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Dolphins (Cetaceans)

Which Cetacean Would You Make Love With?

  • Bottlenose Dolphin

    Votes: 493 58.5%
  • Rizzo's Dolphin

    Votes: 5 0.6%
  • Pacific White-Sided Dolphin

    Votes: 37 4.4%
  • Beluga

    Votes: 30 3.6%
  • Pilot Whale

    Votes: 6 0.7%
  • Orca

    Votes: 215 25.5%
  • False Killer Whale

    Votes: 13 1.5%
  • Spinner Dolphin

    Votes: 23 2.7%
  • Vaquita

    Votes: 11 1.3%
  • Hector's Dolphin

    Votes: 10 1.2%

  • Total voters
No hard feeling here, just stating the fact: For someone who claim to love dolphins, I think you need to start being more educated about them and the reality they face everyday in the seas, instead of attacking parks who actually do their best to make them happy and healthy (the good professional facilities, not the crappy ones of course, which I love to help closing down).

Fact is that, one-third of all marine mammals are facing extinction. The oceans are increasingly unhealthy. Dolphins living off the Atlantic coast are less healthy than those living in human care, and are getting even sicker from pollution. Whales off the Pacific coast die from ship strikes and malnutrition, and 83% of endangered North Atlantic right whales are being entangled in fishing gear. Noise pollution in the ocean is endangering marine life, and conservationists rely on the results of hearing studies conducted in aquariums to inform conservation policy.

The future will not be positive if we stop learning from marine mammals in human care, when these learnings are driving conservation solutions to protect them. Just as the future health of children and communities is endangered by the anti-vaccine movement, so too is the future for marine mammals if we "empty the tanks".

For your info and to break any myth people believe in:
Recent peer-reviewed, published, scientific research shows that:
--Dolphins in accredited facilities live as long as their ocean counterparts, and in many cases longer, thanks to high-quality food, professional veterinary care, and constant play and exercise to keep them mentally and physically healthy.
--Stress levels of dolphins in human care – measured by the level of their cortisol hormone – are equal or lower than in wild dolphins.
--Wild dolphins have more compromised immune systems than those in human care.

So, stop watching "free willy" & "Black fish" style movies and instead read real scientific research papers. Here are some good example:

Oh and btw about the case of Keiko, the killer whale who starred in the 1993 film "Free Willy". It took $23 million dollars to get him released back into the waters off of Iceland where he was collected as a young calf. Yet, this release is not considered to be successful, due to the fact that Keiko never fully reintegrated into a wild pod with all interactions between him and every wild pod he encountered often ended with the animals getting too aggressive towards him. From there, Keiko who was still dependent on humans for survival swam to the coast of Norway where he allowed kids to swim with him, and even ride on his back for fun. Official cause of the death was that he died of pneumonia. Non-official reason was that he was killed by local fisherman who didn't liked the "competition". This was back in 2003. How I know ?... Well I was involved in the whole thing. But not telling more on here to keep my identity private. Just showing you (and other readers) that I know what I am talking about, for being involved in the marine mammals field as well. :cool:

Alright, now back to porn! ?

You cant be serious. Right? The trainer in the video ignores the bored dolphin, that, now, after the show, has nothing to do. These seriously intelligent creatues are being used to gain thousands and thousands per year. Why do you think those "scientific" research papers exist? You think a multi-billion dollar industry wouldnt pay a scientists or a hundred a good 300 grand to shut up and help them out? You really think they wouldnt? The truth is hard to take. Unless a dolphin trainer is willing to spend 8 to 10 hours a day with the dolphin(s), I cant support, and will not support it.
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You cant be serious. Right? The trainer in the video ignores the bored dolphin, that, now, after the show, has nothing to do. These seriously intelligent creatues are being used to gain thousands and thousands per year. Why do you think those "scientific" research papers exist? You think a multi-billion dollar industry wouldnt pay a scientists or a hundred a good 300 grand to shut up and help them out? You really think they wouldnt? The truth is hard to take. Unless a dolphin trainer is willing to spend 8 to 10 hours a day with the dolphin(s), I cant support, and will not support it.

That... Is actually a really dangerous view to have. It's that exact line of logical deductions based on theory that is the hallmark of the anti-vax movement. Hell, of anti-vax, of moon truthers, of flat earthers... Your disdain for authority shuts down any avenue of science, and that is dangerous.

