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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

XenForo is the forum basis software. As such what everyone uses by access of this forum.
What is it you want to search for?

The words "my" and "dogs" in one text?
As long as there's at least one character or space before "my", you can use *my dogs

It will then list results which include both words but not in specific order. But this means that you also might get different words which include "my" at the end.
After all, the asterisk is a placeholder.

Edit: Oh, I see that unfortunately even as it still accepts the placeholder and doesn't exclude the short word directly, as you can see on the missing warning, it doesn't regularly appear in the results. Something has changed since the latest fixes, for a time in different XenForo forums it worked quite well.

Hmm. Now to find a workaround.. :ROFLMAO:
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Okay, some tries later..

You can put the "my" at the end of the string list and add the asterisk to search for thread titles (as you wanted) with it on last position.

You can as well add the "dogs" beforehand. But it seems to only search for it, if it's actually tagged with the label "dogs", which not many users do and as such the tags are quite low in usage. Or there are no threads labeled by "my" and "dogs" which would surprise me a bit.

As example if you search for "mare my*" in only titles, then it finds one result which has the tag "mare", with "pony my*" it finds it as well. In both cases reliable regarding the "my"-aspect, even if not tagged.

As the search string "girl my*" proves, it works like intended for some cases where there's actually characters following up the my.. - but I am not sure it still works with spaces. This string finds exactly two results, if searched only in titles.

Can you give me the links to the threads you want to find? Maybe that helps further than searching for something without knowing what it is.

Okay, solution found. ?

Even as the search mask tells that it ignores the "my" in this case, it still includes it and puts out almost exactly what you wanted.

Use "my?dogs" WITH the " " in the mask.
Activate the checkmark on "search titles only".

Looks like this, then:

Search engine tricks 01.png

If you want to search for the string: "Its in me ok"..

..use "Its?in?me?ok" in the mask, together with the ".
But I did not find any results, probably because this title doesn't exist.
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Seemed the whole site was down with a 502 Bad Gateway error for a little while, was that planned or was the site being attacked?
Dunno if it was a DDOS or something else, but starting around 23:00 my time last night, the site was basically unusable - timeout after timeout after timeout until I finally just said "screw it" and went to bed.
When writing a post I can click on ‘Attach files’.
what do you mean by ‘inserting’ a video ?
at the top, there is an "insert link" button, "insert image" button, "smilies" button, and so on. at very right at end of those buttons are three dots for "more options" then "Insert Video" is option under that.
There's some network stuff going on, so it's effecting everyone. Right now it seems like it's stable.
Yep... About 10-15 minutes ago now is the first time I've been able to get a connection all day. Up until now, it's been nothing but timeout after timeout when I tried.
Yep... About 10-15 minutes ago now is the first time I've been able to get a connection all day. Up until now, it's been nothing but timeout after timeout when I tried.
It did the same thing to me from around 5PM until just after 8:30, only way I managed to get on was through my search history.
Been getting the 400 error for over a week.
I've found clicking the 'view conversation' button in an old email left in the proton box, gets a login page without issues.
I think the homepage curled up and died.

Actually, nevermind, it's all white now!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH (im stuck here and in dumpster fire cause i have no other bookmarks)
I think the homepage curled up and died.

Actually, nevermind, it's all white now!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH (im stuck here and in dumpster fire cause i have no other bookmarks)

You can also navigate to the new posts, what's new (menu) and thru sub forums (using the directory links when in a post), just don't link to anything on the homepage until ZT regains consciousness from tripping over the cable ?
I think I'm traveling backwards through time, how on earth can someone quote a comment I made with a date that hasn't happened yet. Or is just because being in Australia we get to tomorrow sooner than people from say the US. I've never seen this sort of thing before has something on ZV changed recently?
Screen Shot 2023-05-11 at 01.38.14.png
I think I'm traveling backwards through time, how on earth can someone quote a comment I made with a date that hasn't happened yet. Or is just because being in Australia we get to tomorrow sooner than people from say the US. I've never seen this sort of thing before has something on ZV changed recently?
View attachment 392642
What kind of fox would I be if I couldn't outfox time?
I think I'm traveling backwards through time, how on earth can someone quote a comment I made with a date that hasn't happened yet. Or is just because being in Australia we get to tomorrow sooner than people from say the US. I've never seen this sort of thing before has something on ZV changed recently?
View attachment 392642
Maybe it's a timezone conflict with your computer settings vs the site?
I think I'm traveling backwards through time, how on earth can someone quote a comment I made with a date that hasn't happened yet. Or is just because being in Australia we get to tomorrow sooner than people from say the US. I've never seen this sort of thing before has something on ZV changed recently?
View attachment 392642
I've had this happen to me a several times before, although it's usually only "Later today in X minutes" and not that drastic. I can normally get it to trigger when I'm pressing the back button on the browser a few times, letting the page sit for a bit, and then click on the notifications bell. I've also seen it occur when looking at someone's "last seen" status on their profile "Last seen: In X minutes" instead of X minutes ago.

