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Do you think you would date someone from this group?

Absolutely! I thrive in a committed relationship where trust and loyalty are paramount so therefore I would thrive in a relationship with a woman from this group. I have a theory that some, not all, but a good amount of women who have a healthy normal loving sexual relationship with their furry lover somewhere deep deep deep down inside would LOVE to meet a man whose trust and loyalty is concrete vault level so she could actually speak freely without being judged, belittled, made fun of in anyway and share her views and opinions. I love absorbing a woman's energy and information she shares with me because that makes conversation so much better. Most importantly to me however is a woman who at the right time for her can find 20 seconds of insane courage to allow a man into her world. I'm not a woman who has an amazing sexual relationship with her dog so I obviously can't claim this with certainty to be true, but my gut and heart and brain tells me it would be such a magical release of nervous energy when a woman knows with certainty she indeed can fully trust me.
I definitely would… just told my FWB (he’s 29M) a couple days ago and tonight he let me know that he’s a smidge into it by putting on a few videos… and bless his heart the excitement he got when he saw my arousal level…
Used to think the answer was yes.
Now, after getting to know a few more female zoo's, I will say no.

I love having the ability to talk and connect with a human female on the zoo subject. However out of the last 4 or 5 I have talked with.. There is only one that I can see a friendship with.

Two just befriended me, got some k9 time.. then ghosted.

So it seams to a lot of zoo women from my state.. Owners are just animal pimps to them.

Kinda making me want to stay in my own lane now.
I would, if it’s the right person. I know it would have its logistical challenges, but it’s hard to say no something real with someone who knows, understands, and shares the parts of me I would normally have to hide