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Don’t Wake the Mods!

that was not the only odd conversation i had on zooville.
i think it was on just the second day after i made my account, and somebody started a message conversation with me. funnily enough, it was also just called "hi" for some reason.
the guy asked me a few questions, and i asked him a few. he asked what animals i was attracted to, i told him, then he said "good". kind of weird, and i really try to keep away from sexual subjects, so i kept bringing up other topics.
i think he grew tired of my song and dance, so he came right out of the blue, interrupting the conversation, and asked if i had ever had sex.

i said no, and then i never heard from him ever again
There’s lots of thirsty people only after sex and talking about sex on here.
let’s crush this next 50
I’ve had people lead a conversation with asking about a video of me and my girl together. And when I tell them I don’t make videos with her they never responded.
at least the ones that abruptly end the conversation after you say something they are not after make themselves scarce really quick and do not take up anymore time by trying to play it off