(Rules are subject to being updated over time. Click the Watch button at the top of this post to be notified of new posts in this thread.)
Agreement to read and view adult material: The sites is designed and intended to be used by consenting adults - people who are at least 18 years old. Legal and Terms
Welcome to ZooVille!
Thanks for making Zooville your home! We welcome everyone that's presently a zoo, curious, or just trying to get their feet wet! We have a list of rules bellow that everyone needs to follow.
If you have any questions or are not sure about something. Please don't hesitate to contact an admin or moderator:
The forum is predominantly English. With exception of the Bestiality Personal Ads & Meetup and Non-English Bestiality Discussion. Use English in the main forum or a translator. Non-English posts will be removed. Thank you.
Account limitations
Duplicate accounts
You are only allowed to have 1 account. Duplicate accounts will be banned along with the original account.
Username title and changes
Warning points and bans
Breaking the rules may lead to users gaining warning points. Points are either temporary or permanent.
High number of warning points may lead to a temporary or permanent account ban.
In severe cases users may be banned without prior warnings.
If you believe you have been given a point erroneously, feel free to contact a moderator by PM.
Reporting posts that violate the rules
If you see something that may violate a rule please report it by clicking on the report link at the bottom of the post or private message. Include any kind of useful detail in the report such as timestamps or pointers.
All reports are handled by multiple mods, depending on the report mods may contact you for more information.
Please also see how content that is considered/reported as abusive is handled.

Private message reporting
Zooville respects your privacy and does not read a member's private messages. However users may report PMs they receive if they believe they are against the rules. Please note, that we will only see one reported message at a time. We are not able to see the full conversation. If incriminating evidence is spread throughout multiple PMs, please report each message one at a time.
General behavior rules
No spamming, Flaming, Harassing and stalking. Users with multiple reports will be receiving warning points or a ban. Depending on severity.
Do not post a person's (or your own) personal information in hope to identify them.
PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Includes, name, nicks from other services, identifiable photos, physical address, phone number, links to social media (tiktok, facebook, twitter...) or any other source of information which may lead to revealing one's identity. (Stage names from porn only are allowed.)
Also includes AI generated/drawn/photoshopped porn using someone's real face or other identifiable information.
There is no way for us to determine if this is actually your information, or it belongs to someone you have a vendetta against.
A warning point will be applied to your account and multiple instances will lead to a ban.
NOTE: (City/State/ZIP codes/Provinces/Area codes, do not necessarily apply to this rule. For example, you can state that you are from Chicago, IL. But you cannot state that you are at 123 Fake St. Chicago, IL.)
Contact information
Do not post contact information on the forum, as a post on your or someone else's profile page or in your signature. Not even in the Bestiality Personal Ads & Meetup.
This includes e-mail / Telegram / Session / Matrix(Element) / Discord / KiK / Wickr / Whatsapp / phone number or any other chat app username, social media link or physical address or any other kind of contact information.
Mentioning that your username is the same as your chat app username counts as posting contact information.
Posting this information in the form of a picture, inside a video or as your profile picture is not allowed.
Posting these is only allowed inside a Zooville group (see below) or on your About profile page.
If your chat app ID is in your About profile page, you are not allowed to advertise that fact on the open forum.
If you want to give someone this information, do it in a private message.
This is for your own safety, only groups and the About page are not visible to unregistered guests.
Breaking this rule will result in a warning point.
Trying to obfuscate contact information in order to break this rule may result in multiple warning points.
Content rules
As stated in the forum's Terms of service (TOS below), we do not assume ownership of content.
Zoovilleforum is a free resource and will remain so, we will not attempt to commercialize any content uploaded to zooville. Please see our Privacy and Terms Policy.
Content theft
Do not share member created content without permission. We encourage you to watermark your content, but not with contact info. You can use your Zooville username or some kind of a symbol. (See further down.)
Members have the ability to request removal of their content even if someone else shared it here.
Claiming stolen content as yours will get you banned. This includes stealing photos of people from the internet and claiming it is you.
Do not use photos you have uploaded anywhere else. We will not verify it is you and it will be considered stolen.
Commercial content
Do not post content you do not have permission to post from the original author.
This includes content from commercial producers such as ZooSkool / Art Of Zoo, Seamless flow, Mr. Unimportant, Alison productions etc.
