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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

Noticed a whole bunch of 502 gateway errors around 16:45 pacific time - Finally gave up trying around 17:00. Anybody else notice it, or just me?
It’s been happening to me all night. I was just able to log back on, but I’m expecting to be kicked off here soon again.
Noticed a whole bunch of 502 gateway errors around 16:45 pacific time - Finally gave up trying around 17:00. Anybody else notice it, or just me?
I have had the same happen, couldn't even get back on until now. Many errors before that but could get back on after minutes until this last time.
WTF is / was wrong? Sometimes i could get on but a lot of text shit : bad gateway
So I wasn't the only one having troubles... <whew> Was starting to worry I was going nuts...

(Any cracks along the lines of "Going? You've been there for years!" will earn you a minimum of 3 slaps upside the head with a dead trout...)
The simple answer: NO. But those motivated purely by their dicks will continue being idiots.
Um what? None of my embed clips here were of a sexual nature (they were all shown on TV at one point or another) and you could watch them all on the site, you didn't have to go to Youtube to see them. So what exactly would the problem be?
So I wasn't the only one having troubles... <whew> Was starting to worry I was going nuts...

(Any cracks along the lines of "Going? You've been there for years!" will earn you a minimum of 3 slaps upside the head with a dead trout...)
"When exactly did you lose you mind?

Three months ago. Woke up one morning married to a pineapple... AN UGLY PINEAPPLE. Ah but I loved her."
Um what? None of my embed clips here were of a sexual nature (they were all shown on TV at one point or another) and you could watch them all on the site, you didn't have to go to Youtube to see them. So what exactly would the problem be?

Without the connection to "here", and all that "here" implies, no problem at all. The connection from here to <insert even slightly-raunchy - even if TV safe material> makes it dangerous in more ways than I can even begin to list.
Hot links to ANY where ought to be disabled. Since our neighborhood Stalker can get in with impunity, why would anyone think others, such as LE, or even google codrrs havent? Whats so damn hard about copy/paste? Stiffies
dont disappear in thirty seconds until youre at LEAST sixty.
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502/504 Gateway Errors should be fixed as of now.
out of curiosity what was the cause?

also unrelated to the 502 and 504 situation but i still can't message people but i still can't message people? is this normal? if i need to do something im a bit confused as i thought once im not a lurker i'd be able to.
also unrelated to the 502 and 504 situation but i still can't message people but i still can't message people? is this normal? if i need to do something im a bit confused as i thought once im not a lurker i'd be able to.
You can, your button is active. If you still can't you're either trying to message lurkers or people who have messaging disabled.
You can, your button is active. If you still can't you're either trying to message lurkers or people who have messaging disabled.
works now, idk what was up, i just became a tourist so it might have been lag. ironically it started working right after i posted that.
Log off order from one device doesn't log out any other devices. Personally I see it as a security threat. If I'm logging off I'm doing it for a reason. Log off should mean log off account wide.
But I can Invision certain circumstances where the above might be an issue.
I can certainly see that could be a problem. But I'm not sure I would ever want to be logged in to a site like ZV on two devices at the same time anyway. If I want to do something here that one device can't do for whatever reason, I would log out of the first device before logging in on the second. I think leaving yourself logged in when your not actively using the site might be a potential security issue in and of itself. But I hope that someone who knows about such things can address the issue for you.
Are the old forum posts / topics /files going to ever be restored? Do you need someone to help with that?
The original site before the switch over this forum software? No. It was wiped. Previous members were given the ability to go back on to it when we hosted it for archive only so they can get whatever they needed.
You just now reached the post requirement to send PMs and join groups. You should be able to now, if not wait a little bit and then it should work. If it still does not you can try logging out and logging back in.
I am still having same problems joining a groupd. Seems the problem is that the group owner has 0 posts...
I am still having same problems joining a groupd. Seems the problem is that the group owner has 0 posts...
Then they're not someone who should be making a group. And there wouldn't be anyone but them in the group even if they did make it anyway.