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An AI that detects zoos.

It may not be possible to identify zoos by what they write and post in general social media alone, but it's probably possible to identify Zooville members by comparing what and how they write here with what everyone writes on general social media. People have a certain writing style, the grammatical errors and typos we make can be characteristic and the combination of opinions and interests of someone are also individual.

Writing style is not an AI thing, at that scale.

You're gonna need a shitload of example date from a known person to get any kind of confidence in a prediction like that. And even then, it's a piss-poor indication.

Besides, this falls back to a problem of resources. No single developer has access to anything like what this would require.

It's not gunna happen.
Why are we even spitballing ideas on how to make a potential AI more accurate/what ideas would or wouldn't work, even in theory? This is a dumb idea, I hope this really was a troll from the outset. The last thing any zoo needs is a program anybody can access, including the police, that can detect and notify everybody they know about this side of them...
Meh, it would be pointless. There would need to be major changes to the law to allow any kind of AI derived "evidence" to be admissible in court. That includes using it to get a warrant to start an investigation to obtain admissible evidence.

There's no way they could go to a judge and say "Our AI believes that based on his sentence structure and vague other hints on his various social media that knotlover53 on doghumpers.com is Bob Smith of Seattle. We'd like a warrant to wiretap Bob Smith and suepena his ISP and social media accounts in order to obtain hard evidence."
Meh, it would be pointless. There would need to be major changes to the law to allow any kind of AI derived "evidence" to be admissible in court. That includes using it to get a warrant to start an investigation to obtain admissible evidence.

There's no way they could go to a judge and say "Our AI believes that based on his sentence structure and vague other hints on his various social media that knotlover53 on doghumpers.com is Bob Smith of Seattle. We'd like a warrant to wiretap Bob Smith and suepena his ISP and social media accounts in order to obtain hard evidence."
I would like to believe you've never watched Minority Report and don't live in a dictatorship.
There's no way they could go to a judge and say "Our AI believes that based on his sentence structure and vague other hints on his various social media that knotlover53 on doghumpers.com is Bob Smith of Seattle. We'd like a warrant to wiretap Bob Smith and suepena his ISP and social media accounts in order to obtain hard evidence."
The Supreme Court of USA is doing whatever the hell it wants, creating new laws based on completely imaginary situations now. I envy your naivete to believe that X or Y "couldn't ever happen" when you are watching society begin to tear itself apart during the beginnings of a worldwide climate crisis. Shit is about to get real over the next decade or two, and not stop, only continue to see more danger for everyone, especially marginalized groups that make for easy targets of hate to unite the masses against.
The only way an AI would be able to detect whether a person has a interest in zoophilia is with the subject's complete and honest cooperation. The AI would essentially have to function as a psychiatrist and be capable of observing the subject's physical reactions to its questions. Additionally the AI would need to have access to the results of the subject's physiological and sexual responses to a long battery of questions and stimuli that included those calculated to create a response for zoos. That will probably be possible one day but what the original post described won't be.

Such a scenario is imaginable in a dystopian world in which all young people are subjected to testing for sexual "deviancy" in order to either "cure" or isolate them.

Thanks to the OP for giving me a story idea.
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The Supreme Court of USA is doing whatever the hell it wants, creating new laws based on completely imaginary situations now. I envy your naivete to believe that X or Y "couldn't ever happen" when you are watching society begin to tear itself apart during the beginnings of a worldwide climate crisis. Shit is about to get real over the next decade or two, and not stop, only continue to see more danger for everyone, especially marginalized groups that make for easy targets of hate to unite the masses against.
First, the Supreme Court (any court for that matter) doesn't make laws, they rule on the contitutionality of laws. Congress makes laws.

Second, I didn't say ever. I almost did and specifically didn't. As the first paragraph, which you neglected to bother quoting, said: major changes to law would have to occur. Currently, even if some rouge judge did issue a warrant based on AI speculation, any case originating from such a warrant could easily be throw out through appeal.
First, the Supreme Court (any court for that matter) doesn't make laws, they rule on the contitutionality of laws. Congress makes laws.
Yeah that's what you would think but they clearly didn't get the memo on that and are now writing their own new laws basically. Your faith in the system is seriously misplaced especially if you think it will protect you when society finds you disgusting. Good luck with that.
Yeah that's what you would think but they clearly didn't get the memo on that and are now writing their own new laws basically. Your faith in the system is seriously misplaced especially if you think it will protect you when society finds you disgusting. Good luck with that.

Oh look, we've got another one!

God, it must be tireing to believe everyone is out to get you.
Because of this site I’ve noticed to pay attention to pet behavior toward their owner. In the past I’ve over looked it but now that I think about it there were some pups with very frisky attitudes that were most likely playing with owners for fun times.
Yea, there's "imagination", and then there's this bullshit.
We're discussing the (im)possibility of creating an AI to detect zoos, and there you come in blabbering about mutidimensional nonsense.
poor baby. can't stand being an idiot.
Google's Web crawler goes through this website multiple times a day. and so does Bing's. You can see them down below at the main page in the active users section. Don't need AI. you all are already known as zoophiles. I saw that Google's spider was reading profile pages one time. That's how search works. That's why Google is your god.