Abandoned content older than 2008 (Some Zooskool, Petlust.) is okay to post. (Much older porn is a gray area, and can be removed without warning or if reported due to conditions of the animal.)
Please add the appropriate tags.
Commercial content identifiers:
File sharing services and login sharing
Do not post links to mega or other file exchange services. This is for your own protection from phishing and viruses.
It is not allowed to post login information or passwords to commercial or any other websites including zooville.
Do not advertise that you want to exchange anything in the forum or anywhere else.
Breaking this rule will result in warning points or a ban.
Animal abuse
Animal abuse is not allowed in any form. This includes:
Discussions/approval/defense of pedophilia, hebephilia, MAP or any other form of pedophilia is not allowed and will result in a ban. Posting underage content in any form will also result in a ban. If the human appears to be underaged, we will treat the content as being underage.
This also extends to content with kids in the background (it doesn't matter if they can be seen or not). Do not upload! This can border on producing CP even if kids are not involved directly and will be removed without warning.
Liking pedophilic posts before removal will result in a ban.
Details about sexual acts of pedophilic nature are also forbidden. You can say things like, "I felt I was a zoo at xx age.", "I had my first zoo experience at xx age", as well as "I knew I was zoo by the time I was XX age.", but going into explicit detail about sexual acts with other humans or animals while underage is considered pedophilic. You will be given an infraction.
Using code words to indicate underage activity will result in a ban. This includes phrases like "no limits" and other pedo codewords such as Loli.
No posting of media with the word "teen." This indicates someone under the age of 18 and will be removed with a warning point.
Discussions/approval of incest is not allowed. Post will be deleted and warning points will be given.
Porn links are posted only in the link dump category.
Links that appear to contain malware or other viruses will be removed and the user receiving a warning point or a ban.
Links that are not allowed are listed here:
Intentional attempts to overcome the automated filter will result in warning points.
File sharing services. Such as Mega or other file sharing services are not allowed.
Fence hopping - Trespassing onto someone else's property to have sex with an animal you do not own.
Owner hopping - Having sex with animals you have permission to be with, but not have sex with. (e.g. dogsitting, dog walker, stable boy, etc.)
Strays - If you can have sex with them you can give them a home. Threads used to exploit stray animals just for sex will be deleted and may result in warning points.
Threads which contain users admitting to or encouraging fencehopping/ownerhopping will be removed and the user given a warning point.
If a user is caught posting content (pictures/videos) of themselfes fencehopping/ownerhopping, it will be removed and the user will be permanently banned.
Admitting to prior instances of fence hopping/owner hopping isn't necessarily against the rules, especially if the user expresses remorse for their prior actions and/or doesn't encourage the aforementioned behavior.
The dumpster fire
The dumpster fire section is considered as a free speech area. Controversial discussions are posted there.
The rules are looser in the DF, but:
No death threats, threats of harm, doxxing, calls to action, non-speech rule violations, false accusations of pedophilia and/or zoosadism, etc.
Breaking these rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban. This includes abbreviations like KYS for kill yourself. This is unacceptable in any part of the forum.
Selling/buying or exchanging services
Users are not allowed to sell or offer to buy any content or services anywhere on the forum or via private messages.
You can not use the forum to advertise you have content for sale elsewhere else such as on telegram, onlyfans or any other service where you ask people to pay you for content either.
Offering other forms of transactions in exchange for content or services such as renting or prostitution is not allowed either.
This is considered soliciting and will result in warning points or a ban.
Rehoming/selling/buying/trading of animals is not allowed.
Selling, buying, advertising or discussing where drugs can be obtained will get you an immediate ban.
Discussions having to do with non-hard drugs such as weed is ok. But no selling/trading/advocating or using the forum as a drug service.
Members are welcome to make groups on the site. Please be mindful of these rules while running your group. Please be aware moderators of this site have the final say if a group poses a security risk or breaks our rules.
Suppose you're interested in the Articles section. Please view the guidelines in that area by clicking here.
Zooville Chat
Technical notes
Posts pending approval: If you make a post and find it does not appear on the site. The site may have automatically set your post for approval. This does not mean you have a warning point on your account. It is spam prevention which may have noticed something that needs attention. Please do not double post as this may end up in the approval queue as well.
