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Bestiality in mainstream media

Does anyone else look around the room when these references are mentioned, to guage the reaction from peoples faces? I think you can tell a lot from a person's face and reaction to things haha (full disclosure I've done various courses in NLP so I guess it's related to that). Just wondering if I'm the only one who quietly does this?!

It's a beautiful poem, sensual and oblique.
I dont think that Ive seen TED in the mentionings. The whole movie is about drugs, sex and beastiality as TED is a bear and wants to fuck human females.
Gemidos E Sussurros (1987)
Brazilian Movie

Two bestiality scenes

Naked woman licked by a dog in the bed
Woman and horse fucking (apparently)
where would it be possible to watch it?
been looking for Maria and her beast 1&2 yet impossible to find a dvd and streaming film to watch
I absolutely love Mr.Pickles. I made the mistake of watching the episodes when they first came out with my mother... she said "Well, I know why you like this ugly show now..." ?
Has anybody else noticed all the references to bestiality in movies and TV?
Case one: Family Guy. Brian the dog gets laid a lot. He's even been with Glen Quagmires post op male to female dad. In one episode he's trying to get with a college girl and Stewie makes the comment to the girl "is this what your parents are spending all this money for so you can f--k dogs?" DOGS!! WITH A *S* Implying Brian isn't the first.
Case two: American Dad. The fish is always trying to look up Francine's dress. Steve, the son, has a obvious incest vibe for her. In one episode he even states the color of his mom's lipstick is dog dick red or dog pud red in the edited version. In another episode he gives his mother a hug good bye as she and Stan prepare to go out on a horse drawn carriage ride to a horse show and he notices she isn't wearing panties. When he asks her she replies with "what's the point?" The entire episode lends to the notion Francine has a thing for horses.
Case three: Seth McFarland 1000s ways to die in the west. He makes the comment about one of his sheep getting loose, ending up in the whore house and somehow making $20. I guess if you are in a Seth McFarland production, you will be subject to incest and bestiality. Dirty boy, Seth.
Anybody else have anything to add to the list?
Not a specific example but there is many running jokes, especially online that white women fuck dogs more than guys. Like the meme I attached, I've seen it everywhere in complete normie circles.


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Here's a mainstream(?) academic paper:
