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Fake User Awareness Thread

Speed dating can cause twitchyness :)

To those not familiar, it's usually done in bars where say, 10 women sit at small tables in a row, and 10 men sit in front of them. Buzzer goes off and each couple has 3 minutes to get to know each other and make a good impression. Buzzer goes off again and the men shift one table over, and the new couples get 3 minutes to get to know each other. That continues until everyone had a chance to interact with each other.

Hence, speed dating.

How it ends is each guy can put 3 women's ID number 1-10 on their slip, and each women can put 3 guy's ID number 1-10 on their slips. The bar reconciles and for any mutual matches, the bar gives them each other's first name and phone number.

I only mutual-matched once out of the three or four times I tried it out. Probably because I couldn't hide how uninteresting I thought the process was.

<robot voice>"Hi, I'm Steve, I'm 43, I'm a tax attorney, I'm divorced, no kids, seeking the love of my life. What's your favorite color?" Beep.</robot voice>

The women weren't any better. Stats, stats, stats. Once in a while there would be a woman who would cut through the chase with vigor. "Hi, I'm Maureen, I'm looking to be married within a year and have kids. How much do you earn?" Wow woman, that's some moose balls ya got there!

For me, it was people-watching with a really nice glass of red wine and I always went with a friend who for whatever reason, thought this was her only option.

The one guy I did mutual-match with was quite cool. He didn't prattle off his name or stats, and instead sat confidently with a big smile, and asked me what my passion was. What excites me every day. What rejuvenates my soul. So I said I love to read, particularly in the warm sun, and I named three somewhat esoteric books I enjoyed. He had read two of them, then the buzzer went off and I was actually pissed!

So, I put him on my slip by himself, didn't bother picking others because after three or four of these I was kind of done with it anyway. And apparently, he had done the same - he put just me on his slip.

We went out on two dates and both were really cool. The problem was logistics - he was a DJ in various major nightclubs and slept all day, I worked a 9-5. He also lived three hours away. But he was a cool guy. When either of us travel, we send each other post cards even today. I think that's pretty cool.
It is. All tax attorneys are robots.
Just a heads up to all my happy zoo friends.........BEWARE of this fucking clown.

He hides his profile so I'll post a link to his post history so you can all see for yourselves. No idea where this asshole atually IS located but he claims to be anywhere his targeted female is located, but so far he's "advertising" his ficticious dogs on 3 continents. As for what I personally looked at......he just a few minutes ago hit up a female in Pennsylvania, US ( @knottynewbie ), now deleted by mods for sharing outside contact ID........Also a young college age female in London, UK (@ShortBritishGirl19 ), which you'll see in the post history if you look. And also a middle aged female from Sydney, AUS (@Dahlia ) who appears to have gone inactive since september..................All messages to profiles, and several others, the exact same cheap cut and paste msg. Below is the link to his post history. Account name is Fearlesswinter. At various points, like all catfishing asshats, he claims this and that.....in one series of comments, he claims he travels for work but spends most of his time in ATLANTA ( member @mandywantsAbone )....in another series of profile comments, he claims while talking to a member from Dallas, TEXAS ( @Ebonywantsdog ), that he spends most of his time in DALLAS.......he profile messaged another member I wont tag because she appears to have ignored him, that he is located in Portland, OREGON, shockingly, said member ALSO resides in portland!! Go figure.......For another member who also ignored him, he claims to SPLIT his time around San Antonio, Texas......another where he claims to be in Grand Isle, wherever that is, I assume Nebraska since that's where thats member is located........

And, for member @Kristy who believes it's fair to tag whatever asshole (@fearlesswinter ) is being called out, I'll tag the douche and give him a chance to come tell some lies here or let it ride, whichever he chooses to do. And I tagged all mentioned members as well, just for good measure.

TLDR.....Remember boys and girls, take a look at member post history, because the story of liars changes based on who they are currently lying to. If their post history is hidden from you....stop for a second and ask yourself WHY that might be.
Thanks for the weird, stalkerish interest in my location! It's not concerning at all to know that somebody I rejected is actively searching for me. As you know, I travel a lot for work, and am in many different locations. Have fun with your bitterness!
Someone you rejected? Are you on drugs as well as just stupid? You couldn't reject me, asshat, I don't suck cock.

Further, you're a liar and a catfish and if you have a problem being called out, then mend your ways, clown.

YOU are the EXACT type of member here people should be highly aware of being in contact with. CLOWN.
Just a heads up to all my happy zoo friends.........BEWARE of this fucking clown.

