Speed dating can cause twitchyness
To those not familiar, it's usually done in bars where say, 10 women sit at small tables in a row, and 10 men sit in front of them. Buzzer goes off and each couple has 3 minutes to get to know each other and make a good impression. Buzzer goes off again and the men shift one table over, and the new couples get 3 minutes to get to know each other. That continues until everyone had a chance to interact with each other.
Hence, speed dating.
How it ends is each guy can put 3 women's ID number 1-10 on their slip, and each women can put 3 guy's ID number 1-10 on their slips. The bar reconciles and for any mutual matches, the bar gives them each other's first name and phone number.
I only mutual-matched once out of the three or four times I tried it out. Probably because I couldn't hide how uninteresting I thought the process was.
<robot voice>"Hi, I'm Steve, I'm 43, I'm a tax attorney, I'm divorced, no kids, seeking the love of my life. What's your favorite color?" Beep.</robot voice>
The women weren't any better. Stats, stats, stats. Once in a while there would be a woman who would cut through the chase with vigor. "Hi, I'm Maureen, I'm looking to be married within a year and have kids. How much do you earn?" Wow woman, that's some moose balls ya got there!
For me, it was people-watching with a really nice glass of red wine and I always went with a friend who for whatever reason, thought this was her only option.
The one guy I did mutual-match with was quite cool. He didn't prattle off his name or stats, and instead sat confidently with a big smile, and asked me what my passion was. What excites me every day. What rejuvenates my soul. So I said I love to read, particularly in the warm sun, and I named three somewhat esoteric books I enjoyed. He had read two of them, then the buzzer went off and I was actually pissed!
So, I put him on my slip by himself, didn't bother picking others because after three or four of these I was kind of done with it anyway. And apparently, he had done the same - he put just me on his slip.
We went out on two dates and both were really cool. The problem was logistics - he was a DJ in various major nightclubs and slept all day, I worked a 9-5. He also lived three hours away. But he was a cool guy. When either of us travel, we send each other post cards even today. I think that's pretty cool.