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Well, not ALL the video games I like are violent.... err... just most of them. Lol. Besides Sims 3 and 4, I also like BeamNG (kind of a car physics simulator, racing game, and open sandbox game), Automation, and Thief Simulator... which is a game about crime, robbing people's houses, but you actually immediately game over if you try to kill someone.


Well, not ALL the video games I like are violent.... err... just most of them. Lol. Besides Sims 3 and 4, I also like BeamNG (kind of a car physics simulator, racing game, and open sandbox game), Automation, and Thief Simulator... which is a game about crime, robbing people's houses, but you actually immediately game over if you try to kill someone.
Back in the beginning of my relationship, games we liked came up. And my boyfriend showed me a game he loved playing in his teen years on an old computer in his old room.
"Carmageddon", that was an extremely violent game, which luckily did not have the graphics to show how violent it actually was.

This might be a little "sexist" to state, but while girls/women may play violent video games from time to time, it's usually a thing that boys/men usually partake in. While female gamers usually tend to stick with less violent games. Now I'm curious about statistics...
Looks creepy, at least from the cover art! Lol

This might be a little "sexist" to state, but while girls/women may play violent video games from time to time, it's usually a thing that boys/men usually partake in. While female gamers usually tend to stick with less violent games. Now I'm curious about statistics...

Definitely the case in my household.
?-"Look at this"
*Boyfriend (before his level up) drives in to the crowd watching the race with a combine harvester*
*Starts wondering if I have fallen in love with a psychopath*
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Well... that didn't take long... lol

"Not surprisingly, boys have been found to be significantly more likely than girls to play violent video games in many studies (e.g., Kasumovic, Blake, Dixson, & Denson, 2015; Olson et al., 2007), and the effect from gender is notable as being a substantively powerful predictor as well (Olson et al., 2007)."

Although this one is a little more surprising, as I figured the numbers would have been at least a little closer...

"A study of freshmen at UCLA found that 80% of female respondents stated that they play less than 1 hour of video games a week , while only 35% of male respondents could say the same. In terms of hardcore gamers, those playing more than 20 hours of video games a week, 87% of these a male and just 13% are female."

I was about to say, I guess that's where the stereotype that gamer guys lust after gamer girls come from, because they are far an few in between. But with mobile gaming being significant, I figured that the numbers would be higher from women that regularly play mobile games.

But yeah... definitely similar here. As while the sex poll indicates that it's 3/4 men users and 1/4 women users on this site, I have a feeling that it's actually MUCH less, and the poll has likely been corrupted by catfish men pretending to be "zoo women" for personal gain.
I was about to say, I guess that's where the stereotype that gamer guys lust after gamer girls come from, because they are far an few in between. But with mobile gaming being significant, I figured that the numbers would be higher from women that regularly play mobile games.
This might actually have merit. Even if more females are starting to play video games, mobile platforms might very well be the "big" "console" for females.
But, I have even been hit on while playing Word Feud, so those kind of guys are pretty much everywhere.
But yeah... definitely similar here. As while the sex poll indicates that it's 3/4 men users and 1/4 women users on this site, I have a feeling that it's actually MUCH less, and the poll has likely been corrupted by catfish men pretending to be "zoo women" for personal gain.
I would imagine that most users have not even made a vote in those polls. People just here for the porn are likely not partaking in any polls.
And we don't need a study to know that an extreme majority of the porn consumers are male.
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This might actually have merit. Even if more females are starting to play video games, mobile platforms might very well be the "big" "console" for females.
But, I have even been hit on while playing Word Feud, so those kind of guys are pretty much everywhere.
Even my mom, who is definitely NOT a gamer in any traditional sense, likes playing Words With Friends multiple times a week. And, while it's basically an advanced board game for mobile devices, it's still a virtual playable game, a video game. There's also stuff like Angry Birds and Candy Crush which are basically time wasting games you can play on the toilet to pass the time.

I still remember trying to get my mom to play GTA Vice City... it was like handing advanced alien technology to an 17th century farmer. Lol

I would imagine that most users have not even made a vote in those polls. People just here for the porn are likely not partaking in any polls.
And we don't need a study to know that an extreme majority of the porn consumers are male.
Could be... although one of the first things I did here was answer pretty much as many polls as I could and replied to all the ones that I felt I could contribute something to, to quickly add some posts to my count at the time. Still though, I'd imagine the ratio is probably closer to 1:10 if not even higher like 1:20 for women/men. Not what the poll indicates in the slightest. But perhaps those that actually answered the poll are more likely to be the users that actually contribute to the forum instead of just lurking porn... who knows? Even then the numbers seem way too high.

We do have tens of thousands of users with no posts at all or just posts in the porn section.
And those are likely 49 out of 50 times men.
I don't have any empirical data to support this, but.... eh, heck. Brb.


Well, turns out that I was a little off in my estimation, but not by much.
Fascinating that porn consumption increase for women while they are seriously dating, to decrease when they snatched the guy and are engaged/married.
Maybe search for inspiration while seriously dating to increase the chances of a proposal?
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Hello @YIMBY ! ? ❤️

I hope your day is processing fine and enjoyable!

But perhaps those that actually answered the poll are more likely to be the users that actually contribute to the forum instead of just lurking porn... who knows? Even then the numbers seem way too high.

There's lots of faking in such specific polls, unfortunately. And while female users might vote for "being male" (understandably!) to reduce their incoming mass of horny dickpic avatar users conversations and comments, (too) many male users would vote for "being female" as a gravely dumb way of raising their imaginary chances of establishing a "friendship to female users over contact ways". ?‍♂️

It's like a chatbot script gone bugged, +255/10 horniness, -255/10 intelligence, error/10 morally acceptable standards.

