Just curious, is there anything that needs looking at, or what's wrong with them?i dont like these rules quite frankly no i dont see an issue with pedophilia or incest atleast not as a concept
4 years after joining.After finally reading the rules
And you remember everything you read 4 years ago and don't need a a refresher, admirable.4 years after joining.![]()
Just a little heads-up I modified this line and added a link there to be more aligned with how reports are treated usually.Members caught catfishing, scamming or claiming stolen photos will be removed without warning. In other cases being fake is not a reason for a ban, zooville is not a dating site. Use this thread:
Possibly some people do it on purpose, others might do it unknowingly through auto-correct. Whatever it is, it is somehow hilarious and a sad indictment of language education in certain majority-English speaking countries...What the fuck is this, I swear. People keep finding new things to misspell. ''Their'' and ''They're'', ''your'' and ''you're'', and now this fucking ''Should of'' shit? It's ''Should have''. It's not just some random thing, people are doing this on purpose, I swear.
Does your other account work okay?This account does not have the ability to follow other members.