Y'all got to download your data from one of the mega companies. I did Facebook and I about shit myself when I saw that FB knows every single thing you're doing. Even knows you're visiting this site even though you're not using FB or its app. I don't use FuckFace anymore. haven't in 5 years.
Y'all got to download your data from one of the mega companies. I did Facebook and I about shit myself when I saw that FB knows every single thing you're doing. Even knows you're visiting this site even though you're not using FB or its app. I don't use FuckFace anymore. haven't in 5 years.
Yes. Quite the same.
5, osdivly 10 years ago, Ineeded to check something in FB, I think it was.

So I cleared the browser, got one of those one use mail that was accepted and set a user. Just checked what I needed. (I tbink it was an animal shelter). Well. Second time I logged I was greeted with a "people you might now"
And, yes. For sure was a furry guy friend ?
There were two or three users more I did not know but... who knows... Even faceless zoo aquitances maybe.

Have not come back there since
AI is a serious, serious fuck up. Creating an intelligence that can essentially learn everything humans can (and way way more) at literaly the speed of light will result in an inescapable death sentence for humans. IF you doubt this, then ask yourself 2 questions.

1.) Who or what exactly would be the only likely threat to this new life form continuing to exist?

2.) Is there any reason why an AI would need to keep humans around once it asks itself question #1?

And "Air Gapped Systems" is not an answer. Humans are arrogant, careless, and remarkably stupid in spite of their cleverness.
an inescapable death sentence for humans.
That's one path. Another would be that it develops so far beyond us so quickly that it simply leaves us behind as not worth its mere acknowledgement.

That's what happens in James Rollins' Crucible. Less than an hour after being fully enabled self aware the AI breaks through the consciousness singularity and becomes a being of pure thought that leaves the earth to presumably explore the universe and continue growing, all while blazing across the internet to purge it of all the incomplete malevolent copies of itself. It had no reason to stay on this meaningless little ball and certainly no danger requiring "self preservation" action of wiping us out first.
Why are we even spitballing ideas on how to make a potential AI more accurate/what ideas would or wouldn't work, even in theory? This is a dumb idea, I hope this really was a troll from the outset. The last thing any zoo needs is a program anybody can access, including the police, that can detect and notify everybody they know about this side of them...
If it can happen, we probably won't prevent it by not talking about it here. Talking about it at least raises the awareness for the risks that exist.
If it can happen, we probably won't prevent it by not talking about it here. Talking about it at least raises the awareness for the risks that exist.
If you think about it. It will come. I would always think about what if I am on the toilet taking a shit and a snake comes up and bites me. Well it happened in some foreign country the video was posted on world star hip-hop dot com. Plus that one baseball movie field of dreams with Kevin costner. If you build it. They will come.
Can you imagine a single scenario where a random person approached like this would answer "Yes I am." to a random unknown nobody they just met?

Yes, I actually know someone who loves trolling enough to do this I think. It would be probably followed by some jokes about Hitler.

It may not be possible to identify zoos by what they write and post in general social media alone, but it's probably possible to identify Zooville members by comparing what and how they write here with what everyone writes on general social media. People have a certain writing style, the grammatical errors and typos we make can be characteristic and the combination of opinions and interests of someone are also individual.

Or. Be google. Have access to a shitton of browsing data tied to specific people. Knowing the median opsec of zoos, that would yield tens of thousands at least, it's conceptually pretty easy to do and all the data is already gathered.

Y'all got to download your data from one of the mega companies. I did Facebook and I about shit myself when I saw that FB knows every single thing you're doing. Even knows you're visiting this site even though you're not using FB or its app.

Yep. This exactly. All it takes is someone there determined enough to try. I sure hope my beginner mistakes aren't much of an indicator. Still, at best it would mark me as "having had a period of that".
Yes, I actually know someone who loves trolling enough to do this I think. It would be probably followed by some jokes about Hitler.

Or. Be google. Have access to a shitton of browsing data tied to specific people. Knowing the median opsec of zoos, that would yield tens of thousands at least, it's conceptually pretty easy to do and all the data is already gathered.

Yep. This exactly. All it takes is someone there determined enough to try. I sure hope my beginner mistakes aren't much of an indicator. Still, at best it would mark me as "having had a period of that".
I would guess that you have learned to cover your tracks by now. Always CYA.
These days I was thinking that it would be interesting to create an artificial intelligence system that was capable of recognizing zoophiles.

That way, we zoophiles could recognize other zoophiles possibly hiding their orientation.

I would like to create this software, I really like computers and I am studying computer science.
That would be amazing. Keep me informered. Like to assist
In fact, creating a system to detect zoophiles can be very easy, well, most of the zoos comply with some characteristics and parameters that, being examined by an artificial intelligence, could detect who is a zoo, who is bestialist, or who pretends to be a zoo to attract attention and is not really.
This is a severe misunderstanding of either what AI is, how people work, or both. Buddy, computers aren't psychic, and zoos don't behave differently from the general population, in public. I have about as much in common with the other people, here, as I do anywhere else. Even facebook's/google's algorithms have to rely on information you actually give them about yourself, and the things they'll try to extropolate about you based on your interests are hilarious, if you ever look into it. The last time I checked, google thinks I'm "probably" an upper-middle class business owner and a father, and it's not like I've ever pretended to be. Like, literally, HOW would an AI detect if someone is zoo? This kind of shit is the reason people generally just assume that tech bros are stupid. You guys treat computers like magic more than the average person does.
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