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Count to ∞!


Feet guy? Would probably be some animated stuff about that body part.

Definitely not a feet guy, someone posted a foot emoji and I told them to blur it. Everyone thought that was funny so I was going to continue the joke. I’m 100% a dog guy and feet can be fun - sometimes - but it’s not the attraction. It’s like adding pepper to food, definitely doesn’t hurt but I’m more concerned for the mashed potatos

As I already searched for an image, I am going to pretend that I saw your post after I posted this, @caboose


Hey anyone who thinks of me enough to search for stuff I would like is a friend in my book ;)

Now whoever posted the drawing of the guy taking the male GSD … that was incredible

Really? I do have a bunch of graphically worded visualisating descriptions. But careful, they might make you scared or feeling a little 🤢

I am interested in learning about others. I would hope that a forum like this is a safe place to express yourself. I don’t get scared easily and if it’s not my cup of tea I don’t have to drink it ;)
I am interested in learning about others. I would hope that a forum like this is a safe place to express yourself. I don’t get scared easily and if it’s not my cup of tea I don’t have to drink it ;)
Well, to a certain extent.
I still made a couple of the gay and zoo exclusive guys in the count a little 🤢 earlier this spring. So being too visualizing is not always good.
I see that your penis thread reached "What's new" again, Floofy.
Do you still follow that poll?
Nah, it's one of the few threads I've ever unsubscribed from. It was pretty much a throwaway thread that I pretty much regret creating. But I haven't bothered deleting it because I hate to be the one that ruins the fun for everyone.

I am guessing that it became a show and tell, and you lost all kinds of interest to remain there.

Additional stuff:
A thread like this
"Girls/women, what is your vaginal depth/width?"
does not seem to exist......yet.
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