He hides his profile so I'll post a link to his post history so you can all see for yourselves. No idea where this asshole atually IS located but he claims to be anywhere his targeted female is located, but so far he's "advertising" his ficticious dogs on 3 continents. As for what I personally looked at......he just a few minutes ago hit up a female in Pennsylvania, US ( @knottynewbie ), now deleted by mods for sharing outside contact ID........Also a young college age female in London, UK (@ShortBritishGirl19 ), which you'll see in the post history if you look. And also a middle aged female from Sydney, AUS (@Dahlia ) who appears to have gone inactive since september..................All messages to profiles, and several others, the exact same cheap cut and paste msg. Below is the link to his post history. Account name is Fearlesswinter. At various points, like all catfishing asshats, he claims this and that.....in one series of comments, he claims he travels for work but spends most of his time in ATLANTA ( member @mandywantsAbone )....in another series of profile comments, he claims while talking to a member from Dallas, TEXAS ( @Ebonywantsdog ), that he spends most of his time in DALLAS.......he profile messaged another member I wont tag because she appears to have ignored him, that he is located in Portland, OREGON, shockingly, said member ALSO resides in portland!! Go figure.......For another member who also ignored him, he claims to SPLIT his time around San Antonio, Texas......another where he claims to be in Grand Isle, wherever that is, I assume Nebraska since that's where thats member is located........

And, for member @Kristy who believes it's fair to tag whatever asshole (@fearlesswinter ) is being called out, I'll tag the douche and give him a chance to come tell some lies here or let it ride, whichever he chooses to do. And I tagged all mentioned members as well, just for good measure.

TLDR.....Remember boys and girls, take a look at member post history, because the story of liars changes based on who they are currently lying to. If their post history is hidden from you....stop for a second and ask yourself WHY that might be.
Excellent work on this! I know it took a lot of time and we all appreciate it.
For anyone reading this thread, and interested......the account just now banned was also most likely another sock-puppet account, as it was created April 22, 2022 but no posting at all was done until June 27, 2023......most likely meaning the asshat called that account up for service after being banned on another account.

Anyone here interested in actually meeting people would do themselves a service by LOOKING HARD at any accounts post history and noticing HUGE red flags like a large gap between starting an account and when posting starts.....it's not always nefarious, but, why take a chance, look, see, be REAL curious and ask questions...........Be safe.
For anyone reading this thread, and interested......the account just now banned was also most likely another sock-puppet account, as it was created April 22, 2022 but no posting at all was done until June 27, 2023......most likely meaning the asshat called that account up for service after being banned on another account.

Anyone here interested in actually meeting people would do themselves a service by LOOKING HARD at any accounts post history and noticing HUGE red flags like a large gap between starting an account and when posting starts.....it's not always nefarious, but, why take a chance, look, see, be REAL curious and ask questions...........Be safe.
All good points. Here's hoping mods right now, or as their time permits, are looking at things like IP addresses, or other indicators of duplicate accounts.
Just a heads up to all my happy zoo friends.........BEWARE of this fucking clown.

He hides his profile so I'll post a link to his post history so you can all see for yourselves. No idea where this asshole atually IS located but he claims to be anywhere his targeted female is located, but so far he's "advertising" his ficticious dogs on 3 continents. As for what I personally looked at......he just a few minutes ago hit up a female in Pennsylvania, US ( @knottynewbie ), now deleted by mods for sharing outside contact ID........Also a young college age female in London, UK (@ShortBritishGirl19 ), which you'll see in the post history if you look. And also a middle aged female from Sydney, AUS (@Dahlia ) who appears to have gone inactive since september..................All messages to profiles, and several others, the exact same cheap cut and paste msg. Below is the link to his post history. Account name is Fearlesswinter. At various points, like all catfishing asshats, he claims this and that.....in one series of comments, he claims he travels for work but spends most of his time in ATLANTA ( member @mandywantsAbone )....in another series of profile comments, he claims while talking to a member from Dallas, TEXAS ( @Ebonywantsdog ), that he spends most of his time in DALLAS.......he profile messaged another member I wont tag because she appears to have ignored him, that he is located in Portland, OREGON, shockingly, said member ALSO resides in portland!! Go figure.......For another member who also ignored him, he claims to SPLIT his time around San Antonio, Texas......another where he claims to be in Grand Isle, wherever that is, I assume Nebraska since that's where thats member is located........

And, for member @Kristy who believes it's fair to tag whatever asshole (@fearlesswinter ) is being called out, I'll tag the douche and give him a chance to come tell some lies here or let it ride, whichever he chooses to do. And I tagged all mentioned members as well, just for good measure.

TLDR.....Remember boys and girls, take a look at member post history, because the story of liars changes based on who they are currently lying to. If their post history is hidden from you....stop for a second and ask yourself WHY that might be.
Yess he’s scammed me before i spent three weeks talking to this prick and was wondering why i couldn’t report him

He lied to me and told me his dog died to guilt trip me into keep talking to him.

Also he made me take pictures for him.

PLSS stay far way i’m glad ur calling him out @fearless winter f u
Yess he’s scammed me before i spent three weeks talking to this prick and was wondering why i couldn’t report him

He lied to me and told me his dog died to guilt trip me into keep talking to him.

Also he made me take pictures for him.

PLSS stay far way i’m glad ur calling him out @fearless winter f u
He's gone. Dogluver server wiped that account.
Yess he’s scammed me before i spent three weeks talking to this prick and was wondering why i couldn’t report him

He lied to me and told me his dog died to guilt trip me into keep talking to him.

