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Don’t Wake the Mods!

well, what did you think of Faux Paw the Techno Cat a few pages back?
Should everyone on zooville watch that video?
109 ooops I forgot about it already. I’m still watching that dinosaur one on repeat 😂. I’ll be right back.
Hey, I'm back. And I lasted longer than 10 minutes, thank you very much! Well, mainly because she demands cuddles and snuggles afterwards, but still. :husky_wink:
Hey, I'm back. And I lasted longer than 10 minutes, thank you very much! Well, mainly because she demands cuddles and snuggles afterwards, but still. :husky_wink:
I figured so, I was just playing it safe 😂. And I will agree cuddles after making love are the best 😊
faux paw is a charming series. we had to watch it in my weekly computer instruction class in the early 2000s, so i got a big hit of nostalgia when i rediscovered it a few days ago.
to be fair, many of its principles would probably not be very useful today. for instance, considering it was made for kids, so what would be its protocols for getting onto a sketchy site like this? :ROFLMAO:
not to mention the fact that I never even made a public account on the internet until 2019, so the school presented me with those videos way before I ever needed them, and I would assume the same of my former classmates
I went to a very poor school. I wasn’t even introduced to computers until I was in the third grade lol
i guess i was lucky to have been born into the county of my state known for having really well-off schools that people moved to from all around. my computer instruction teachers were kind of strange, though.
one of them doubled as an art teacher, and she was kind of mean, talking down to me about how i failed a project by accidentally writing my name on my cut-out chameleon drawing.
the other one came up to a student with some kind of removable storage device, picked it up, and interrupted the class to tell everyone to be careful with those things because they are made by the Chinese and they put viruses on them so they can spy on your computer. Needless to say, nobody in the class knew what she was rambling about, since we were all in elementary school. Looking back on it, it was funny though, considering how many SD cards and USBs i use these days.
Both teachers were, as nicely as i can put it, technologically illiterate by modern standards
My school was very thorough as far as teaching basic subjects like math and science. They offered duel credit chemistry and college algebra so I took it my senior year. And then I bailed on college 😂😂. But as far as technology goes we didn’t really have many classes specifically for that unless you wanted to take them online. So I am probably considered technologically illiterate as well lol
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2 what does your username mean.
And I think it’s a common thing considering we are on a zoofilia forum lol. I have a Great Dane and I love her so that’s what I put mine as. If I remember right tho DaneLover was taken so I added the 1 lol
my username is a portmanteau of "Shade" and "Noir", followed by "2nd"
my uncle died six days before i made my zooville account, and i found his account usernames on various sites via his emails he left open, and a common name he used was ShadeNoir. so i basically stole that name, but omitted the "de" and made it one word. I also added the "II" at the end, because I was imitating his username, thus i was the second.
i use some variation of his usernames on several accounts i manage in some form or another, usually involving the term "sha", "noir", "seer", or 2.
my username is a portmanteau of "Shade" and "Noir", followed by "2nd"
my uncle died six days before i made my zooville account, and i found his account usernames on various sites via his emails he left open, and a common name he used was ShadeNoir. so i basically stole that name, but omitted the "de" and made it one word. I also added the "II" at the end, because I was imitating his username, thus i was the second.
i use some variation of his usernames on several accounts i manage in some form or another, usually involving the term "sha", "noir", "seer", or 2.
Im sorry for your loss. That’s cool that you use his old user name tho.