Flutternutter the Flangry, boop snoot of the highest orda, Knight to Lady Labra and Lord Puggles, sneakiest bedcrawler of all time, conqueror of the satin sheets of narfenbury.
Flutternutter the Flangry, boop snoot of the highest orda, Knight to Lady Labra and Lord Puggles, sneakiest bedcrawler of all time, conqueror of the satin sheets of narfenbury, slayer of Trixie the vibrating wondernoodle.
Flutternutter the Flangry, boop snoot of the highest orda, Knight to Lady Labra and Lord Puggles, sneakiest bedcrawler of all time, conqueror of the satin sheets of narfenbury, slayer of Trixie the vibrating wondernoodle, purveyor of fine vanilla wine.