Also he made me take pictures for him.

PLSS stay far way i’m glad ur calling him out @fearless winter f u
In future, bring these asshats to a mod's attention. The worst they can say is there isn't anything they can do, which is the same as you doing nothing, *except* that it brings them to moderation team attention, which is a step in the right direction. And, mods cant correct problems if they dont know about the problem.

And, just my personal pet peeve.......don't let anyone coerce you into doing ANYTHING you dont feel comfortable with. You tell them to fuck right off and stop talking with them right then and there.
In future, bring these asshats to a mod's attention. The worst they can say is there isn't anything they can do, which is the same as you doing nothing, *except* that it brings them to moderation team attention, which is a step in the right direction. And, mods cant correct problems if they dont know about the problem.

And, just my personal pet peeve.......don't let anyone coerce you into doing ANYTHING you dont feel comfortable with. You tell them to fuck right off and stop talking with them right then and there.
We do pay attention to them. Even if they get rejected, the next report re-opens it. Enough of the same reports from different people and we start to research.
We do pay attention to them. Even if they get rejected, the next report re-opens it. Enough of the same reports from different people and we start to research.
Yes, sir, I'm aware. I more wanted to let her know that even if you guys can't really do anything THAT time, it gets them on your radar, where they belong.

Dogluver said much the same earlier today about this clowns past history.
Either they're hatching out of the woodwork or this guy is working more than one at a time. If this mutt or a "girl" connected with him tries to pull you off site, claims he was a mod elsewhere, or says hes a translocated Australian, he has no ones benefit but his own on his mind. And if that profile fits anyone else in contact with any member reading this, beware. This is a loathsome little bastard.
Either they're hatching out of the woodwork or this guy is working more than one at a time. If this mutt or a "girl" connected with him tries to pull you off site, claims he was a mod elsewhere, or says hes a translocated Australian, he has no ones benefit but his own on his mind. And if that profile fits anyone else in contact with any member reading this, beware. This is a loathsome little bastard.
I'm pretty sure this was a sock-puppet account, it went 13 months between opening and making 1st post and then semi-regular fishing postings.

The prick is probably already using another account as we speak.
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I'm pretty sure this was a sock-puppet account, it went 13 months between opening and making 1st post and then semi-regular fishing postings.

The prick is probably already using another account as we speak.
Agreed, since that's often the MO for these mutts. "A poor rat it is, that only has one hole" an old friend of mine used to say. But there is at least one other working that side of the block. Its truly too bad that there's no way to push a button and send a 220 volt shock Down the line for people like that. The guy I have in mind has a female roper and a couple of off site locations....Its been reported, but since he's offsite, it will take some time. Hopefully he or his little cannon will choke when they see this.
Hey everyone

The username baddragontiff is a fake profile. She pretends to be a old hook up partner of a man who has has a Yellow Lab and Cane Corso(might change pending on whom she contacts just my personal experience.) She asks if you want to get to know this person then vanishes to ask her old hook up if he's interested. Once she pops back after a while and says yes, she tries to get you off site. She says the guy is great and super patient, then once discovered she ghosts you. Please be careful.
Hey everyone

The username baddragontiff is a fake profile. She pretends to be a old hook up partner of a man who has has a Yellow Lab and Cane Corso(might change pending on whom she contacts just my personal experience.) She asks if you want to get to know this person then vanishes to ask her old hook up if he's interested. Once she pops back after a while and says yes, she tries to get you off site. She says the guy is great and super patient, then once discovered she ghosts you. Please be careful.
Just a tip.....one of the main reasons every owner I've ever known will run, not walk away, as fast as possible from any mention of any 3rd party bullshit is precisely because that is always some kind of con. Hands down, if you aren't in direct contact with someone, you are being conned. Even then you might be getting conned, but if there is a supposed 3rd party, it's definitively a con.
Hey everyone

The username baddragontiff is a fake profile. She pretends to be a old hook up partner of a man who has has a Yellow Lab and Cane Corso(might change pending on whom she contacts just my personal experience.) She asks if you want to get to know this person then vanishes to ask her old hook up if he's interested. Once she pops back after a while and says yes, she tries to get you off site. She says the guy is great and super patient, then once discovered she ghosts you. Please be careful.
This was the first person to message me here with the same story. I imagine the "friend's" location changes as well depending on who they are contacting.
Just a reminder......#1 rule is to STAY on this site when you're chatting, if you go offsite, ZV mods cant do a thing for you.

#2 is to SAVE these DMs. Catfishing is SPECIFICALLY against the site rules. Those DMs, if they contain the attempt, might be enough to get these douchebags banned.

Use the report button in the bottom left corner to report these pricks to site mods.
Agree wholeheartedly, friend. Unfortunately it's not against forum rules for members to simply LIE, pretend to be something they are not, or be a complete and utter douchebag, so there's that...