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Bestiality in mainstream media

Did you ever see Garden State (2004), written and directed by Zach Braff? It includes a scene where Zach's character is humped by a seeing eye dog. For the scene, they had to find a dog that was trained to hump humans. To get the dog to mount a human, the trainer would say "Who's your bitch, who's your bitch" and to get the dog to hump he'd say, "Give him some love" (so something like that). They had someone from the ASPCA present to make sure that there was no harm being done to the dog.
I have not. Will try and check it out.
Not certain if podcasts are "mainstream media" but they are sorta are these days I guess. Anyhow, there's one called "Girls on Guys" and one of the topics was about Hugh Hefner apparently caught in flagrante doglecto by a former girlfriend..later the host asks her guests what animal they'd fuck if, hypothetically, they were told to at gunpoint:

The important sections are at
27:11 Hefner and canines
33:44 Which animal would you get freaky with? (Without spoiling, the answers were much more exotic than I would have guessed..)
The feminist anthology series "Roar" had an episode called "The Woman Who Was Fed By a Duck" (Episode 5), where a woman had sex with a feral, talking and kinda chauvinistic duck. The scene wasn't too explicit, you saw the duck getting in between her legs, rear up and flutter and the flying of feathers was shown among the sound of fluttering and her obvious enjoyment of duck dick. Like I said, it wasn't too explicit, but for people into birds and women the scene alone might be good fap material anyway.
The film Party Animalz is a lower budget early 2000’s sex comedy about a group of friends that have access to a large house and throw a party. The guys try watching a bestiality video with a pornstar named Burro Girl and a donkey but something else is taped over before the action gets good. Later on, one of the guys actually finds Burro Girl at the party and wants to film her having sex with a donkey that he borrows. She doesn’t actually do the deed but the donkey humps the bully character when he breaks into the house while he’s naked
On that note, the 2006 New Zealand movie "Black Sheep" has a scene where a sheep tries to mate with a guy wearing a sheep skin, trying to crawl away through the herd. Given that Black Sheep is a comedy horror movie and the sheep turned bad, attacking (and eating) people, that guy had a reason for his disguise and attempt to flee. The sheep humping him accidentally pulled the sheep skin from the guy more and more, so the guy had to act quickly. He had blade shears for shearing sheep with him. Given, that the ram had rather prominent balls dangling from the guy's rear end, he took the shears and stabbed the ram in the balls in order to get him to dismount and to get away quickly. So maybe not the best scene to fap to, unless you stop the video before the stabbing happens.

From @piotrohanian's list

The Girl and Horse
Original title: A Menina e o Cavalo

1h 20m

Director Conrado Sanchez
Writer Conrado Sanchez
Stars Aryadne de Lima, Antônio Rodi, Elizabeth de Luiz


A nymphomaniac is reunited with a horse from her childhood with which she had a relationship with.

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this was the weirdest movie to watch long ago
especially when the horse's where overdubbed by some perv
I just came to this thread after seeing the character 'Dogknott' on S4E1 of The Boys. It's a very short scene and I doubt he'll feature anywhere else in the series, but I don't think I've ever seen a reference to a dog's knot in such a high profile show lol.

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Also of course there is the 'The Deep' character who has sex with an octopus in earlier episodes, as well as there being many other references to him and aquatic.. 'relations'.
I just came to this thread after seeing the character 'Dogknott' on S4E1 of The Boys. It's a very short scene and I doubt he'll feature anywhere else in the series, but I don't think I've ever seen a reference to a dog's knot in such a high profile show lol.

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Also of course there is the 'The Deep' character who has sex with an octopus in earlier episodes, as well as there being many other references to him and aquatic.. 'relations'.
In fallout 4 there is also a reference about dog cock. You find a dog there.
Many movies directors and screenwriters are zoophiles or curious about bestiality.
Not sure if this was mentioned before but one of the more extreme examples is from a Czech tv move called Dopisy v krajkách (2003). Not sure whats being said throughout but the main plot involves some noblewoman being trained/degraded to act and live as a horse until she begins to go along with it. Around the 26 minute mark, a stallion is brought to her while she is naked and with a small audience. The stallion immediately gets a hard on while she leans against a small wooden fence and spreads her legs apart and the stallion approaches her from behind and rears up with his boner. The act itself unfortunately isn’t shown but you can definitely hear the woman gasp out loud and the horse railing the shit out of her ❤️. Great for the imagination
Yep! That Pony Play scene in Dopisy v krajkách was hot.

