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*Brrrr* - awake again. Life's wonderful without idiotic friends. With them, not so much. :ROFLMAO:

Abstract world view without the slightest link to realism is one of the more common problems in real life with humans right now. Projecting their own individual problems to anything and everyone around them, just not to themself.
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Good evening Floofer! ? ❤️
Hope your day is good so far and you've lots of time for your two cute girls! ?

Quite cold here, 3°C right now. But finally dressed up, three layers of clothing. A necessity to prevent infections.
Probably biking to my heated storage later on, but have to do some stuff here beforehand. Which needs daylight, as such 4,5 more hours of sorting, cleaning recycled things and checking, dismantling them. And cleaning my transport bags, they got quite messy by all this dusty stuff.

That's life.. What are you doing in terms of private efforts and projects, my good floofer?

Edit: Oh, hello DaneFloofer, just saw your reaction! I wish you a wonderful day as well! ❤️
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Oh, unseasonable warm.. I would welcome temperatures which were 5°C hotter between August and April and 10-14°C hotter between October and February.. but I would have to move to Italys coastal regions then. That's not my goal. And surely it's still a problematic aspect for world ecology and life if overall temperatures raise because it changes a lot of fundamental cyclic activities of nature itself (not so much of the humans, but they'll suffer through them anyway).

We had this quite intense the last five years in Germany, the amount of "just rain" which went to "half the city is flooded" happened in so many usually unproblematic regions. And having a blizzard with hail in the middle of April happened once as well - looked like a trip to Siberia in October. ?‍♂️ Was cold enough to actually freeze your lungs if you stayed outside for hours without air filtering through clothes. And this is quite painful even at the beginning. -20°C and lower.

How warm is it in your region right now those days?

For me all is well in some way. Aside usual health problems, but I didn't die again the recent years, as such.. that's a win? :ROFLMAO:
Need to start my weight and bodybuilding sports again, lost the motivation due to what happened the recent months. But that's quickly recovered.

Those hiking mountain boots are weird. They don't exactly keep my feet warm. Even with all this material. Should've bought real leather insulated ones instead of Goretex.

I try to keep more specific details of my area off of the public forum. Now, it would be fairly unlikely that stating the exact temperature would identify my exact location, but you never know. People have been doxxed from information you wouldn't ever think would be identifiable.

Hmm, more specific - okay, but "actual temperature" is usually as unspecific as it goes.
Because it's measured by more-or-less precise hardware and more-or-less measurement points in an area. As such I could state the temperature here at one number behind the comma and nobody would be able to link it to anything. This temperature might right now persist in 1/12th of earths surface areas somewhere in some depth / height / regions.

(Because if you're either near a river, near a sea, a hill, mountain, a windy area or a natural hotter place with earth temperatures influencing the measure points, it's even compared to one measurement point in 2 km distance like 2°C difference.)

Not to mention the different forecasts and temperature measurements between different analyzing weather portals, hehe.

But anyway, no need to state it if you don't want to. I know that details can lead to doxxing (even as it would be hard in my case as even doxxing needs a real address.. and not just "somewhere in this area of land!", that's like doxxing a fish), as I was data security manager for several companies in the past.

The other stuff is usually more problematic. Like: images you post (you don't, which is good). If you have a generative time, a shadow, a sun position or stars visible and a rough idea where it could be located by the surroundings visible or prior postings, this could just end in "GeoDoxxers" instead of "GeoGuesser".

There's always the aspect: what can others see? - in real life. Like tattoos. Which might be known by someone. And he tells this around. Or specific abnormal details of the body, but at the end.. that's all not enough without a common base of people which -know- about them and identify them. In all-day life people don't care much about specific little remarks of life on another person's visible parts. While tattoos or piercings stand out quite a lot and get recognized, scars don't easily do. But there might be pictures of them, that's sometimes a problem (with social networks even more due to third persons posting them).

Anyway, gonna give the "GeoDoxxers" some funny lost time: It's 4,3 °C right now and the sun will rise at roughly 7:24 AM. Which is quite precise location information. ?‍♂️ But does still cover ten-thousands of acres. And I won't post pictures of the stars. :ROFLMAO:

@Dogstudlover : Welcome cute Dogstudfloofer! ? ? ❤️

Smut is at the end. :ROFLMAO:

I think just reading your paragraph would deter any Doxxers?

They are usually (if they're interested in finding out a location) motivated by such writings, as they estimate that the other one doesn't know about their own possibilities. And there are a lot of anti's or even just plain haters which want to take judgement in their own hands. It's all well-known. Being active in several anti-groups for decades (being a zoophile, but I love to know my self-declared enemies).

Information I post over all the time are with some wanted and willing imprecise data fields in it. Like randomizing. Not to lie, but to falsify the approach of overall analytics. It will cause less precise approach by widening the bandwidth of data fields.

I'm not living like the usual person in a rent flat or building. I could be here. Or there. I have keys and ways of access of places which don't even know my names. Multiple areas which are only known to singular numbers of people which don't communicate about them. Even the police wouldn't necessarily find me easily. And that's a good thing, I like privacy.

The most sensitive data would be the internet connection, actually. But it's booked on another non-existing name, paid locally. And doesn't stay online (no energy source) if I move around, nor do I take my linked devices with me all the time. I keep them well-hidden at those times, quite far away. No "smartphone where you go", neither a smartphone OS which could collect the "usual amount" of data.

Comes with less comfort, still not paranoid if it actually was the job to prevent such things and I know unfortunately what is possible.. It's easy to understand triangulation, recognizable tx/rx power spectrums, linking by network interferences, open network access. Satellite imagery possibilities, airspace surveillance. And hard to prevent smartphone OS data collection nowadays. Still somewhat possible.

Saphir - Samoyed or Nordic Dog.jpgOzeki - Siberian Husky Anthro.jpg

The latter one resembles exactly why work safety measures forbid open fire in combusting environments. ?‍♂️
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