Here we are, one Sims 4 house on a hill. It's not quite like I imagined it in my dream as the driveway wrapped more around the house, and the house itself had more of a 1800s stone/brick exterior, but unfortunately I didn't discover that the land that I chose was WAY too small until I was already 30 minutes into working on the terrain and the hills. But oh well. The house itself is quite narrower than you'd imagine, but it's tall and has a lookout tower like the Sims 4 house I build in my dream. It is also not done yet, but hell, I've spent like 2 hours getting this far. It'll probably be another 2 or 3 hours worth of playing until it's finished.

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10-27-23_7-38-41 AM.png
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Why thanks! It still does need some work though. I actually forgot to extend the upper roof when I extended the dining/kitchen room, and I need to put a ceiling on the covered front porch. The house, interior wise, is actually quite a bit smaller than the pictures would have you believe. The floorplan is already done though, and the walls are textured with paint, tile, and wallpaper depending on the room. It's a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a living room and a kitchen dining room combo (and of course the lookout tower.) I just barely got that squeezed in with reasonable room sizes.

You'll have to remind me to take some more pictures of the doggo. It was a base Malamute, but I slimmed up the face on her, changed the tail on her, and made her ears larger and more pointy. I also made her hips wider and added a little cookie with the paint tool in the Sim editor, because I'm a perv! Lol

I guess the price depends on where you are in the world. At least as far as the U.S. is concerned a house like that would indeed probably go for $1.9 million around the L.A. area of California. But in somewhere like, say for example, rural Louisiana, that same house would probably only go for $320,000 in the current market. The idea is basically a completely remodeled 1800s house.

It's a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a living room and a kitchen dining room combo (and of course the lookout tower.) I just barely got that squeezed in with reasonable room sizes.

That's enough space for at least eight to nine further dogs. (y)

I also made her hips wider and added a little cookie with the paint tool in the Sim editor, because I'm a perv! Lol

The more realistic, the better. (y)

I guess the price depends on where you are in the world.

Absolutely, but you don't find such houses in this quality and neighborhood in rural regions that often. I was judging from the neighborhood. That looks like "rich people buy things they never can use wholly" area with quite high prices.

In a rural area afar from cities.. no, then it would be expensive as well due to being "a remote villa". But in rural areas with cheaper surroundings such a building would probably go for less than 300.000$, on the other hand it's questionable how well cared for it would've been.

There are some castles and comparable in Germany which are on sale and they cost almost nothing. The problematic aspect with this is: there's Denkmalschutz in the laws.

Monument protection. It states as example that necessary renovations have to keep the original construction type and design, you can't just change a wall, resize a room or comparable. You would have to renovate it very cost-intensive and: to keep it well maintained. This is going to cost ways more than to just "build such a building on modern isolation standards new", as example.

As such they will probably never find buyers for those.

Same goes for "usual houses", if they're either quite old, quite unique or with a relevant story / past. You can't just re-do it or modernize it, as such they're not worth the effort for most people.

One of the reasons why people in possession of monument protected buildings sometimes decide to actually leave them to rot / fall together naturally or even wait for some "accident" which blazes the whole thing into ground. ?‍♂️ As if it ages and breaks due to natural aging as well as low investments into renovating, that's not protected - and if it falls together, you can build a new one after your own ideas. Mostly.

We had some cases where there was a blaze in such protected buildings and afterwards it was found out that this was staged. And the owners were judged to re-build it with the same quality / material in the same shape. :ROFLMAO:

Oddly enough, remodeled 1800s houses are actually not a very uncommon sight in the U.S., especially in the southern half. If they are brick and in a plantation style they usually don't get knocked down to the ground, as they pretty much last forever as long as they're reasonably maintained throughout the years. Often they get remodeled and remodeled and remodeled again but keep the same general exterior. We don't really have "castles" here in the U.S. though, except for ones that were specifically built to be tourist attractions. So even though these 1800s houses are often rich with a lot of history, as long as the property is your property, and as long as any work done to them is up to local code, you can pretty much do whatever you want to those old 1800s houses.

A house like I built in the Sims is actually not very hard to fine. There are of course getting rarer and rarer as new housing is built over the ones that haven't been maintained and have begun falling apart. But, they aren't exactly super rare either. You'll often see 1 or 2 of them scattered amongst all the newer housing.

This style of construction is more prone to the US, that's true. We have comparable designs in Germany, but they're very rare nowadays and more in one of the "era"-affine concepts.

Regarding renovation, this is a quick look-in into the requirements:

Depending on the region and related outer design expectations, you can be even fobidden from adding modern light designs, outer isolation and comparable. ? You see, it's really a hassle with German laws, partly. Lots of grey areas, but if you unwillingly break one, you often lose everything you invested in such a project and are enforced to restore it.

This region had a big restaurant planned (ex-monastery building) which was renovated and partly built at one location, but after being at the beginning of a forest, there was some grey area law existing. This stated basically that "after being without use as a building / home for X years, the ground type gets changed from construction land to forest land" and as such forbidding to build on there without extensive bureaucratic works.

The owner actually restored it and began work and investments privately prior to getting an allowance for the land related concept, while he had the build plans already accepted.

After building for a year around.. city / country told: Nope, it's now forest. You can't build here. Stop all work immediately.

Since then it's falling together without any work or caring for being established. That's around 150.000$ which were thrown out of the window, basically.

Hello @Mare Lover 1975 , I hope you have a good time without stress and anger applied by your fellow humans. ❤️

I'm going to drive to complete grocery shopping, get myself some food and enjoy.. (not).. the rain.
Usually I would enjoy the rain somewhat. But at the moment it's just another unfortunate symptom on a whole mountain stack of those.

Let's hope there are better times for all of us coming rapidly and all those unnecessary burdens search for another planet. ☁️☀️