I prefer books to film, but if I am to watch films - I’d prefer it not show anything graphic but rather allow me to use my imagination, because my imagination is very powerful!
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From @piotrohanian's list​

Dopisy v krajkách (2003)

Director Jaroslav Pozzi
Writer Jaroslav Pozzi
Stars Frantisek Nemec, Nada Konvalinková, Lenka Kubálková

A woman of stature is made to act like a horse.

"Not sure if this was mentioned before but one of the more extreme examples is from a Czech tv move called Dopisy v krajkách (2003). Not sure whats being said throughout but the main plot involves some noblewoman being trained/degraded to act and live as a horse until she begins to go along with it. Around the 26 minute mark, a stallion is brought to her while she is naked and with a small audience. The stallion immediately gets a hard on while she leans against a small wooden fence and spreads her legs apart and the stallion approaches her from behind and rears up with his boner. The act itself unfortunately isn’t shown but you can definitely hear the woman gasp out loud and the horse railing the shit out of her ❤️. Great for the imagination" - @stallionsimp

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View attachment Dopisy v krajkách 2003-shorter - Copy.mp4

From @piotrohanian's list​

Dopisy v krajkách (2003)

Director Jaroslav Pozzi
Writer Jaroslav Pozzi
Stars Frantisek Nemec, Nada Konvalinková, Lenka Kubálková

A woman of stature is made to act like a horse.

"Not sure if this was mentioned before but one of the more extreme examples is from a Czech tv move called Dopisy v krajkách (2003). Not sure whats being said throughout but the main plot involves some noblewoman being trained/degraded to act and live as a horse until she begins to go along with it. Around the 26 minute mark, a stallion is brought to her while she is naked and with a small audience. The stallion immediately gets a hard on while she leans against a small wooden fence and spreads her legs apart and the stallion approaches her from behind and rears up with his boner. The act itself unfortunately isn’t shown but you can definitely hear the woman gasp out loud and the horse railing the shit out of her ❤️. Great for the imagination" - @stallionsimp

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Yeah, great for the imagination ?
Thanks for sharing mntrtwke.
I watch a youtuber who is constantly making beast jokes. Asides from that, maybe Teen Titans(?)
Všimol si ešte niekto všetky odkazy na beštialitu vo filmoch a televízii?
Prípad prvý: Family Guy. Pes Brian sa často ukladá. Dokonca bol s Glenom Quagmiresom po otcovi po operácii. V jednej epizóde sa snaží dostať s vysokoškolským dievčaťom a Stewie povie dievčaťu "toto je to, na čo tvoji rodičia míňajú všetky tie peniaze, aby si mohol šuknúť psov?" PSI!! WITH A *S* Imling Brian nie je prvý.
Prípad druhý: Americký otec. Ryba sa vždy snaží nájsť Francine šaty. Steve, syn, má pre ňu zjavnú incestnú atmosféru. V jednej epizóde dokonca uvádza, že farba rúžu svojej mamy je v upravenej verzii červená psieho vtáka alebo červená. V ďalšej epizóde sa rozlúči so svojou matkou, keď sa ona a Stan pripravujú na jazdu na koči ťahanom koňmi na konskú show a on si všimne, že nemá nohavičky. Keď sa jej spýta, odpovie: "Čo to má zmysel?" Celá epizóda prepožičiava myšlienke, že Francine má zmysel pre kone.
Tretí prípad: Seth McFarland 1000 spôsobov, ako zomrieť na západe. Poznamenáva, že jedna z jeho oviec sa uvoľní, skončí v kurníku a nejakým spôsobom zarobí 20 dolárov. Myslím, že ak ste v produkcii Setha McFarlanda, budete vystavení incestu a beštiálnosti. Špinavý chlapec, Seth.
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