I apologize if this feels like an attack. I do not directly oppose your conclusions (as I said in my post, there is some weight on either side from this individual outsider's perspective), but rather the way you justify them. Please consider other avenues of proof that don't discredit the scientists pulling overtime to figure out the world.

While I'm making points here on justifications:

No hard feeling here, just stating the fact: For someone who claim to love dolphins, I think you need to start being more educated about them and the reality they face everyday in the seas, instead of attacking parks who actually do their best to make them happy and healthy (the good professional facilities, not the crappy ones of course, which I love to help closing down).

When I read this, you came off as sorta confrontational and a little bit self-aggrandizing to me. You are provably not the only one here who loves cetaceans (for the love of God this thread was started by a fella who courted one), and while it's obvious you're passionate about them, there are others who are deeply invested personally in the safety of cetaceans as a whole, if not as individuals.

At the end of the day, we all love dolphins. We care about them and want what's best for them. This argument won't end, and that's fine -- It is a testament to your passion, all of you. Just don't go crazy over it, and try to keep an open mind on both sides.

There can be all sorts of arguments as to whether keeping cetaceans in captivity is justified or not can be argued ad nauseum. Both have their particular merits. In captivity though, there should be good efforts to have a large enough space to swim in with enrichment objects and environments to make it less bland. Some places do this better than others.
That... Is actually a really dangerous view to have. It's that exact line of logical deductions based on theory that is the hallmark of the anti-vax movement. Hell, of anti-vax, of moon truthers, of flat earthers... Your disdain for authority shuts down any avenue of science, and that is dangerous.

I apologize if this feels like an attack. I do not directly oppose your conclusions (as I said in my post, there is some weight on either side from this individual outsider's perspective), but rather the way you justify them. Please consider other avenues of proof that don't discredit the scientists pulling overtime to figure out the world.

While I'm making points here on justifications:

When I read this, you came off as sorta confrontational and a little bit self-aggrandizing to me. You are provably not the only one here who loves cetaceans (for the love of God this thread was started by a fella who courted one), and while it's obvious you're passionate about them, there are others who are deeply invested personally in the safety of cetaceans as a whole, if not as individuals.

At the end of the day, we all love dolphins. We care about them and want what's best for them. This argument won't end, and that's fine -- It is a testament to your passion, all of you. Just don't go crazy over it, and try to keep an open mind on both sides.
Yeah, I was expecting someone to say that but they have used money to keep people quite about dolphin attacks. Theres several videos but reports never go live, are never known by anyone, and the proof we have is videos that dolphins will attack when depressed, but the company either: Encourages the customer to be guilty as if they did something wrong or pays the customer hush money. Isnt it also funny how nearly all dolphin trainers get mentally broken and end up fighting against the cause? Ever heard of Ric O'Berry? He was one of the top dolphin capturers/trainers on earth, highly paid and had everything. Then he completely made a 180 degree turn because fact of the matter is: All dolphins caught and put in containers come from Taiji, a place not very well known for its blood water season. They capture dolphins that can fetch up to 150k for dolphins they found "attractive". What happens with the unnattractive ones? They mercilessly kill them, and if even 2 were able to escape, they could warn the other pods coming into that river, but to my knowledge, none have escaped so far. Basically: 1 dolphin gets to live in misery with its teeth removed, calves taken, and put into a small enclosure. The other 49 dolphins all get mercilesssely killed and get their meat sold for maybe 600 a dolphin.

There is nothing sane or humane about this practice. The only dolphins living good lives are the ones constantly stimulated in research facilities by scientists, ironically enough. Actually come to think of it they may have studied dolphins that THEY owned. The dolphins that constantly get taught how to signify which food they want (just tried finding the video. It was published 7 or smtg years ago on youtube, and it was about dolphins learning to order food using a sound board, i can get into more detail if you want)

Or for example, these dolphins who get given a mirror for experimental purposes to have fun:
Truly, I understand why you would and while I was heated in the moment, there is my logical argument
Please bring the topic back to the love of dolphins. If you want to start a "anti-captivity" thread go ahead. But this is for dolphin love (and dolphin pussy and cock).
sorry I just really dont like seeing something so big get forced into such small captivity. Anyways, how do you go about avoiding both dolphin interaction laws and anti-zoo laws? Where do you typically enjoy time with your companion?
How clear these pictures are!
I've never seen such a clear orca penis photo!
I want to see where this huge tower pierces the female vagina.
some pics from collection


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