I started only noticing it occasionally doing this 2-3 months ago.
I've had this happen to me a several times before, although it's usually only "Later today in X minutes" and not that drastic. I can normally get it to trigger when I'm pressing the back button on the browser a few times, letting the page sit for a bit, and then click on the notifications bell. I've also seen it occur when looking at someone's "last seen" status on their profile "Last seen: In X minutes" instead of X minutes ago.

I started only noticing it occasionally doing this 2-3 months ago.
Thanks Floofy, that does sound right I am almost certain I had pressed the back button 3 or 4 times to return to a thread I hadn't finished reading from a while back in the session. Then later I saw numbers on the alert and click to see what was new. Which is when I saw this.

If only we could go back in time just with some browser clicks. :gsd_happysmile:

According to the site I've received 8,000 reactions. However only reactions from the " Like", "Love", or "Haha" count towards my reaction score. I'm curious as to why the others don't count as well. I can understand angry and sad not counting. But why does "Wow" not count toward the reaction score?

5,901 + 2,028 + 14 = 7,943

View attachment 419047

According to the site I've received 8,000 reactions. However only reactions from the " Like", "Love", or "Haha" count towards my reaction score. I'm curious as to why the others don't count as well. I can understand angry and sad not counting. But why does "Wow" not count toward the reaction score?

5,901 + 2,028 + 14 = 7,943

View attachment 419048
Somewhere around here, probably dated back in 2019 or 2020 (early in the history of the joint) there's a post that explains it in detail. Short form: Love = +1
Like = +1
Everything else = +0

If a post or thread that you got likes or loves on/in "goes away" for whatever reason (shitcanned by a mod, deleted by the creator, whatever) whatever likes/loves you got from it vanish along with. I *SUSPECT* what you're seeing is a "book-keeping bug" due to threads that got thwacked and didn't get handled properly, but I'd need to see the code to be certain.

Not knowing this after as long as you've been around here, you must be some kinda mushroom growing under a rock... :)
Somewhere around here, probably dated back in 2019 or 2020 (early in the history of the joint) there's a post that explains it in detail. Short form: Love = +1
Like = +1
Everything else = +0

If a post or thread that you got likes or loves on/in "goes away" for whatever reason (shitcanned by a mod, deleted by the creator, whatever) whatever likes/loves you got from it vanish along with. I *SUSPECT* what you're seeing is a "book-keeping bug" due to threads that got thwacked and didn't get handled properly, but I'd need to see the code to be certain.

Not knowing this after as long as you've been around here, you must be some kinda mushroom growing under a rock... :)
Yeah could probably be an issue when threads get deleted. But who knows lol

Yeah well I was on here back in 2019 too, but left and then rejoined :s

I don't know this because I'm a doofus :3
Somewhere around here, probably dated back in 2019 or 2020 (early in the history of the joint) there's a post that explains it in detail. Short form: Love = +1
Like = +1
Everything else = +0
Eh... I'm actually thinking it was more like in 2021 when you made that post. I think it's still in this section, but has since gotten buried.

Also, not quite, when it comes to the +1 of the points...

(y):love:? all add a point to your reaction score.

?:(:mad: all do not add a point to your reaction score.
Eh... I'm actually thinking it was more like in 2021 when you made that post. I think it's still in this section, but has since gotten buried.

Also, not quite, when it comes to the +1 of the points...

(y):love:? all add a point to your reaction score.

?:(:mad: all do not add a point to your reaction score.
I thought my posting of it happened before you got your mod badge. And I further thought we'd figured out that the haha didn't do anything? <sigh> Getting old (and perhaps a bit senile?) blows dead goats...
I think it is worth mentioning:

IF you are using an "unnaproved" mail account (maning you are not using Proton) and you start not receiving notification mails.

-> After one month without the site being able to reach your mail, your ZV account will get shitcanned. <-

(Also for accounts set up before the mail server limitation rule)

The top bar shows the issue, and the link to change mail.


* One feels soooo banned and wondering why * ??