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zoo gamers?

I play mostly Battlebit, VtM, red dead online snd scp games on steam.

I am willing to play with anyone really. Dm me your steam if your down to game!
I play...
Sea of Thieves, Space Engineers, 7 Days to Die, Baldur's Gate 3, Deep Rock Galactic, Ember Knights, Grounded, Payday 2, Project Zomboid, Raft, Risk of Rain, Stardew Valley, Terraria, V Rising, and War Thunder.
And that's just what I have installed, should you be interested, DM me, I only have Steam and whatever you can crossplay through the Xbox app

edit: misplaced comma
Heya, I'd love to! I do have Steam but would only really share it privately, not in a forum post. I play all sorts of games, currently though I am playing loads of Guild Wars 2 and Baldur's Gate 3.
I used to love Apex Legends as a decent keyboard and mouse player with a lifetime of PC FPS experience but aim assist on controllers has completely wrecked the experience, getting bum rushed with SMGs letting aim assist win the fight with perfect tracking.

When I want to feel good about myself now I farm boomers and bots in Enlisted usually with 100+ kill matches... shit rolls downhill, controller players shit on me so I shit on war sim dads, lol.

Lots of retro and emulation also, mostly 16-bit.
Big gamer! Favorites are rpgs, mmos and strategy games to name a few. Baldur's gate 3 has been amazing!
Id love to play some games with some fellow zoos, been playing mostly fps and survival/RPG games but im down to play anything. If anyone wants to play something just DM me your steam
Would love to game with some fellow Zoos
Mostly play Rts games but feel free to have a look at my library and add me if yall wanna play something
Steam code: 136218993
Anyone feel like adding each other on discord via DMs on here?
Would love if I had some more people to play with

Also just a shoot in the dark idea but I’d think it’d be kinda awesome if there was a zoo exclusive minecraft server ngl
yes i'd love if there was a zoo-only minecraft server! sometimes when i play minecraft i make my avatar crouch and "kiss" all the animals. actually i did that when i finally accepted my zoophilia cause i was so happy
Feels bad when most of my WoW guild bought into the early access and are all playing the new expac tonight meanwhile I'm feeling left out cuz I can't bring myself to buy early access bullshit for 3 days ?
Been playing the newest GW2 expansion the past couple of days. I really didn't think Anet had it in them to cook this hard after how awful SotO was, but this expansion launch has been fantastic. Hopefully the quarterly releases are strong because I think JW could easily surpass EoD for me if they are.
Feels bad when most of my WoW guild bought into the early access and are all playing the new expac tonight meanwhile I'm feeling left out cuz I can't bring myself to buy early access bullshit for 3 days ?
My wife and I didnt either.. i was like I dont really want to spend the extra for nothing really useful. Got one with the mount, that was enough. Weve been doing radiants to gear up our alts for release day
Any PS5 PS4 gamers here play alot of fallout 76 rainbow six ark looter shooter or racing also have Xbox series x mainly been playing Forza horizon 5
Probably not a whole lot of crossover between PC gamers and zoo's, but if you are of the inclination, it would be fun to play some games together. I mostly fuck around in gmod or cs:go these days but add me anyway, maybe I'll like

Come shitpost with me in CS:GO or GMOD because I'm not good anyway. I'll even load up fuckin Minecraft again after a few years if someone is into that.

Feel free to share your Steam accounts as well! It's a shame if we are all zoo's on this website yet aren't connected playing video games.

(zoo steam group when?)

Edit Our wonderful mods have brought up a valid point.


I am using an alt account on Steam, it might be worth it for you to do so as well!
I already made my profile

I don't think I'll buy games in that account nor link it as a family with my main account, but could be fun to try some free to play stuff from time to time.

I'm a big PC gamer and occasionally PS5, currently playing Valheim :)

Would be great to meet others into gaming but not sure how to do it without also partially doxing myself lol