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Zooville Chat
As our chat is now operational, most of our rules are about the same as the site. No constant spamming. Try your best to get along if you don't agree with someone. But mostly, have fun!
Follow this link to see how to access it.
Zooville Chat

Rules for chat:
  • Try to leave controversial topics alone. Usually politics, etc. We're not saying its forbidden. If an agreement does not go well. Let it be.
  • No stalking members.
  • As we will say on the forums, it goes the same on the chat. If a member does not want unsolicited pms. End the discussion.
  • Ask to PM a user. (Pms can be rejected. As it's hard coded in the server. A user can accept or reject) MEMBERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO IGNORE PMS. ASK BEFORE DMING WHEN IN ROOMS.
  • Users can ignore other users. Simply clicking on their name and clicking "ignore"
  • Media posted in the media room is subject to removal if it is deemed to go against our guidelines. (See above our forum rules)
  • Posting of CP content will have your messages removed and account deactivated on the chat. Including the forum.
  • If we receive a report that illegal content is posted in DMs. You will be removed.
  • If you make your own room. Please follow the guidelines for posting media. THIS ALSO INCLUDES NO SCAT OR NECRO CHANNELS.
  • RULES ON MEDIA ROOMS: No chatting - It is for media only. Chat relating to posted media is fine. Requests are fine. Simple chatting is not allowed.

Created a room? Make sure you have a mod or another admin in the room. If there is no mod/admin in the room for over 2 months it will be considered abandoned and removed. If any rooms contains posting of illegal content, the room will be removed.
Was a long read but i got it
For linux users. I'm sure there's something for Linux users... But I'm not aware of any kind of software. If anyone does. Let me know!

Both GIMP and XnView have the ability to strip metadata, including EXIF. Pretty much every *nix distro comes with GIMP.
What is the minimal number of posts to be able to send pictures in private messages?
Update: Added rule 6.a about rehoming ads. This new rule states that:

"As of January 28th, 2021, ZooVille will NOT ALLOW ANY POSTS NOR THREADS TO BE CREATED PERTAINING TO THE "REHOMING"/SELLING/TRADING OF ANY ANIMALS OF ANY KIND. Even if there is NO FEES associated with the rehoming ad itself. This is to ensure the safety of your animals and the safety of our members."
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Hello everyone, proposal ... In my opinion it would be very useful to post a pdf manual here or on the telegram channel, a sort of vademecum for everyone, both newbies and elderly members of this wonderful community, containing all the rules of Zooville. How about? Thanks anyway for your attention and ... W Zooville always
For clarification on the FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE! stuff, is that just links, or any media that has the watermark?
Hello everyone, proposal ... In my opinion it would be very useful to post a pdf manual here or on the telegram channel, a sort of vademecum for everyone, both newbies and elderly members of this wonderful community, containing all the rules of Zooville. How about? Thanks anyway for your attention and ... W Zooville always
Could just come here and read the rules.
For clarification on the FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE! stuff, is that just links, or any media that has the watermark?
Links are not allowed, however videos with the watermark are, as long as they are decent videos and do not contain things that are against the rules. What we are trying to avoid is sending anyone to that horrible sadist and pedo infested site via a link. Would be awesome if the watermarks are removed though :)
I suppose I post this question here. If you notice or find out a member is using stolen or ripped off from the net photos for their profile pic and they're also posting stolen/ripped off nude photos as their own body or pet?

I understand some members not wanting to post anything to identify themselves but using other people's who probably aren't into zoo photos could ruin their livelyhood.
Where and who do I give the member's id number if this is reportable?
Where and who do I give the member's id number if this is reportable?
The convenient report button on their profile? But it's not against the rules to be fake, nor against the rules to post content that isn't yours (as stupid as that lack of rule is) except for copyrighted content and other zooville member's content. Being fake only breaks the rules if it's being used as phishing to pull idiots into something illicit.
The convenient report button on their profile? But it's not against the rules to be fake, nor against the rules to post content that isn't yours (as stupid as that lack of rule is) except for copyrighted content and other zooville member's content. Being fake only breaks the rules if it's being used as phishing to pull idiots into something illicit.
Appreciate it.