telling you now, I have lost respect for the entire racket.

Ban me if you support them, or let me be free to display my disgust for their actions. But either way, this is the last home for real zoos.
"And then they banned me, for saying that I was hosting this content and running a group for it when I reported it."
If the usernames are the same, then this user here was banned for selling content.
Either that was not convenient enough for the rant, or someone else is using the same username.
Sounds to me like someone got banned or got their abusive shit deleted and is beyond butthurt. So butthurt that they are trying to start a smear campaign. I guarantee that everyone that is agreeing or going along with it, will not change one fucking bit and is still visiting and enjoying ZV.
That whole deal sounds like sour grapes. And we've all heard it before. These people are asking to recreate ZV in their own image. Don't we already have enough of those? Same sort of trash-talk we saw at BF and Elite Zoo....Always someone that wants to be the boss without paying any part of the cost. Its a free site. What more do these nutcakes need, want, or deserve?
Thing is, there are a few points that I can see there is an issue about, like having to use only one mail service provider (actually would make it easy for your favourite local authority to press them to release the whole member info) or the almost impossible way to comunicate with staff for anyone banned.

Then it comes to functional issues "delete posts, don't dekete, merge topics..." Riiiight, staff has plenty of free time to manage that, of course... ?

And then the whole 90% bulk of conspiracy theories... Drats! There they lost me, really. Ugh.
Then it comes to functional issues "delete posts, don't dekete, merge topics...
Zoowg from what I understand gets about 10% of the activity we get here. So I can see how it is much easier for them to do all that and remember all the threads they can merge into.
I do a lot of merging of related topics, but then I think he also does not like it. So what then?
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Yeah I guess the single source mail list could be an issue but it could be paying some of the bills via our increase of their traffic. But there's little else on the list that the knucks that I'd find worth advocating for.
Zoows from what I understand gets about 10% of the activity we get here. So I can see how it is much easier for them to do all that and remember all the threads they can merge into.
I do a lot of merging of related topics, but then I think he also does not like it. So what then?
They just want what they want, Pes....they aren't remotely caring thst the work load increases exponentially....they think its Burgerking
Zoowg from what I understand gets about 10% of the activity we get here.
More like 0.1%.
The total number of members is 300, the number of comments is 14,000, and the number of threads is 1,000. All this since 2015, so in twice as long as ZV.
The last forum comment was written a week ago, the last chat was written 1.5 weeks ago. It is not difficult to keep order in such a forum.

Unless there is a hidden section that can only be accessed by certain members, there is not a lot of moderation to be done there, because trustworthy people are already there.
So it's still 0.1%.

I am surprised that someone is willing to run such a dead forum.
Zoowg from what I understand gets about 10% of the activity we get here. So I can see how it is much easier for them to do all that and remember all the threads they can merge into.
I do a lot of merging of related topics, but then I think he also does not like it. So what then?
Absolutely ?

Lots of work to do here before caring about those.
And... even if there was people and time, it would be a matter of forum model and ettiquete if that was to be pruned or not.
thought it's something new at first.
the forum has a very weird layout/sorting of posts or what to call it.
something says 2022. reply to it says 30 minutes ago.
Some age-old forum engine, they have been planning to replace it for some time, but considering that 1 comment is received per week, they are not making any effort.

When you quote a comment, it don't write the exact date, but the time period when it was quoted since writing. If 30 minutes have passed between two comments, it will be 30 minutes in the second comment for the quotes.
The large amount of empty space between the lines is also a display error, and many emoticons are also missing and only show the link instead.

If I remember correctly, this was written by the youtuber.
I just happened to stumble upon it and remembered this thread here on ZV.

There are 4 international zoo forums, I don't know why people think that if they move from one to the other, most of the members will not be the same? That way, he could also write he problem here, because someone will link to it anyway. Moreover, it is public and can be viewed by everyone.

Obviously, ZV is the only one where fetishes and porn are allowed, so this will be the forum where most of the shit flow. I don't know what is surprising about this. Non-porn and non-fetish sections are perfectly fine on this forum.
Of course, many stupid members write threads 15 times everywhere, but there is no moderator capacity for that. There is few time, few moderators, many stupid people and thread and comment, everything is moderated with a nuclear bomb. Yeah, we know... Every forum that allows porn and fetishes will be like this. ZV cannot be blamed for this.

Rather, they should think about the fact that there are only 4 international forums left today, which is quite a few. In addition, two are quite dead, the fate of the third cannot yet be predicted.

These people would rather think about what will happen when all zoophilic forums cease to exist. Where are they going?
It would be better to add life to each forum, not to denigrate each of them.
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