Yep, hopefully it's a lucky 13 day
Yep, hopefully it's a lucky 13 day
That is a vibe! Lol might have to try it on...
? At the very beginning, when I got to know you, my strong empathy, or as you describe it, Jedi-force, initially led me to believe that you live in Texas. And I also always thought you were biracial between black and white. Lol, sometimes instinct can be so wrong!139057
Hey, lets make peace139059
If you like to imagine me as a black and white Texan, go ahead. Whatever floats your boat.
Even when not hiding the truth, I am still not a mixed raced Taxas residents.Hey, lets make peace
I never wanted to fight, on the contrary, I hadn't taken into account that most People don't want to hear the truth, 'because they don't want their illusions destroyed. Some people see other truths as an attack on their worldview. That's why I'm avoiding the Dumpster Fire from now on.
I like you
Even when not hiding the truth, I am still not a mixed raced Taxas residents.
And I am not fighting.
"You shall not steal" -8th commandment.Thank you ?that means Yes, right ?
??? Hey, I got your nose ... cu
? At the very beginning, when I got to know you, my strong empathy, or as you describe it, Jedi-force, initially led me to believe that you live in Texas. And I also always thought you were biracial between black and white. Lol, sometimes instinct can be so wrong!
... but sometimes the wrong instinct leads you to the right place. That's why I'm here. Hi MrsShemon, how's it goin'?
Yeah... that proves without a shadow of a doubt who you actually are Mr. Onion. Gotta admit, you were very sneaky about it, you definitely threw me for a loop. Bravo.Thank you ?that means Yes, right ?
??? Hey, I got your nose ... cu
One of the best so far in this thread.139069