Citizen of Zooville
Eh, I just decided to fix it myself. In my version both male and female bestiality can be consensual without the need to bond an animal. Animals will seek sex with humans if they can't find their own species to mate with, and humans as always will seek sex with animals if they are zoophiles or get too horny. The biggest difference is that it's no longer rape-based; if the animal or human declines then the one who initiated the encounter will respect their decision and no sex will take place. They can try again later. Bonded humans & animals always accept offers from their lovers.Spontaneous bestiality happens when a pawn has both the zoophile trait and a bonded animal. If you want more control, there's a mode that allows you to designate a pawn as a "Hero" and you can control them a bit, removing the need for a bonded animal for consensual bestiality. I've been using this mod on and off for years.
Edit: corrected spelling errors
I also made a bunch of new log entries for bestiality that are way more sexy than just "X mounted Y"