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I have to compliment the admins on taking the time to communicate the forum rules in a way that's easy to understand and without any gray areas that could lead to misunderstanding. Kudos!
I understand and agree to any & all of the aforementioned guidelines, rule and terms stated herein.
But I would also definitely appreciate any additional clarification on the requirements necessary for allowing new users access into groups, PM, etc.??
I think I broken a rule I did not mean to how can I there my discord server
Security and Posting Rules

1. Posting e-mail / Telegram / Session / Matrix(Element) / Discord / KiK / Wickr / Whatsapp or any other chat app username is ONLY allowed inside a Zooville group or on your About profile page. (Note: If your IM name/handle is in your About profile page, you are NOT ALLOWED to advertise that it is there on the open forum.)
  • Posting those in any other area of the forum is not allowed (not even inside a video or image).
  • Not even in the Bestiality Personal Ads & Meetup.
  • Not even in your signature.
This is for your own safety, only groups and the About page are not visible to unregistered guests.
All other postings will be removed, and the offending user will be given a warning infraction.
In all other areas have members contact you through PM instead.
You can then decide if you want to share those details with them. (Posting on their profile does not count as a private message.)
Phone numbers / Emails / Social media handles,
are not allowed to be posted on the public forum.
Hi, i do not understand something, yesterday for the first time I was able to react to posts and send messages, today i Lost those options again, why does that happen?
Hi, i do not understand something, yesterday for the first time I was able to react to posts and send messages, today i Lost those options again, why does that happen?
When you drop below 10 posts because something somewhere was deleted, you loose the privileges.
It's a long time to read but it was really very good to have done all this work of reflection and writing for the well-being of all (y)
You get chastised or told to move posts to "personals" why is the link to that section so hard to find?

The link from this page does not work :

The personal ads section is a major section accessible from the front page when you use the scroll wheel.
All links fixed in the post you mentioned.
You get chastised or told to move posts to "personals" why is the link to that section so hard to find?

The link from this page does not work :

Link works here. If you're trying to reply to it. It's closed to replies.
Edit. Actually the link takes you to the category. It says beastiality meet ups. It works on mobile.
Just a quick question because I couldn't find it posted here. How is one notified of an infraction? I noticed some of my post got deleted by an avatar with just a ? so I am thinking it is a bot.
You would get a PM. Deletions without warning points do not send pms. I deleted your posts because the contained phone numbers. And you should have a notification with an explanation.
Sorry I thought that since the pictures are publicly available at archive.org and I got the thread author's permission that they would be okay.

You would get a PM. Deletions without warning points do not send pms. I deleted your posts because the contained phone numbers. And you should have a notification with an explanation.
Like a PM in my Conversations section? I did see the reasoning in my alters.
The concern with images like this is that the numbers are functional and can be used to bully someone.
That's why movies and TV shows STILL use obviously fake 555 numbers. Idiots will call anything, and not just for nefarious reasons.

When Bruce Almighty was initially released God's number on Bruce's pager wasn't a 555 number. The writers just put in a random number, which turned out to be active. The owner of that number received thousands of calls from people trying to "call God" before he disconnected the number and sued the studio. Hence all subsequent non-theater releases have edited the pager to read a 555 number.

It's stupid to put your, or anyone's, real number anywhere that a mass public could obtain.
That's why movies and TV shows STILL use obviously fake 555 numbers. Idiots will call anything, and not just for nefarious reasons.

When Bruce Almighty was initially released God's number on Bruce's pager wasn't a 555 number. The writers just put in a random number, which turned out to be active. The owner of that number received thousands of calls from people trying to "call God" before he disconnected the number and sued the studio. Hence all subsequent non-theater releases have edited the pager to read a 555 number.

It's stupid to put your, or anyone's, real number anywhere that a mass public could obtain.
That's why when ever I sign up for something and they ask for a number I always give a fake either to a fax machine, public phone, or defunct area code like 987.