Agreement to read and view adult material: The sites is designed and intended to be used by consenting adults - people who are at least 18 years old. Legal and Terms
Welcome to ZooVille!
Thanks for making Zooville your home! We welcome everyone that's presently a zoo, curious, or just trying to get their feet wet! We have a list of rules bellow that everyone needs to follow.
If you have any questions or are not sure about something. Please don't hesitate to contact an admin or moderator:
Staff members
The forum is predominantly English. With exception of the Bestiality Personal Ads & Meetup and Non-English Bestiality Discussion. Use English in the main forum or a translator. Non-English posts will be removed. Thank you.
Account limitations
- To enable private messages (PM) or join groups, users need at least 10 posts/replies. Not 10 new threads and wait 12 hours. Post counter is on your profile page.
- New members can not follow profiles and like posts.
- To send PM attachments, users need at least 150 posts.
If you want to delete your account, do one of the following: - Send a private message to the admin @FloofyNewfie. If you can not send private messages because you are a lurker: - Report your own profile by clicking the report button on your profile page. And in the report say you want your...
Duplicate accounts
You are only allowed to have 1 account. Duplicate accounts will be banned along with the original account.
Username title and changes
Change username?
Hi, is it possible to change my username? I want it to align with my other sex site alias's
ZooVille Title/Ranking System
This is a question that gets asked VERY often on here, and it's not like it's some obscure secret that nobody is supposed to know about. So I figured I'd start this thread so that anytime anyone is curious about ZooVille's ranking/title system, it can be referenced. Your rank is based off of...
Warning points and bans
Breaking the rules may lead to users gaining warning points. Points are either temporary or permanent.
High number of warning points may lead to a temporary or permanent account ban.
In severe cases users may be banned without prior warnings.
A Breakdown on the Warning Points System
This thread is to serve as a basic comprehensive breakdown of the warning points system and what warning points/strikes mean. Baring zoo-sadism, pedophilia, being under the age of 18, doxing (as in posting PII of someone else), spamming advertising links, and a handful of other rule infractions...
Reporting posts that violate the rules
If you see something that may violate a rule please report it by clicking on the report link at the bottom of the post or private message. Include any kind of useful detail in the report such as timestamps or pointers.
All reports are handled by multiple mods, depending on the report mods may contact you for more information.
What is worth reporting (with examples and images)
Over the past few weeks I have been told that people are not sure what to report or what to look out for in videos. So here over time I will put examples and occasionally images of the stuff I regularly report and get successful removals from. Reporting content does not automatically remove it...

Private message reporting
Zooville respects your privacy and does not read a member's private messages. However users may report PMs they receive if they believe they are against the rules. Please note, that we will only see one reported message at a time. We are not able to see the full conversation. If incriminating evidence is spread throughout multiple PMs, please report each message one at a time.
General behavior rules
No spamming, Flaming, Harassing and stalking. Users with multiple reports will be receiving warning points or a ban. Depending on severity.
Do not post a person's (or your own) personal information in hope to identify them.
PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Includes, name, nicks from other services, identifiable photos, physical address, phone number, links to social media (tiktok, facebook, twitter...) or any other source of information which may lead to revealing one's identity. (Stage names from porn only are allowed.)
Also includes AI generated/drawn/photoshopped porn using someone's real face or other identifiable information.
There is no way for us to determine if this is actually your information, or it belongs to someone you have a vendetta against.
A warning point will be applied to your account and multiple instances will lead to a ban.
NOTE: (City/State/ZIP codes/Provinces/Area codes, do not necessarily apply to this rule. For example, you can state that you are from Chicago, IL. But you cannot state that you are at 123 Fake St. Chicago, IL.)
Contact information
Do not post contact information on the forum, as a post on your or someone else's profile page or in your signature. Not even in the Bestiality Personal Ads & Meetup.
This includes e-mail / Telegram / Session / Matrix(Element) / Discord / KiK / Wickr / Whatsapp / phone number or any other chat app username, social media link or physical address or any other kind of contact information.
Mentioning that your username is the same as your chat app username counts as posting contact information.
Posting this information in the form of a picture, inside a video or as your profile picture is not allowed.
Posting these is only allowed inside a Zooville group (see below) or on your About profile page.
