Just about every episode of Adult Swim's Mr Pickles has some kind of bestiality and/or interspecies sex reference.
The Goodman family lives with their lovable pet dog,
Pickles, a deviant border collie with a secret satanic streak.
In between saving his master, the dimwitted but innocent six year old Tommy, from peril, and slashing evil-doers into gory pieces, and tormenting the hapless Grandpa (the only person to know his true demonic identity), Mr Pickles exercises his seriously overdriven libido. He lusts after the busty Mrs. Goodman (voiced by Brooke Shields!), often sticking his head up her dress and sniffing her crotch, or goosing her in endlessly creative yet seemingly innocent ways, and he has sex with a dizzying variety of animals ( a bear, a horse, a lion, a vulture in a bikini, just to name a few). There are also some peripheral characters engaging in bestiality, including the mob informant who is surgically transformed into bigfoot and lives out in the forest as part of a witness protection program, and has sex with various forest creatures, culminating with him fathering a human-deer hybrid out of his "deer-wife".
But the best and most outrageous bestiality scene is in the episode "Mommas Boy" where Sherriff, the ultimate mommas boy, loses his virginity to a momma wolf. It's all quite crazy, clever, over the top satire that makes one wonder how they manage to pass the censors that allow them to show all this outrageous stuff. I just read that season 4 is set to premiere November 17 (Yes!)
Warning: this show is not for the feint of heart or the easily offended. But it's funny as hell.
Mr. Pickles - Sheriff and Momma Wolf Sex Scene