It's most likely that anything that comes from French, being a Romance language and all that, can trace its origin in Latin. But repertoire and inventory haven't taken the straight path into the English language; they've both actually taken a detour through French. From an etymological point of view, it is important to take this into consideration because those detours tend to obscure both form and meaning of a word.Actually repertoire hails from Latin in origin as well. Lol
Ahhh heck you're right... I wasn't watching the numbers. My bad @FloofyNewfie110699
Floofy will be very displeased.
Everytime we get into the 69x numbers we usually have a smut round and post some. We messed it up this time, the smut king will be displeased.110701
Oh no ? we angered the Smut King!Everytime we get into the 69x numbers we usually have a smut round and post some. We messed it up this time, the smut king will be displeased.