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Bestiality in mainstream media

Všimol si ešte niekto všetky odkazy na beštialitu vo filmoch a televízii?
Prípad prvý: Family Guy. Pes Brian sa často ukladá. Dokonca bol s Glenom Quagmiresom po otcovi po operácii. V jednej epizóde sa snaží dostať s vysokoškolským dievčaťom a Stewie povie dievčaťu "toto je to, na čo tvoji rodičia míňajú všetky tie peniaze, aby si mohol šuknúť psov?" PSI!! WITH A *S* Imling Brian nie je prvý.
Prípad druhý: Americký otec. Ryba sa vždy snaží nájsť Francine šaty. Steve, syn, má pre ňu zjavnú incestnú atmosféru. V jednej epizóde dokonca uvádza, že farba rúžu svojej mamy je v upravenej verzii červená psieho vtáka alebo červená. V ďalšej epizóde sa rozlúči so svojou matkou, keď sa ona a Stan pripravujú na jazdu na koči ťahanom koňmi na konskú show a on si všimne, že nemá nohavičky. Keď sa jej spýta, odpovie: "Čo to má zmysel?" Celá epizóda prepožičiava myšlienke, že Francine má zmysel pre kone.
Tretí prípad: Seth McFarland 1000 spôsobov, ako zomrieť na západe. Poznamenáva, že jedna z jeho oviec sa uvoľní, skončí v kurníku a nejakým spôsobom zarobí 20 dolárov. Myslím, že ak ste v produkcii Setha McFarlanda, budete vystavení incestu a beštiálnosti. Špinavý chlapec, Seth.
Má ešte niekto čo pridať do zoznamu?
France movie “la bestie”
Has anybody else noticed all the references to bestiality in movies and TV?
Case one: Family Guy. Brian the dog gets laid a lot. He's even been with Glen Quagmires post op male to female dad. In one episode he's trying to get with a college girl and Stewie makes the comment to the girl "is this what your parents are spending all this money for so you can f--k dogs?" DOGS!! WITH A *S* Implying Brian isn't the first.
Case two: American Dad. The fish is always trying to look up Francine's dress. Steve, the son, has a obvious incest vibe for her. In one episode he even states the color of his mom's lipstick is dog dick red or dog pud red in the edited version. In another episode he gives his mother a hug good bye as she and Stan prepare to go out on a horse drawn carriage ride to a horse show and he notices she isn't wearing panties. When he asks her she replies with "what's the point?" The entire episode lends to the notion Francine has a thing for horses.
Case three: Seth McFarland 1000s ways to die in the west. He makes the comment about one of his sheep getting loose, ending up in the whore house and somehow making $20. I guess if you are in a Seth McFarland production, you will be subject to incest and bestiality. Dirty boy, Seth.
Anybody else have anything to add to the list?
I have been wondering this too. Its odd how often it seems to happen.. Not that im really complaining!

From @piotrohanian's list​

Dopisy v krajkách (2003)

Director Jaroslav Pozzi
Writer Jaroslav Pozzi
Stars Frantisek Nemec, Nada Konvalinková, Lenka Kubálková

A woman of stature is made to act like a horse.

"Not sure if this was mentioned before but one of the more extreme examples is from a Czech tv move called Dopisy v krajkách (2003). Not sure whats being said throughout but the main plot involves some noblewoman being trained/degraded to act and live as a horse until she begins to go along with it. Around the 26 minute mark, a stallion is brought to her while she is naked and with a small audience. The stallion immediately gets a hard on while she leans against a small wooden fence and spreads her legs apart and the stallion approaches her from behind and rears up with his boner. The act itself unfortunately isn’t shown but you can definitely hear the woman gasp out loud and the horse railing the shit out of her ❤️. Great for the imagination" - @stallionsimp

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shame there were using with a fake cum(milk)
Wow. And that's on a very public platform.

I wonder if she has taken things outside of teasing video shorts and into reality with her "clients". But her shorts really help stimulate the viewers' imagination.

Thanks for sharing.
Real vet or fake vet, zoo or not, that is the type of vet I'd never take my animals to.
If that is supposed to attract customers, honestly I'd run away like wind. Cause those teasing videos make her look totally unprofessional to me.

As much as I would love to have a zoo vet I could talk openly to, I'd choose anytime the middle aged lady with lots of experience with different species, who, if in social networks, uploads helpful videos of recomendations or how some animals recover.

NOTE: Not mainstream, but a lot of downloads and over a hundred thousand likes for this (abandoned before completion) game at a forum.

Man's Best Friend [Ep. 1 Full] [AdultKing]

Adult Visual Novel / Computer Game


"When a cheating father of two is kicked out of the house, his dog Rex becomes determined to take his place as the man of the house. As Rex endeavors to claim his rightful role as the undisputed Alpha he soon finds himself facing many challenges. Will he overcome the, frankly, unfair stigma of being a dog and claim the three women of the house for himself? Build a harem of sexy, dog loving women? Or forever be relegated to the role of a sexually frustrated pet? The choice is yours in this evolving, pet-friendly VN."

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Real vet or fake vet, zoo or not, that is the type of vet I'd never take my animals to.
If that is supposed to attract customers, honestly I'd run away like wind. Cause those teasing videos make her look totally unprofessional to me.

As much as I would love to have a zoo vet I could talk openly to, I'd choose anytime the middle aged lady with lots of experience with different species, who, if in social networks, uploads helpful videos of recomendations or how some animals recover.

I found her original videos, no dog in them so probably just some horny guy who made the edits on youtube

(she has an onlyfans but don't wanna post her name)
Still brand new so I don't want to post specifics to prevent spoilers, but Deadpool and Wolverine had a moment that definitely raised my eyebrows

NOTE: Not mainstream, but a lot of downloads and over a hundred thousand likes for this (abandoned before completion) game at a forum.

Man's Best Friend [Ep. 1 Full] [AdultKing]

Adult Visual Novel / Computer Game


"When a cheating father of two is kicked out of the house, his dog Rex becomes determined to take his place as the man of the house. As Rex endeavors to claim his rightful role as the undisputed Alpha he soon finds himself facing many challenges. Will he overcome the, frankly, unfair stigma of being a dog and claim the three women of the house for himself? Build a harem of sexy, dog loving women? Or forever be relegated to the role of a sexually frustrated pet? The choice is yours in this evolving, pet-friendly VN."

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A dog that is the protagonist of a game. I had never seen that before :ROFLMAO:
Great Game (y)