If your chat app ID is in your About profile page, you are not allowed to advertise that fact on the open forum.
If you want to give someone this information, do it in a private message.
This is for your own safety, only groups and the About page are not visible to unregistered guests.
Breaking this rule will result in a warning point.
Trying to obfuscate contact information in order to break this rule may result in multiple warning points.
Content rules
As stated in the forum's Terms of service (TOS below), we do not assume ownership of content.
Zoovilleforum is a free resource and will remain so, we will not attempt to commercialize any content uploaded to zooville. Please see our Privacy and Terms Policy.
Content theft
Do not share member created content without permission. We encourage you to watermark your content, but not with contact info. You can use your Zooville username or some kind of a symbol. (See further down.)
Members have the ability to request removal of their content even if someone else shared it here.
Claiming stolen content as yours will get you banned. This includes stealing photos of people from the internet and claiming it is you.
Do not use photos you have uploaded anywhere else. We will not verify it is you and it will be considered stolen.
Commercial content
Do not post content you do not have permission to post from the original author.
This includes content from commercial producers such as ZooSkool / Art Of Zoo, Seamless flow, Mr. Unimportant, Alison productions etc.
Abandoned content older than 2008 (Some Zooskool, Petlust.) is okay to post. (Much older porn is a gray area, and can be removed without warning or if reported due to conditions of the animal.)
Please add the appropriate tags.
Commercial content identifiers:
Crap porn identification
Some bad/abusive porn shows up frequently. (Surprisingly it is often commercial zoo porn, who would have guessed.) So this place will accumulate identification screenshots along with links to the reports for fast reference...
File sharing services and login sharing
Do not post links to mega or other file exchange services. This is for your own protection from phishing and viruses.
It is not allowed to post login information or passwords to commercial or any other websites including zooville.
Do not advertise that you want to exchange anything in the forum or anywhere else.
Breaking this rule will result in warning points or a ban.
Animal abuse
Animal abuse is not allowed in any form. This includes:
- Torturing animals, gagging, necro.
- Forced sex including the use of bait for licking.
- Restraining/hogtie. No forcing an animal to stay if they're refusing to be in a position. Suppose they're attempting to leave, forcing them to remain in place is in violation of this rule.
- Sounding, insertion of objects into the urethra of an animal.
- Gerbilling or any other live insertions including with fish, eel, snake, insects, worms, etc.
- Having sex with fish or birds whose genitals are not built for penetration.
- Having sex with reptiles. (Solo and natural mating is ok. Humans must not be involved.)
- Having sex with animals, that are too small for a human.
- Large Insertions.
- Rough sex also known as 'hard'. Or anything that causes harm/blood. Heat cycle blood isn't what we're referencing here by 'causes blood'.
- Humans breastfeeding young animals of any kind.
- Having sex with animals that are not adult.
- Using any forms of medicine to sedate an animal for sex.
- Videos of one pulling on a tail may be removed. The tail is not to be used for support or to pull an animal. Suppose an animal is not willing to participate.
- Scat/vomit in any form between people or animals or people + animals.
- No human on human watersports (piss) or human on animal watersports.
Discussions/approval/defense of pedophilia, hebephilia, MAP or any other form of pedophilia is not allowed and will result in a ban. Posting underage content in any form will also result in a ban. If the human appears to be underaged, we will treat the content as being underage.
This also extends to content with kids in the background (it doesn't matter if they can be seen or not). Do not upload! This can border on producing CP even if kids are not involved directly and will be removed without warning.
Liking pedophilic posts before removal will result in a ban.
Details about sexual acts of pedophilic nature are also forbidden. You can say things like, "I felt I was a zoo at xx age.", "I had my first zoo experience at xx age", as well as "I knew I was zoo by the time I was XX age.", but going into explicit detail about sexual acts with other humans or animals while underage is considered pedophilic. You will be given an infraction.
Using code words to indicate underage activity will result in a ban. This includes phrases like "no limits" and other pedo codewords such as Loli.
No posting of media with the word "teen." This indicates someone under the age of 18 and will be removed with a warning point.
Discussions/approval of incest is not allowed. Post will be deleted and warning points will be given.
Porn links are posted only in the link dump category.
Links that appear to contain malware or other viruses will be removed and the user receiving a warning point or a ban.
Links that are not allowed are listed here:
Banned Websites
There has been a few postings from a certain website that is also housing CP. Do not post or even visit this website. Even just for zoo videos. There are plenty of other sites that have the same thing. Just without the CP added in. Links to this website will be removed. (Site name mentions mix...
File sharing services. Such as Mega or other file sharing services are not allowed.
Fence hopping - Trespassing onto someone else's property to have sex with an animal you do not own.
Owner hopping - Having sex with animals you have permission to be with, but not have sex with. (e.g. dogsitting, dog walker, stable boy, etc.)
Strays - If you can have sex with them you can give them a home. Threads used to exploit stray animals just for sex will be deleted and may result in warning points.
Threads which contain users admitting to or encouraging fencehopping/ownerhopping will be removed and the user given a warning point.
If a user is caught posting content (pictures/videos) of themselfes fencehopping/ownerhopping, it will be removed and the user will be permanently banned.
Admitting to prior instances of fence hopping/owner hopping isn't necessarily against the rules, especially if the user expresses remorse for their prior actions and/or doesn't encourage the aforementioned behavior.
The dumpster fire
The dumpster fire section is considered as a free speech area. Controversial discussions are posted there.
The rules are looser in the DF, but:
No death threats, threats of harm, doxxing, calls to action, non-speech rule violations, false accusations of pedophilia and/or zoosadism, etc.
Breaking these rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban. This includes abbreviations like KYS for kill yourself. This is unacceptable in any part of the forum.
Selling/buying or exchanging services
Users are not allowed to sell or offer to buy any content or services anywhere on the forum or via private messages.
You can not use the forum to advertise you have content for sale elsewhere else such as on telegram, onlyfans or any other service where you ask people to pay you for content either.
Offering other forms of transactions in exchange for content or services such as renting or prostitution is not allowed either.
This is considered soliciting and will result in warning points or a ban.
Rehoming/selling/buying/trading of animals is not allowed.
Selling, buying, advertising or discussing where drugs can be obtained will get you an immediate ban.
Discussions having to do with non-hard drugs such as weed is ok. But no selling/trading/advocating or using the forum as a drug service.
Members are welcome to make groups on the site. Please be mindful of these rules while running your group. Please be aware moderators of this site have the final say if a group poses a security risk or breaks our rules.
- Groups must have at minimum five members within a month, or they will be deleted.
- Groups must have the banner photo. Groups must have the descriptions filled out.
- Groups must be categorized correctly.
- Newly-made groups similar to other existing larger groups face review and/or deletion.
- Staff reserve the right to install themselves as members or moderators of any group for administrative purposes.
- Staff reserve the right to install a new owner of a group when necessary to preserve proper functioning of said group. For example if the owner leaves for an extended period leaving the group without moderation or a way to approve new members.
- Groups that fail any one of these rules face immediate deletion.
Suppose you're interested in the Articles section. Please view the guidelines in that area by clicking here.
Zooville Chat
- Rules are the same as on the forum.
- Accounts with no profile picture/inactive will be purged.
- If any room contains illegal content, the room will be removed. Users may be banned.
- Try to leave controversial topics alone. Usually politics, etc. We're not saying it is forbidden. Suppose an agreement does not go well. Let it be.
- No stalking members.
- No constant spamming.
- Ask before sending a PM a user. Users have the right to reject PMs.
- Users can ignore other users. Simply clicking on their name and clicking "ignore."
- Media posted in rooms is subject to removal if it is deemed to go against the forum rules.
- Posting pedo content will have your messages removed and your account banned on the chat and the forum.
- If we receive a report that illegal content is posted in DMs. You will be banned.
- Rules for special Media rooms: No chatting - It is for media only. Chat relating to posted media is fine. Requests are fine. Simple chatting is not allowed.
- No hentai allowed.
- If you create a room, make sure you have a mod or another admin in the room. If there is no mod/admin in the room for over two months, it will be considered abandoned and removed.
Technical notes
Posts pending approval: If you make a post and find it does not appear on the site. The site may have automatically set your post for approval. This does not mean you have a warning point on your account. It is spam prevention which may have noticed something that needs attention. Please do not double post as this may end up in the approval queue as well.